Suicide Ganking in High Sec

Well, I could tell you why your opinions are wrong, and why your attitude is the biggest obstacle to your success, but I’m getting really tired of repeating myself. Just yesterday, I was in another gank complain thread talking about how every time someone creates one of these threads, they reset the conversation to zero. Sol says it’s on purpose. He says since they can’t defeat us with well reasoned argument and evidence, the nerf gankers have launched a coordinated attack meant to burn us out by making us keep arguing the same points over and over and over and over… and over and over and over. Maybe. But he might also be giving them too much credit. Besides, it could simply be due to Eve having a never-ending stream of people who respond to adversity by complaining. So, I dunno.

What I do know, however, is that this thread is redundant. @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode Could you please merge this into any of the existing gank threads?

Now, if you want to learn how to reduce your chances of being ganked to damn near zero, you should check out the “how not to be ganker bait” section of the nerf ganking megathread. If you have any questions after that, don’t hesitate to ask.
No P2W