[Summer 2019] New Pirate Implant Sets

i cant even be bothered tbh

Great news, thanks for keeping us posted :slight_smile:

I saw this before you edited it. It’s always cute when poor people complain. Just train and buy both; you’ll be nerfproof.

These implants are way too good and controversial, and the renaming makes no sense. April fools.

hmm… want to know more about passive regens

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The new slaves really need to have an equal reduction in passive shield regen.
As currently proposed they’re better than the new “amulet” slave replacement in literally every way, and effectively give two bonuses for shields without a even signature radius increase.

Whats so complex in changing from “+x% shield HP bonus” to “+x% shield HP bonus and +x% shield recharge time penalty”? Both bonus and malus to be affected by implant set effects. That way shield regen rate will stay the same and whole set overall will be equal to current armor slave set.

No confusion and no complexity.


I like these implant concepts, but before anything can we discuss the broken af Triglavian ships?

Considering they are planning to add more triglav ships, which will be even more broken than the ones now…
probably not

This is 100% real and legitimate, Shield slaves and armour hacs are now a thing

Can we also get high grade virtues?

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I, too, do most of my forum activity from the toilet.

Also I hope this isn’t just a prank bro.

And alsooo you guys worrying about shield regen like do you know how much fitting you have to sacrifice to make a shield buffer big? Shield fits don’t have 1600s and the larges eat up mids like crazy. If someone’s gonna fit their drake with full recharge I think he deserves to be tanky cause he just ate up all of his slots.

So after messing around with it a bit, I don’t think these can honestly go live without some tweaks to existing modules. Not even in like an experimental sense either.

Assuming I didn’t mess up royally I managed to get a cheap fit wyvern over 100m EHP cold, and a Komodo up to 331m EHP hot (not to mention 119k EHP regen). Havent even looked at what a phenom could do to that.

Clippy just popped up and asked if I wanted to add a damage cap and RF cycle…

A huge chunk of that HP comes from the PDUs and extenders being so close to armor plates. The PDUs alone add about 78m ehp on this fit.

I’m really against the idea of just going after supercap HP alone. Because then that’ll put shield caps generally in a situation where they’re constantly having to use 3-4 more slots to achieve decent tanks relative to armor. It really should remain a system where shield and armor have good access to their low or midslots at similar levels.

Also another option to look at; Shield supers in general tend to have more HP focused on their primary tank while armor has HP spread more evenly across shield and hull, which gives more inherent value to similar tank modules on shield ships than armor. Considering that shield has access to things like adaptive invulns, it wouldn’t be entirely unfair for armor ships to have a larger chunk of their HP dedicated to armor than shield does. Kind of swapping the current trend around a little.

Although, I’ve generally argued that someone should take a baseball bat to capital HP levels overall…

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We do not know about cap and shield regen changes. It is entirely possible that not only shield regen time and cap regen time modifiers will be stacking penalized, but cap amount and shield amount modifiers too. This would nerf passive tanks alot, and PDS as a module too (because it has all 4 modifiers, but they are weak). So I would not preemptively whine about shield regen, until you know how modules and stacking is going to change, because they are integral part of it.

But I agree that shield buffers might need to be looked at, in any case: I’d assume that every super has HG or MG slave (HG is +46% shield buffer compared to genos, which at the very least offsets any possible nerfs), and that every other ship might have MG as well (if they’ll be 750m a piece), to prevent edge-case abuses.

Would you consider not renaming Slave implants? A lot of people have gotten used to the name so they’re gonna stick with it in their minds. I know that renaming makes sense, but it also makes more sense to rename Jump Freighters into Logistics ships insteead of giving that name to remote assistance ships yet I don’t see you guys doing that. Still, thank you Fozzie - few years ago I suggested implant set giving bonus to capacitor capacity and got mocked at that, having been told that such implant set would be overpowered on capitals and that you would never listen to such stupid suggestion. But I’m gonna remind you that we still don’t have implant sets with following bonuses:

  • Shield recharge rate
  • Capacitor recharge rate
  • Scan resolution
  • Targeting range

Both new implant sets that affect shield hp and capacitor capacity will improve recharge rates as well, unless recharge time gets proportionally adjusted/penalized.

Edit: btw, same can be applied to Shield Extender modules and Capacitor batteries - logically they should not increase recharge rate, but currently game operates under assumption that capacity they add is recharged instantly. If recharge time penalty were to be applied to these types of modules as well then that would have given CCP more room to wiggle with Shield and capacitor recharge re-balance, imo.

Yeah yeah I know how shield/cap recharge works but we already have separate skills that govern shield/cap recharge time and capacity, so why not implants as well? Shield slaves would be better choice if you want more buffer while shield recharge set would provide better passive tank. Cap capacity set would be great for FAXes but a cap recharge set would be popular among ratters who want cap stable fits, especially if Fozzie gives stacking penalties to cap rechargers as promised.

I really like the look of some of these new sets, however, I do have one concern. The current skills allows each capsuleer to have a total of 11 Jump Clones.

Now most people would agree that’s a lot of Jump Clones, however, there are currently 11 types of implants from the High/Mid/Low grade varieties.

Slave (Armour/Amulet)

With the introduction of the new sets, that brings us up to 15 types.

Slave (Shield)

For the players that like to mix up their play styles to enjoy lots of different ships (assisted by a lot of different implants), it’d be great to see the existing skills modified to allow for more JCs, or even by introducing a new skill.

(And I’m not even including having something like a learning clone or a Genos clone in the above mix).

Edit: formatting.

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under what circumstances is it better to use Halo set than any other?

Maybe its time to balans it :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing to look at for the hydra set is might be a bonus to drone bay and/or fighter hangar size. Not only an overall increase in the total HP in your drone bay, but also gives the side benefit of extra flexibility in choice for drones. For example it could give the aeon and wyvern a better ability to match the strengths of the nyx and to a lesser extent, the hel.

This is something that might also be interesting as a rig or module, but that’s another story.