"Sundsele Six" Missing - A call for Support and Justice

I’m sure the slaves on your estate will back that up, too.


A simple “no” would have sufficed, Miss Arrendis. As I’ve stated before, from an outsider’s perspective, things look quite different without context. It does quite look like xenophobia. Still, I see that there is perhaps more nuance than one could expect beneath the surface. I’ll apologize for my ignorance of the Matari’s handling of affairs.

As for this, well… You’re welcome to prove me wrong.

Except a simple “no” would not be accurate. If I’ve insulted you, or otherwise done something you think I should apologize for, please tell me what that was. I’m not going to apologize for nothing. That would be a bit ridiculous, don’t you think?

Missed the last sentence before the quote. So, in response to:

Sure. No problem. Ignorance is only to be expected. After all, you can’t know what you’ve never learned. What was objectionable wasn’t your ignorance, but the presumptions made on that ignorance, and the belittlement of people pointing that ignorance out.

But your ignorance? Sure, nothing there to forgive. That’s all good.

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Do you mean to play a game with me, Miss Arrendis…? The apology for the presumption and “belittlement” was encompassed with the apology of ignorance as the former could not have existed without the latter. As for your insults, I’d much rather not spend more time dealing with hair-splitting like the above.

Thank you, ma’am, and good day.

And she is welcome to try and convert me, just as I am welcome to try and talk her to come back home.

Moving to off-topic because Cain’s right and I feel dirty saying that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Miss Amadi,

Arrendis has not levied any insults towards you. She simply responded to your posts honestly (if a bit bluntly, admittedly).

Your conduct on this thread however, cannot be said to be the same. At the risk of generalizing the second largest faction and arguably the most diverse, you have reacted in a stereotypical Federation way: assume that you know best, and get offended when ever it is pointed out that perhaps no, you don’t.

I would ask that this thread returns to the Topic at hand, that of which supporting the Sebiestor Tribe and all affiliated security services on their ongoing investigation.

Calm down folks, it’s just a Fed asking questions.

Though another separate thread for the cultural exchange might feel a little less… meddle-y.

As a Matari raised by Gallente abolitionist parents in the Federation I find all this Fed-bashing a tad uncomfortable.

But at the expense of further derailing this thread I’ll just stop at that.


I will probably never understand why Feds feel it is “bashing” if I say that they are Fed, or that if they are not members of the tribe they are, uh, not members of the tribe. Why is it a touchy subject?


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