Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Intention in their own words: “The quest for a healthy Capital ecosystem continues with a massive update to Capital survivability, resistance modules, and more in the Surgical Strike update, coming this April!”

Solution in their own words: “The biggest change coming in this update is a 20% reduction in the power of all modules that increase shield or armor resistances. That means energized plating, armor coating, armor hardeners, shield hardeners and shield resistance amps.”

I think it might be you that has comprehension issues.


This is ridiculous - why don’t you just say you want miners out of the game? First you strip 3/4 of ore supplies, and now not only do you nerf tank by 20%, you also think its a great idea to increase T2 ammo by 15%?

Why can’t you make one change then balance it properly? I could take the shield nerf and understand the goal - but then you also buff damage and include a snide little “and of course Void” comment.

The mineral change already made me unsub 2 pilots since I don’t need them any more. Now your usual blind sledgehammer approach is making it even more difficult to justify investing more time in EVE.

Changes for the good are fine, even if it penalises some areas. Crazy power shifts just show you have no idea how to fix what is broken.


First, I thank you for your participation. I am enjoying this debate :smile:

Disruptive forces → emergent behaviors → inherent mechanics encourage players to seek help from others. EVE requires mentorship, and there is no shortage of new players reaching out to others on Forums, Reddit, in-game help/recruit channel, in-game adverts, etc. I’ve found that if players are patient enough to complete the NPE/Career Agents/SOE Epic arc they will have the reflexes and knowledge and enough skill and assets to move onto L1s and onward, and if they lose everything and are back to a Corvette they can rebuild from scratch (or they can just do one minute of Project Discovery to get 1m ISK and get a new frigate fitted to run L1s).

Having trained hundreds of newbies that ultimately became self-sufficient, less than 5% of the time (prob closer to 1%) I’ve encountered a player that could not reach the level of self-sufficiency (usually because they were stupid IRL as a person rather than because they struggled with EVE specifically). This is true whether or not they are given seed ISK/assets (which is very commonly done in even the smallest of corps - it is closer to the norm than the exception) - most of the time I don’t give them seed assets, instead giving them a list of milestones to reach and the order in which to reach them. Project Discovery is a nice safety net for the royally ■■■■■■ and without friends to get ISK/assets from if you don’t want to whip out the Corvette. Once you have your 1m ISK frigate doing L1s, a lot of momentum can be gained snowballing wealth toward large ships and higher end PVE. All the while, your SP is training anyway.

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6 months at least. 1 month won’t give anyone any useful data on long-term trending, especially not with the events and login campaigns polluting the data.


Folks are going to have to adjust to the new risk/reward balance. You are going to have to be okay with losing some ships if you want to keep your income stream going, and you may have to start diversifying what you do to make isk so that you’re not relying on a single stream of income.

We know, because CCP has told us, that this scarcity period is going to be tough on everybody.


Nicolai Serkanner, if my opinions do not register with you, why do you take the time to respond to them? You won’t convince me that my opinions are bollocks so I believe you are wasting time then, in every sense of the words.

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Came for the salt, was not disappointed.


I respond to even out the ■■■■■■■■ you spout here. Just for the odd chance the people at CCP might listen to your garbage.

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I have fed a maelstrom and two vargurs to minor conduits in the last three months. Where’s the isk coming from to replace the ships I need to run the new content CCP are releasing?
PI? Mining? Incursions? Abyssals? Trading? Industry? Or just back to crappy mission running?


Then decrees income. Not make content higher and unplayable by people that don’t have 5 bilions of isk and 6 years of SP.

In the end. Same content will be farmed only by high end players because increased value. CCP really don’t understand own game?

I don’t mind changing balance and bringing less isk. But I’m against dumb changes that will change nothing expect widening gap between new player and vet.


I honestly wonder how many people are trolling, and how many are just not reading thoroughly.

20% reduction in resistances does NOT equal 20% reduction in tank.

Invul II for example:
Current 30% all resists.


Equals 24% resists.

You just swapped your T2 for a T1 invul. The game is not ending.

Now HTFU, and go train Reading Comprehension IIi.


Know whats never on that list anymore? The legion, know what ccp took away over 10% of the pwrg from?


Buoytender Bob I didn’t even think about it from that angle. You may be absolutely right, as everything is being done in that direction:

  • Less isk to go around in the form of reduced mineral output and other similar nerfs
  • More expensive ships
  • Ships much easier to blow up and gank

All of that equals an increase in PLEX needs. I didn’t consider that motivation at all, but it makes 100% sense.


Yeah, it’s basically a loss of ~5% effectiveness for logistics.

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All of the above. Any of those are ways to make isk to replace the ships you lost. There are a myriad of ways to generate isk in this game.

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Not all miners.
Just miners like yourself!

Not only are better miners around already …
… more of them will come!


They have all been nerfed. I only enjoy three of them and now they are much harder to do the way I want. This will make me MORE risk averse not less. That’s actually what scarcity does, apart from increase crime.


There has to be a sliding scale of content, so that new players have a progression of things they can do over time. This is how every MMO is set up - you do basic content until you skill and gear up to mid-range, then high-end, then end-game. Given how many different kinds of PvE there is to do in EVE, making it a little harder to immediately jump into the high end and end-game content is not a bad thing.

CCP understand their own game just fine. They’re making the changes they think are necessary for the game surviving in the long run. That means getting new players in while challenging old players and giving us reasons to change things up and theorycraft.


Plz unsub more

I may start mining when Trit reaches 30isk


100,000 payers in the game sounds excellent.