Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

CCP won’t listen to me anymore than they’ll listen to you, or Brisc Rubal here. You don’t have to be concerned about that.

Someone posted on the thread about driving up PLEX demand and I hadn’t even thought about that as a CCP motivation but it makes sense. Long-term it will hurt subscription numbers but for 6-12 months, more players will have to use PLEX to sustain themselves as ships blow up more easily, are more expensive to build, and isk is harder to come by. It’s a short-term way of looking at things for the business but is very consistent with the changes, and I understand it at least. Mystery solved.


They will have to be more proactive than waiting 6 months. They are making dramatic changes; some good, some bad, and some #shrug# . I think that they are starting to move too far (percentages wise), rather than too fast; jeopardizing long term players who have stayed with CCP for a decade or more. All in the attempt to rein in the power and financial clout of the largest NS blocs. While I agree they muddy the data stream water with all their campaigns/events, CCP has to be far more willing than they have been in the past to adjust game mechanics in a timely manner.


You lost three ships in months.
That’s not enough.

The fact that they cost a shitton of ISK is on you.
The fact that you’ve lost them is also on you.

You have no ground for complaints.



Exactly. We’re not talking about earth shattering changes here for most ships. Only the really big ships are going to see significant EHP nerfs - supers may get a 50% ehp nerf, titans in the 40% range, which they absolutely needed. Everybody else is not exactly getting nerfed into oblivion here, so just be nicer to your logi and don’t get too bent out of shape if your killboard is more red than it used to be.


I think they will be. That’s basically a huge chunk of Rattati’s job, from what he said on PTT this weekend.

So how does that marry up to the fact that in the past, these things were the case, and EvE had more population?

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All of the above

I see good changes here. Resists nerfs will shake up meta a bit, and will take some time to properly get used to it and theory craft new fits, but other than that it is good. Finally it will make things harder. Also increase in ganking will be good as ganking is mostly dying profession by now.

Try to teach the new players instead of asking for nerfing the ■■■■■■■ game like it has been the last years.

And I still doubt you do.

So what about the people who have blingy modules,
a-type invulns are 1b each,
c-type invulns are ~300m each,

after the update, the a-types, will be WORSE then the c-types.

edit: I understand the reductions, but a reduction of this level.


The problem with that theory, however, is that the most common use for plex is for plexing skill farmers and mining alts so you can run a massive fleet of ships at minimal cost. Given the nerfs to Rorqs, the viability of using a massive bunch of rorq fleets is gone and the result has been the price of plex has been tanking. Demand for plex is down, thus the price is down.

More people buying plex to sell for isk will only tank the market for plex even farther.

Decreased demand + increased supply = bad things for plex market.

God forbid you pay to play a game


If you can not make more ISK than you lose, EvE is not for you.

Not complaining about the losses, although the vargurs really really hurt, as you ask :grin:

I am well aware it’s all on me but in what world do players have enough isk to replace high end ships like marauders every month? Not mine.

The issue is a practical one, how do I replace them in a way I enjoy, or, if I can’t perhaps I need to be more risk-averse and team up and actually lose fewer ships…

I mean is that the goal?


acceptable changes I guess, except the battleship buffs

Fair enough.

No, I mean, you do not actually loose 20% of your EHP, you loose 20% of what this module was providing you. Which is definitelly less significant.

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Well this is all to me, it was a great game while it lasted! :disappointed_relieved: :cry: :disappointed_relieved: :cry:


I have faith in you that you’ll find new ways to generate income that will let you keep doing what you’ve been doing.

LMAO CCP ain’t running a charity, PLEX on sale!

@Lucas_Kell only five? I don’t have enough fingers, toes, and teeth to count how many posts there are in which…

Seriously @Nicolai_Serkanner we’re all human beings here, not unfeeling Internoids - tempers flare up and heads flash but things also chill out and we all want EVE to be better. Any chance we can be treated with some respect? I hope I’m not asking for too much. If you’d like, you’re welcome to call me a carebear in response, but I’m not ashamed to have enough dignity to ask for civilized discourse.