Ramona McCandless, I guess that’s at the heart of it. If folks don’t like Eve as it’s evolving, go play something else. That’s what they’ll do actually. And it concerns me that things will go down that path is all.
They are the new players that probably don’t even know Eve forums exist. The ones who come to try it out and determine in a few short weeks whether or not they’ll stay the long term. I like Eve, so it’s in my own interest that new players continue to join or my own experience gets hobbled. It’s my hope I’m wrong and these changes will have the opposite impact I’m anticipating. knock on wood
I am the only one who find it kinda funny how most people love to pretend that “Gankers don’t matter, they actually have no effects on the game at all”, but when there is a change, the only thing they can think of is how it will affect ganking?
I wrote a lengthy post on reddit about tiericide and the inconsistencies that you guys are making atm. Tiericide Reddit post
… I’m somewhat annoyed that i used the time to write about it yesterday, but i guess some of it makes sense now.
What still baffles me a little is why you’re not making any stat changes on the modules themself? meta level 16 mods have the same stats as meta level 17 mods.
So i guess my question is…Is this being looked at in this rebelance?
15% buff to CLOSE RANGE Tech II Ammo Damage. That’s significant, because if you look at the ammo they’re talking about, the ranges we’re looking are extremely short.
Thats a very good way of looking at it. Im just saying if the changes make it more like how it was, you may be suprised at what newcomers enticed by THAT might actually mean for the game.
I’ve seen a reduction of subscribers since 2013, when they started nerfing PvP and buffing farming!
What they’re doing now is the opposite! Logic dictates that getting rid of those that didn’t actually help them improving the numbers is a good thing. Your concerns are misplaced and lack any connection to the real world.
Reality, as histoy proves, is that buffing farmers leads to a lower amount of subscribers! It does not lead to less income, because these farmers are far easier to milk than “the others”. (due to factors i’m not going to touch on, because it’ll just be called flamebait anyway)
As I’ve said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Your opinion is based on misinformation or misunderstanding. The less farmers this game contains the better it will be, especially for new players and mining!
I played Eve from 2004-2009 and it was such a different game then. It was, to your point, much more unforgiving. The difference between then and now is that even with those old ‘Learning’ skills, I could still attain viability in self-sufficiency much faster than a new person can today.
So a new person has to ‘endure’ a lot more to get from Point A to Point B than I did.
Hey @Black_Pedro - hope you remember me from the thread on Neutral Bowheads (we’re both on “Team Warp Jam” )
Crime in not a singular metric, so while I agree this is true in some areas, I think crime may be become excessive in others. One thing we don’t want happening is newbies getting suicide ganked a lot. Now I want to make clear I am not Anti-CODE. I think CODE is completely in the spirit of EVE, should totally be a thing, and do believe that true CODErs play a healthy part of the game in terms of teaching people about aspects of PVP. The issue is that 1. not all gankers are honorable in this regard - they gank newbies but don’t teach them how they could have avoided being killed, thereby discouraging them from playing EVE, esp if they feel mining is one of their better options for making money initially 2. education from players or not, taking “proper measures” to evade ganks or not, the ship integrity should have some capability of surviving some attacks.
In light of resistance module nerfs, it might be best to buff mining ship HP slightly (they gave +10% to BSes, for example).
But can you also nerf the bomber (decrease a little the sig radius torpedo).
No change on capital BS, but decrease the damage against fregate t2 and cruiser size.
Also when you decrease the active hardener and passive hardener you decrease the efficiency also on assault ship low sig. Can you do something for them.
Do you believe that will be not better to put all resistance of capital and super to 0 ?
Make about the same result without modification and the other ship class
The point about a 20% nerf to resistances is that it may never be cost effective again to do what I was really enjoying doing, it was on a knife edge already. I can imagine players all up and down the skill and wealth indicies having to make similar choices. Blanket nerfs derail player plans. Skill plans, ship progression plans, career plans as well as interrupting day to day enjoyment.
CCP simultaneously wants more ship destruction AND acts to make people more risk-averse by nerfing all income streams. What is the strategy here?
Pearl Abyss you fired CCP Falcon, but you forget about CCP Hilmar. This is only another approach for a change like the Black Out, or worst. Guys will think (like with the black out) that they will have more targets, but the reality is that this changes will give them a lot of less targets if any. And ALL we will lose.
This, @CCP_Rattati@CCP_Dopamine did anyone think about the mis-match between the resist based races (Cal and Amarr) and the rep based races (Gal and Min) ?