Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

They’re not removing the things, they’re adding to it. New players will have to mine more, mission more, etc. and their yields will have less purchasing power. It will take longer for them to advance their ship classes. There are also more skills they’ll need to be combat effective today than in the old days. That will take more time, and cost more isk (That issue exists independent of the change but its existence compounds the problem). The longer it takes new players to get into the meat of the game, the less who will stay and see it through.


How about you “map out” those ideas before releasing a patch that’s going to impact on every single last combat activity in the game to “rebalance” a singular class of ship? Just a thought.


Less easily aquired wealth leads to more resourcefulness …
… and a better population … (less whiny, less self entitled, more self reliable, etc)
… and “scarcity promotes conflict” due to the fact that resources are … well … scarce.

As people need them they will want them.
As they want them, they will fight for them.

The risk averse people are going to drop out.
Nothing of value will be lost.


Wow someone has been hurt by a provi citizen. Plz tell us what you lost?

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I have literally no idea how you came to that conclusion from this data.

Sorry, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

Encourage PLEX purchases



*points at this devblog*
*points at the last devblog*

Or, more generally, the change the game is currently going through,
both generally and specifically.

And ‘that’ is how to have a civilized discussion. No flaming, no insults, no derogatory comments. Just an exchange of ideas. Appreciate the discussion.

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If all you undock for is to farm pve, you aren’t creating content and you are contributing to the bad ecosystem we’re trying to now correct.

If this change makes you quit, youre not going to be missed are you? No.


CCP: Let’s put a focus on brawling! Also, let’s nerf resistance modules across the board!

I’m not sure if you realize this CCP, but brawlers heavily rely upon their buffer to stay in the fight since you don’t go into a brawl expecting to be able to warp out. You even admit that it will put a focus on propulsion/maneuverability which is something the counter to brawlers rely upon, you know, those high damage, low resist, kiting fits we already see which pushed the meta we’ve had for the past few years already! All this does is put more emphasis on keeping your distance, not closing the gap!
BTW - buffing only t2 close range ammo which almost universally comes with a tracking penalty isn’t going to coax people into brawling… just in case you forgot that this type of ammo tracks like sh-t.

These changes do indirectly nerf logistics so at least that much is accomplishing what you set out to do.

As far as capitals go, all this will do is push blobing more as dropping fewer now becomes even more risky. So these are simply going to stay docked up more than ever until they know for certain they can win and moonwalk out of a fight. Especially with scarcity still a thing making these assets even more difficult to replace. If you want them to die more, even without making them cheaper, you need to give people a reason to use them and in smaller groups/solo. In other words, release capital escalations for PVE! Make them want to put them at risk! All these other changes just make their owner’s more risk adverse for f-cks sake…


Your optimism is almost endearing. Unfortunately, it’s also completely out of touch with reality.


The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln. Opening line is recognized by most.

I was just wondering what you meant by “mixed vibes”. Pretty sure my positions are consistent :smile:

working as intended

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Most Americans.

Oh dear, you arent getting far with her on that Im afraid.


Yes but regular carriers are still ■■■■ and melt way too fast. They still have next to no use outside of ratting.

The reality of this is that you’ll see a nullsec wide capital use ban outside of stratops, and probably loose atleast 1-2 accounts per active player. You might find a carrier in an anom if you get lucky but thats it. No more supers and no more rorquals means no more targets to drop. This in turns means less reason to use an umbrella. Regular carriers die way to easily to be effective in that role currently. Cyno changes means you cant keep supers in reserve to counter a dreadbomb either, so escalations out.

All in all, most nullsec content gets heavily diminished and bombers bar get hit by 400 harpies instead of 40 supers.

“Anti structure” is not a role either, since damage caps make that a moot point. We still have no reason to go to war because of how much it favours defenders.


Until those people get sick of dying over and over to cheese gameplay and quit.


Correlation is not causation. There are a bunch of other considerations that could be in play. For example, post-2013 is where the release tempo shifted from 2/yr to the faster release cycle of mini-expansions like Kronos, Oceanus, Phoebe, Rhea… which also meant less press hits and less time for big-impact features and trailers.

It’s also when you start to see more ‘balance of power’ calcification in null—which has nothing to do with farming buff. That’s just human nature in play: without active disruption, systems stabilize. The first 10 years of EVE, the influx of new players was enough of a constant-flow to keep things unsettled and fluid. But as people got more options in their online gameplay experience, that influx was always going to be diluted.

So which MMOs came out in 2013-14?

Elite: Dangerous
Elder Scrolls Online
WoW: Pandas (late 2012) & Draenor (2014)

Each of those had draw. Each of them still has draw. Competition means EVE gets fewer people.

Then you add in the fact that people get older. Their lives develop. Do you have the same kind of time for EVE that you had 8 years ago? I don’t. Almost nobody I know does.

Gaming itself shifted. PC MMOs are not King ■■■■■ the way they were a decade ago. Mobile gaming, Console FPSMMOs like Destiny, and a bunch of other options have changed the landscape.

There are a lot of factors in play. It is irresponsibly negligent to say ‘THIS ONE THING HAPPENED AND THAT’S WHY EVE’S PLAYER NUMBERS ARE DOWN FOR MOST OF A DECADE!!!’


No they won’t.

This is completelly wrong.

First of all, prices are going up, which mean everything they mine sell for a bigger price.

And secondly, the “nerf” to mining didn’t affect new players at all. New players are mining in a small Venture that will never deplete the asteroid belt, or very slowly, and therefore, just mine the same amount of ore as before.

That’s funny how you believe that “you took 10 minutes to figure out what others haven’t found in years”. Because, well, actually, you are just making wrong, and sometimes ridiculous statements.


Also CCP: 20% nerf to all resists

fuuuuuuck off.


So CCP decided to kill PvE, good to know, if Eve will become unplayable I’ll simply stop to play it and pay for my Omega state. I play PvE, doing lvl 4 solo combat missions with sniping ships. Lower my shield and armor resistances will prevent me from playing like I have played so far and it will also make me much more vulnerable when mining, all together. Thanks CCP