Yeah… that’s kind of the point?
So everytime you do a mission you end-up in Hull and having to warp-out multiple time to finish it?
if it’s the case, then… Play better.
if it’s not, then your whole narrative about how you won’t be able to do it anymore is only BS.
It’s not actually optimism. It’s just cold hearted observation and analysis.
Most people mistake me taking all this personally. That’s called projection.
I’m only emotionally invested in the sense that it’s ■■■■■■■ amazing to observe what’s going on.
You won’t like reading this, but there’s little to no doubt that I know more about what’s going on than most people (outside of CCP), including yourself, simply because this is part of what I’m really good at. Gathering tons of information, filtering it out, looking at intentions, observing reactions, potential social dynamics, drawing conclusions.
CCP and EVE ONLINE have taught me more about (geo-)politics, social dynamics and propaganda than I could have ever asked for. More than I ever dreamed of learning!
Analysis and problem solving.
It’s my ■■■■■■■ life.
Also, no one else is that ■■■■■■■ stupid. lol I’ve written dozens of posts over the years containing literally tens of thousands of words (combined) describing what happened, what’s going on, what’s going to happen, explaining potential reasonings behind their doings, how society reacts, how it will develop, etc. etc. bla bla and so on.
You definitely didn’t.
So feel free to keep telling yourself,
who probably spent a toilet session on this,
that you know more/better about this than I do.
You ■■■■■■■ don’t.
(also please stay safe and healthy)
Please learn to read. That is not what the blog says. It says there’s a 20% reduction in the effectiveness of resistance-boosting modules. So:
Armor Explosive Hardener II:
The relevant number is the ‘Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus’.
Current: -55%
This is NOT going to be -25%.
20% of -55% is -11%.
So the AEH II will apply a multiplier of -44% instead of -55%.
Stop losing your goddamned mind.
No, actually I can do lvl 4 combat missions alone in a battleship without any need to fly away. But I’ll need to if the nerf my shields and armors…
Regular carriers are also as cheap as faction BSes, cheaper than Mauraders, and get a relatively generous platinum insurance payout.
I’m not opposing a mild-to-moderate HP buff to them to soften the impact of resist modules being nerfed (not double, though!). I don’t think the HP buff should be such that the resulting EHP is as high as typical fits were before resist nerf went into effect, however.
CCP replied earlier in this thread that they will be closely monitoring changes in relation to DPS vs Tank to calibrate in future patches. Given that they already buffed BSes and nerfed bombs in the initial release, I am confident they will make appropriate tweaks to ensure the discrepancy isn’t too massive.
I think part of the point is that LS/NS is too cap-heavy. Bigger should not always be better, and subcaps should maintain relevance in LS/NS fleets. It could be argued that, even if you could afford all the caps and supers you want, mechanics should favor that nullsec fleets be primarily subcapital as a matter of strategic composition (ie. diversity > monodoctrine). I’m not necessarily taking that position, but what I am saying is that this increases the subcap-to-cap ratio, and I consider this to be a good thing.
I honestly don’t know why I keep subscribing.
Asteroid belt in hisec provides almost all ore needed for battleship. I bet the same applies to null.
You will loose about 10% or your total EHP after the update.
So now, think about yourself, doing this mission. Think about your HP.
Cut 10% of it.
Most of the time, did it force you to warp-out?
Most likely not.
It’s the exciting and dynamic nature of missioning, isn’t it?
One interesting thing is that although actual resists were not nerfed by 20%, bombs were straight up nerfed by 20% damage and HP, so this is a huge net nerf to bombs.
Yes and the ability to write posts doesn’t make you intelligent.
That’s probably too harsh. I’m just really not willing to discuss this.
There’s no point. I’ve gone through all of this more than I want to admit.
You’ve written a good post. I shouldn’t be mean to you. Sorry.
Or just replace some offensive mods with tank mods.
Or get better at keeping range/transversal. Heaven forbid you have to put some thought into isk printing.
Or quit…
Oh the strategy is to have fewer players, that’s the scarcity CCP is looking for. OK, OK.
Actually you are exactly wrong, in a sandbox you make your own content, the devs keep the box balanced.
Industry is going to be fine. In fact I am going to make even more profits now than ever…
actually why do you even speak for industry players? any industrialists wants more destruction… it means more isk.
40K+ online last Sunday.
EvE is dying /s
You’re assuming a whole lot about what I do and don’t know. Please project your ego somewhere else, I couldn’t care less.
Oh my god lvl 4s are so easy, change your fit