Sure… but this is after 2 nerfs to subcap logi and 1 nerf to command bursts in the past 4 years as well. The only thing granted during all that was RR falloff. Wheee.
Surgical strike my ass, the Loki has been completely obliterated. What for?
lol the poor Legion got dragged out back and shot too for no reason.
Nice buff to high-sec ganking, thanks I guess?
Doesn’t hurt it’s use though, at least in pvp.
Even since the across the board T3 rebalance, it still sits at #1 or 2 on zkillboard:
For PVP, but I was thinking more for PVE. You know, where the rats on the other side of this aren’t getting nerfed at the same time like the player ships on the other side are getting nerfed the same way as your side is?
Wrong and don’t presume to tell me what I find. I could care less about ganking buffs specifically. I care about anything that brings about more destruction, across the board.
I could care less if CCP rebalance the catalyst to remove this buff. Only you seem to be giving a ■■■■ about it here.
Loki subsystem provides 300 MW right now. How is it reduced to 550?
All pve fits need an overhaul, and I don’t think those for burner mission will work any more. Many of the fits are already utilizing top-tier resistant modules, and now you just kill all of them.
Worst update ever!!!
How about we ■■■■■■■ get Logi on Killmails
Your opinion is wrong Lucas. But it doesn’t matter one bit to me, so cry more for all I care.
Destruction is good. Everywhere.
Faction BS’s are a separate tier from T1, so the answer is probably no.
Appears the only PvP i will do is ganking from now on then…
While you are at it CCP, remove the restriction on Newbie systems…so proper introduction to EvE can be commenced.
CCP, if you hate PVE so much, why don’t you just remove all missions, all mining, all incursion???
Everyone gets a free ship everyday and shoot, that’s all
This is exactly what I was thinking. Say goodbye to being able to run some DED sites solo.
It’s also a nerf to logistics at the subcap level, which is also needed.
say hello to having to buy implants
Loki base power grid was 670 MW. Now it is gets 20 % nerf. The fact, that it was used for PvP that much does not justify killing the ship completely (CPU remains the same, Tengu has more CPU and capacitor, so you can not use it as missile boat too)
Damage Controls and Assault Damage Controls are included in this nerf? And rigs?
I’m just a little bit confused. You say you are going to separate super carriers from dreads and titans with changes but then turn around and remove their utility from support drones and add another heavy fighter bay to make them more of just a big damage platform??? Huh???
I can get behind changes, but when they make no sense with what you are saying your reasoning is…?? Is a dreadnought going to be a tackle capital now? Is the Titan just going to become a command burst platform?
The resist nerf worries me because in many cases we already have very little time to react when alpha in a fleet fight. This change could make “insta blaping” the name of the game. Also buffing suicide ganking could make highsec the most dangerous place on the map.
Game was definitely overtanked and general intent is appreciated.
However, both increasing t2 close range ammo dmg by so much and significantly reducing effect of resistance modules seems to be a bit too much. I like low kill times, increasing the odds of ganking the bait before his blob lands out of warp is nice and all, but at first glance this seems to be somewhat over the top. The t2 ammo component of the change in particular has added effect of leaving new players behind even more than they already are in dmg dealing.
Speaking of which, don’t forget the lamest of all tanks, hull tank. Reduce the effectiveness of bulkheads for example. It’s already on par with other buffers with next to no investment in fitting resources, skillpoints and implants.
Also, nice suicide gank buff. Intended?