You seem to be quite leaky today.
CCP could rebalance the catalyst for all I care. These changes are good for pvp and more destruction and that is awesome as far as I’m concerned.
You seem to be quite leaky today.
CCP could rebalance the catalyst for all I care. These changes are good for pvp and more destruction and that is awesome as far as I’m concerned.
Bloodier fights? That’s the last thing any of these big alliances want. No one wants to lose anything hence why the only content is hunting PVE supers and rorqs. Have you noticed every change you have made to “increase” pvp has failed?
You guys really love your ideas without trying to see the big picture. Unless that big picture is to kill Eve
This, so much this. They think that everyone wants to play the game same way and they believe that player can be just forced to like something… that’s not how gaming works.
muh… muh… muh killboard!!!
The worst thing that can happen to EVE is CCP. Are you intentionally trying to make this game not worth the effort to play?
this change reminds me of the changes to the T3Cs … besides loki no1 flies anything else for pvp and now this … pretty much all the solo brawl fits are gone
I cannot stress this enough
Leave the legion out of this nerf!
You’ve gone and made the most famous PvP fit 100mn AND 50mn fit completely useless
NOT even with Genos can you fit this!
Please do not nerf it into the trash where the proteus lies
Look and behold, for the salt mines are operating at max capacity. Let CCP be the judge of the changes, as the data rolls in. As players we ought to adapt or die.
Question should 20% increase of short range amo not also include Rockets, HAM and Torpedos?
so missiles getting indirect nerfed again?
we are also waiting for the promised faction missile guidance systems to get in line with all other weapon types
The thing is, it’s irrelevant. Noone can touch the big blobs except other big blobs and they will be getting the same nerf, so it has zero impact on nullsec. It might potentially have an impact on small gang but people will still for the most part run away from a T1 frigate unles they’ve got 5 of their mates behinds them.
You create PvP by giving people a reason to fight, not by making all ships glass cannons. CCP have clearly lost all of their decent devs at this point.
While it would be nice if we had more info on what they’re doing, keep your pants on, they may also reduce NPC HP or some such to balance, doubt it, but this is a significant hit to most of high sec and will require fitting changes to kill faster so you don’t have to worry as much about tank, or lord forbid, you might have to warp out of a site a couple times. Overall game health wise, I don’t see it being bad from the perspective that the game has been effectively stalemated for years. However I also don’t see this really changing that with an across the board nerf. Applying to caps only maybe so subcap fleets can trim back the super umbrellas would be nice.
No, we don’t adapt or die, we either enjoy or leave… that’s how PC gaming works.
thanks for giving me an excuse CCP
No one told you you’re stuck here forever?
Resistance nerf + bonus to capital plates/shield extenders nerf + upcomming changes to capitals = zero impact on nullsec. Holy hell.
Also this, you can’t motivate ppl to do something by making something harder to do, or by making something more risky, you do that by increasing reward.
The 20% reduction in resistances will be interesting for some of my fits where I had the PG for extenders but the hardner was more effective.
You’re still wrong, but the salt is good. Keep it coming mate.
I am just here enjoying the changes this will bring to pvp. I love the Deimos, although it’s very neut sensitive, so as far as I’m concerned, these are just great changes for brawling ships. Ganking I couldn’t care less about specifically, but have no problem with it. So why you are focusing on me I don’t know, because this won’t change my involvement in ganking one iota.
But your tears are delicious. Keep them coming please.
Here’s a new bucket:
There is excitement here about this approach because not only does it lower Capital survivability, it also diminishes the overall power of logistics and will make modules focused on speed and damage a more attractive option.
Soo, we’ve come full circle now and are back to speed tanking with just DPS, like back before the Great Speed Nerf.
Guess you guys just won’t learn, instead of constantly nerfing multiple ships and modules, how about you just buff the few ships and modules that need it and leave the rest alone.
You mean its going to nerf the cap stable, turn on mods afk pve