Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Wow! CCP just saved me a bunch of ISK / cash.

While I was unemployed, I dumped ISK into PLEX every month to keep my omega clone. Now that I found a decent job and have spare change, I was ready to go back to paying for an annual subscription.

The only reason I ever undock, however, is solo highsec PvE activities, for which my resist mods are critical. Now there’s no point to pay or PLEX.

Back to Chatbox Online, which I can do for free. Thanks, CCP!


Another question.
Are NPC’s like Burners & Elite NPC’s which are built around having resist profiles like faction fitted player ships also going to get a resist nerf to match this change.


or you can change your fits and not go afk


So… X people working for Capitals to fly for the first time… Playing for X (Months,Years)… To go lose for 40
noob gankers, because my ship PUM!!! Guess what??? Apostle arrived… Apostle PUM!!! That is ridiculous…


No because they stopped that ages ago by nerfing the mjd

iBeast type of play is dead now, thanks CCP


Trigs NPC stay un-tuned? Dimond rats stay as they are? High sec will be a blood bane for semi-newbees.

I wonder if anyone will be doing T5 abyss sites any more… Right now even Skiff has a hard time to tank trigs in belts long enough to see drones cleaning the field.


True. I have a whole computer filled with other games. Maybe this is a good thing.



I wonder: is Olmeca holding you hostage? Blink twice if so.
If not, well, then i have to wonder: why are you buffing bomber fleets to oblivion with increased dmg to t2 large weason systes(Rage torpedos).
Now cloaky frigate hull gets another 15% bonus and may get to 1200 dps with certain fittings. On a scale from 9 to 10, how much do you hate nullsec that you just giving 100 man bomber fleets abother 15% dmg buff?


True, but damage from close-range T2 ammo is increased.

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It says all “rage” ammo will get the 20% increase. Rockets, torpedoes and HAM’s all have rage type ammo.


Holy crap dude. Ganking got a buff. Deal with it. Eve is supposed to be dangerous.

Look man, you’re not the only one being affected by this. Lots of people have had their ships, incomes, and risk levels affected by this. So stop complaining and adapt.


You are very likable person, aren’t you? Who did hurt you?

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Does this affect Occult too?

Small gang never gonna take out a supercap blob, like you can´t realy defeat a tank with a bayonet. You are writing like nullsec groups have 20 supers on each gate with 100500 carriers and faxes covering them. Check any nullsec region killboard and find out that absolute majority of kills are made by small/medium groups, unless there is a drop of 100+ man bomber fleet or a major engagement.


As from today I WILL be Unsubscribe all 3 of my accounts as its clear that CCP have no ■■■■■■■ idea what they are doing not only to the game but to their profits. The changes they have made over the last 6 month are turning people away to other games due to the stupidity and lack of understanding of the effects the changes are making to peoples lives, some people like me are unable to get out of the house much and need a constant within their lives. These changes have now pushed me over the edge so I will play the game until my plex runs out then that will be it for me as I imagine it will be for a lot more people. RIP CCP


Who are the bombers going to hunt with no Rorquals or Supers left in space


They can always split into smaller groups and just jump around and delete subcaps.

so there is another huge nerf to a ships, which requires a monthes SP to even fly on hull, without fit. and no compensation of any kind. nice.


I actually thought all this time that EVE was a little more comprehensive than that. I have heard it a lot before from folks like you: “Its just all about PVP…everything else is stupid!”. It looks like this generation of Devs agrees with you and EVE is on track to become as one dimensional and other snoozefests out there.