Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Why is the guy literally named Griefer one of the most optimistic people in the thread. Stop it, you should be farming salt with the rest of the commenters. (Not really, I’m in the same boat right now trying to think solutions to the problems this will cause… Adapt, die and then adapt some more until it all works, right?)

I can understand how that is “psychologically annoying”, but I really believe it won’t change the outcome of the vast majority of your missions. And, for sure, it won’t “stop you from doing your activities”, unless having to warp out once in like 15 missions is enough to make you consider that you can’t play mission anymore.

By using the same reasonning as you do, I don’t end-up with the same conclusion.

To me, it doesn’t look like PvP is “part of the wheel”, but rather that PvP is the end-goal, and “The wheel” is what you use to make this goal reachable.

It’s like fuel for a car. Fuel is necessary, but at the end of the day, what you are interested about is driving the car. You are not excited or hyped about the fuel.

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This is the long time running problem with how CCP makes changes to the game, they do so arbitrarily without testing how it will affect a vast majority of gameplay.

How will it affect end game PVE content that require very high resists in game to succeed abyssal T5, DED 10/10 or C5/6 wormhole ratting?

How will CCP deal with the increased ganking activity that this so called needed patch will generate?

How will CCP protect those players hauling through chokepoints like Uedama, Niarja, etc. pilots heading to Jita?

That’s why you have so many bittervets in game CCP is only looking at one aspect of the game capital balance yet they forget PVE is also a crucial part of the game needed to earn isk to purchase ships to be used for pvp.

Damn whoever thought of this needs to get fired asap.



BWAHAHAHA! wheezes Who still believes CCP has any idea how balancing works is delusional. The last 4 years should have taught you that lesson. Granted, there is bad balancing as well and you didn’t specify which kind you mean, but calling bad balancing “devs keep the box balanced” is rather disingenuous.


@CCP Please improve the availability/drop rate of T1 meta shield boost amplifiers. Right now they are not very “available”, I assume due to the low drop rate.

Remember folks: the more ships that die to PvP or PvE activity, the more demand for ships and modules there will be on the market.

This change isn’t a nerf to industry. It’s a massive buff.

There’s a killing to be made in the industrial sector here if you keep your wits about you.


Snowflake miner trash will never accept this because they’re too worried about getting ganked while AFK mining for hours in highsec.
They don’t want the truth. They just want to feel good.


If you’re talking about FOB’s, Triglavian’s, Emerging Conduits, etc in the sense that they were actually intended to be Fleet content, then make changes to that content so that it’s done more like Sansha Incursions.

Now if your reference to ‘Other Activities’ pertains to having Mission/Exploration Site’s be invaded by PvP players looking to gank PvE players engaged in that content, well that’s been happening for years.

I get the impression that this is hinting to PvE players supposedly getting rich from PvE content. That challenge has been pretty much solved over the years, what with all the constant nerfs to loot drops. The risk nowadays is generally much higher than the ISK reward.

Now some PvE players have invested a lot of time and money into upgrading their ships so they can easily complete game content. Sounds like you guys think they should be losing their ships. In order to accomplish that, you’re now doing a massive nerf on a majority of ships and modules claiming that it’s a new challenge for players to overcome.

Like other older players, I’ve invested a lot of time and money into this game. The last thing we need is for all of that to be wasted with a massive nerf just because somebody thinks we don’t have enough risk in our gameplay. We still have plenty of risk, just within this past month I’ve lost about 3 bill isk worth of ships to both PvP and PvE.

I’m sorry to say this but these and other changes done in recent years is causing loss of faith in CCP. The direction this game seems to be heading is not helping to restore that faith either.


Actually, for those of us that fly in FW, this is a REALLY nice buff set. The nature of FW plexes make a lot of fights start at zero, so if you can end the fight quickly, you dont need a lot of tank. If you sit on the beacon inside a plex at zero with heated ACs or Blasters, this 15% damage buff is going to make a huge difference, in several ways.

BS: +10% hp and scan res. Makes it easier to survive a swarm attack, and faster to catch stuff sliding a large.

BC: command bursts will make you very valued, as the resist burst will more than offset the resist nerf. Also, many of these hulls needed higher dps to be viable, like the Cyclone, or have a high dps option for ammo, such as the Hurricane. Currently, Hail does only slightly more dps than faction ammo.

Cruisers: wont have such high ehp for their size. Gives a better distinction between them and BCs.

Destroyers: Blap. Nuff said.

Frigates: ehp nerf to the tanky ones like punisher, which can easily hit 20k ehp. Otherwise, not much change, beyond brawlers having a higher dps option.

I’m stoked.


Let me give a very long opinion:

First, internally it is obvious that CCP wants a new target audience, new interest groups, and new player segments for the game. The changes made (and those made in the short term) obviously want to cut all activity that is related to the PVE, they want to decrease (or cut in the bud) all the players who pay Omega status with ISK and in some way “redirect” them to pay with real money, by debit or credit card.

Second, it is clear that things in CCP are not well (at the economic level and at the corporate image level) for wanting to make these changes in the short term, everything that CCP mentions about balance, environment, etc., is nothing more than a Sweetened and well-written speech (externally) aimed at those players who have been playing “free” for years (those who pay their Omega status with the game’s ISK) are pressured to buy the Omega status with real money or otherwise , they are “invited” to leave the game, I sense it this way, I feel that there is a hostile discourse (internally) against those players who have a style of play deeply rooted in the ISK farming for Omega status.

Third, it is obvious that CCP has long-term strategic brand objectives, one of them must be a new audience, a new target audience and a completely renewed or updated customer base (or players, whatever you want to call it). And it is obvious that the profile of the current base of players (which they have been dragging for many years) is no longer part of these new brand objectives.

Summarizing all this tabloid, CCP want to position their brand in other areas of the world of video games, those areas where youtubers of 1,000,000+ subscribers are, where the most sought-after streamers in Twitch are, in short, the world “fashionable and cool” of video games. And for that (surprise), they need resources, (both human and economic) to carry out that campaign, (surprise x2) they need a completely renewed consumer or customer base (players) that are aligned with the objectives they have as a brand, (surprise x3) they need a base of players who are not so geek or nostalfags, who are contemporary, wasteful, manipulable, like those who play titles like Fornite, LOL, COD, etc. In other words, CCP no longer need us.

Thanks for reading this extensive thing, fly safe for the last time o7.


I’m gonna make a prediction that we’ll be a seeing a lot more Hookbills due to this change. They’re already monsters with rockets, but the additional +15% damage on Scourge Rage Rockets is gonna be fire.


They dont need 90% resists lol.

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“Internally it is obvious that CCP wants a new target audience, new interest groups, and new player segments for the game. The changes made (and those made in the short term) obviously want to cut all activity that is related to the PVE, they want to decrease (or cut in the bud) all the players who pay Omega status with ISK and in some way “redirect” them to pay with real money, by debit or credit card.”

This man is a genius! if anything else I would not be surprised if Pearl Abyss is finally pushing CCP to monetize the game more by making drastic changes like these to generate more revenue for their acquisition of the game.


If t1 frigate costs 50M you really think no one will make it? And how much do you think will catalyst cost then?

You are wrong here. This is industry’s blessing :smiley:



The only part that I can really disagree with is the point about CCP preferring us to pay with cash instead of Plex. In the US, a month of game time is roughly $15 paying month-to-month, but a month of Omega is $20 that someone has to pay for to put it on the market. So, in terms of net revenue, CCP actually earns 33% more from the players who PLEX their accounts.

Something people often forget is that PLEX is not “free game time.” Someone paid for it, and they paid more than they would have if they had just directly bought game time for themselves via a subscription.


To be fair.
We’ve had almost 3 years of krabbing and farming focused gameplay like Rorquals and Carriers that could blitz combat anomalies. This would attract really bad players who do nothing but krab. They don’t want to fight. All they want to do is mine and watch the number in their wallet go up.

These are probably EXACTLY the type of players CCP doesn’t want. Because all they do is bloat the economy.

CCP wants people who can fight and engage in a dynamic ecosystem. One where there is constant tension due to scare resources. CCP doesn’t want people who log in, just munch on rocks for hours, and then log off. That doesn’t make for a fun or enjoyable ecosystem. And it’s exactly what has caused this kind of bloating.

Everyone you see here complaining are part of that bloat. And CCP is doing the right thing by finally getting off the couch and started exercising to trim off the fat that’s been clogging up the game.

Hope that helps you understand these changes. :slight_smile:


I conceive numerous issues with Cap MJD, spanning from lack of necessity, the fact that they’d probably never have the opportunity to use it, it doesn’t fully address the problem, it doesn’t add interesting gameplay, and that the opportuntiy cost of the PG/CPU/mid slot is high in light of the other reasons.

But it has been brought up that certain classes of ships should receive +HP% buffs to soften the blow of the resist nerfs. The carrier one is brought up a lot. @Anderson_Geten mentioned DSTs, which I agree with. I personally think barges should for reasons I’ve stated earlier. I do NOT think there is a slippery slope in regards to suddenly giving all ships a +HP% buff instead of a select few classes, though it is worth noting that even if that were to happen, a +HP% could never replace the repair multiplier effect that resist modules have, so even if the EHPs ended up being the same as before, the repair multipliers from both self-repair and logi would not be the same.

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The problem is, this someone can be a player outside of US, and buy PLEX cheaper.

You do realise that when all those “unwanted” players start quitting the price of things will skyrocket leading to those “dynamic” players being more risk adverse till the point where the game is boring because no one undocks anything anymore turning the entire game in a pretty chatbot client right?

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Was there a run on tin foil along with toilet paper this month?

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