Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Yeah, we agree on that. I understand the need, or at least the wish for an alpha status on ccp’s side to attract new players. I also think they were too generous and should have made it time limited instead of sp limited.

And if you use a BS you got a 10% hp buff which reduces the impact even more

That’s just stupid.

Eve is a video game, not real life simulation.

Maybe not everyone wants to adapt and that for many personal good reasons. Personally I found Eve after some years i can’t play offline games because i can’t pay a new GPU anymore. In this years I found my style of game, my goals, and I’m happy with that. I don’t have time and will to login at a specific time, to do missions decided by a corp for their goals. So if I can’t play anymore as I played until now I have to give up with Eve, and like me there’s a lot of people.


dead ones.

You tried. Unfortunately there’s just a few of us listening. Your concern for the new player experience is real and what they (CCP/Pearl) fail to understand is that long term survival of the game depends on that. But it seems that today earning the extra buck has won. Or not? Time will tell.



I can react to this, but they are hammering the most vulnerable, and the least equipped.


Appreciate the change. Amazing for people that didn’t use resist mods in the first place. Loki needs to swap a rig to fit now, but still has the same stupid concept of going 2km/s before heat or anything with 30km tackle.

Also, 400dps spider Taranis. Cause you can, not because you should.

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The time has come to put CCP into scarcity phase. :red_circle: Amen.


This update is an absolute shame…

It’s a shame that dev’s don’t understand their own game. The resist change simplifies the anatomy of small scale combat( and I specify small scale cus cap fights are already brain dead f1 monkeying)

It’s a shame that ccp just wants the drive the ENTIRE game into the direction of low sec derp plex brawls

Its time we revolt against the devs, and demand a player driven decision making system for game changes. CCCP ‘monke’ Vanguard needs to be replaced, otherwise EVE is at risk of being destroyed by it’s own greedy and brainless creator.

o7 fly unsafe


Erm - since when does a Loki compete with BS’s in fleet doctrine? They have seperate roles. One does not replace the other. So I assumed you are speaking about high-end PvE - perhaps Trig conduits as an example. This is incredibly rare - maybe some with logi support (that would severely compromise survivability) - but again - that function does not compete with a BS. Only a solo-build Loki would compete directly with a BS. So my assumption is pretty obvious. And not all of us want to be forced in low-GTFO - stand and deliver - prison cell. A solo T3 is a viable alternative - and why not? It’s expensive, has big SP requirements, suffers a SP penalty during loss, and the sub-systems aren’t always available outside of a major trading hub. These are already big nerfs - why do you feel it’s “good” to have more?

“Then whats the problem? What exactly are you arguing with me about?”

So you find it “good” that an Abyssal Gila & Quadrant-2 Solo Loki is nerfed, but have nothing to say about an already overpowered, cheap Gank ship getting further buffs. My argument is: you have a view that is about as balanced as CCP’s new rebalance.

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So it’s not impossible? You just have to change ship/approach?

No. No you don’t.

That’s not a right at all and never has been. You pay for the privilege of access to the game as ccp make it.

And players have always had the ability to come and hunt you. As per the eve faq: The essential core concept of eve online is full time pvp in a sandbox environment. Pvp can happen anywhere anytime.

And is that ferox fit for fleet or solo?

You argued with me that resists were more important in solo or small gang than in fleets with logi.

That was my point. If you didn’t disagree why argue with me?


Hey CCP how about you add amomolies back to the test server so we can…y’know test things?

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It doesnt. Thats nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Yes, krabs are bad.

Tell me more about where the scary easily seen cloud of crap destroyers hurt your wallet.


So close…

Literally been looking at successful solo fits that are on unbonused hulls…

It really doesn’t.

You’ve just said fleet fits are more reliant on resist mods than small gang and are going to feel this change on more of their fits. Meanwhile not all solo/small gang even use multiple resist mods. And in fact not all active solo fits use multiple resist mods.

The fact you have to create special conditions for fleet fits to be better off should be all you need to tell you how wrong you are. But we’ll just add dishonesty to lack of comprehension.


Whatever fit you’re using. Link it and I’ll show you how you can make small changes that allow you to still run the vast majority of hi-sec pve.

You’re trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but it just doesn’t wash because everyone being honest knows this isn’t going to cripple hisec pve.

Is not true at all.

Great, so we aren’t talking fleet or solo. So nerfing a Loki is good because it solves what then? Your little BS power-trip?

Brainless comment of no value. No further response required.

You hide in a base all day? Try this: Home | zKillboard


“WE at CCP have no ■■■■■■■ idea how bad this ganking situation is going to be and nor do we actually give a ■■■■, just pay us our money and stop crying babies”


ok, been thinking about this update, and the larger picture beyond the CAP ship update, and here it is…

…everyone repeat the following…

suicide gankers…
gate campers…
ganker fleet…

(I wouldn’t case ROAM fleets in with this lot as they tend to got for anything they might come across, the others will run if there is a slight chance they might lose a fight)

what’s the most common thing these all target?

the weak indy ships or a single player

what do they do it in?

cheap T1 frigates with max alpha and instant lock

so who is CCP/BA making this update for?

not the normal players in EVE, but with those specific group of players that don’t PVP in fleets, or ROAM through LOWSEC, NULSEC or WormHoles where they know they might face forces that could kill them.

so the big question everyone should be asking, is why is CCP/BA giving these non-PVP, non-PVE player base a huge advantage over other player groups??

do these specific groups have some form of power over CCP/BA, enough to make CCP/BA release one of the most one sided updates against all player groups except for one minor cancerous group within the EVE community?


What the heck are you on about? I have no idea where you got that from. Please quote what you’ve misinterperated so I can explain to you.

And yet you chose to make one. You clearly have a pro-krab bias, which starts to make your fear of gankers and the nerf of OU ships pretty obvious as to its source.

Which explains why you think cats are a threat to real players and not krabs how?

Please stop flailing and either make a point or

As much as I love your writing style and as much as concurr with you … the ONLY thing I have a real intrest in … is my purse. As soon as a game doesn’t fit my style of play anymore … I will switch. As soon as I am annoyed about the coming changes … I switch game. EVE is just that … a game and if the devs deceide to make huge, “game-breaking” changes to the game I love to play … well … there are other, more modern games out there.
Just my 2 cents