Surgical Strike – Coming 15 April

Instead of this money grab 20% nerf to resistances CCP should nerf what really needs a nerfbat: stupid cloaky permacaming often run by multiboxers and stealth bombers now approaching battleship levels of dps. But no…both are important in money grab strategy this failed developer is pursuing right now.

Have you tried? Maybe it’s just removed for you. Maybe you have to improve your piloting skills?

People always asked for challenging PvE, seems CCP has delivered.

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I just looked at the fit from this

Using T2 instead of meta mods and domi.

have 84474 ehp on tq, 71866 on sisi : that’s a loss of 14.9% EHP.
However, when replacing the T2 invul with another CN LSE I reach 78260 EHP, while on tq this fit has 88015 EHP, so this is only a loss of -11.9% EHP in that case.

my DST goes from 110k EHP to 95k EHP so this is a loss of 14.6% EHP TOTAL.
The price to set it back to 110k EHP is to fit it for 1.7B isk, that means multiplying its price by over 4 times.

My buffer fit mach (for L3s) keeps the same 80k EHP (actually very small increase). Still since it got a increase in armor and jull HP, it also means it actually lost shield EHP, and shield rep by the same ratio. (both should be around -20%)

barghest fit for L3 blitzing keeps same total EHP. However thermal resist ((the one with a specific hardener) goes from 78% to 71% so incoming damage is 22->29 % so an increase of +31% damage taken.
it got +10% HP, it also means the actual shield EHP have been multiplied by 1.1/1.31 = 0.834 : the barghest fit lost 16.5% of its shield EHP (the only one that matters)

Then I look at my loki.
Not only does it not have the powergrd anymore ; but it also goes from 45 k ehp to 34k. That’s a total EHP loss of -25.6%.
Now the lowest resist goes from 88 to 82 . That means it got -33.2% of its tank : in other words it takes 50% more damage. this also means that the shield layer, that is the only one important (because otherwise your armor and hull get grinded down) is 33% lower.

Then I look at my PVE brawler hyperion(200M value). Armor explosive% goes from 55 to 50, and actual increase in incoming DPS by 12.6%, or an actual reduction of tank by 11.2%. for only two EANM T2 (RAH has no effect and armor rigs are not type specific)
PVE drake with two invuls loses 10% of its tank(yes, T2 invuls are actually less nerfed). It only takes 10.7% more damage.

I look at a mach fit I have, it loses -20.7% of its rep power, ie takes +26.1% damage.

I look at other fits I have (compariosn sisi/TQ) : -41% tank for one, -22% for another one, and there is no way to compensate for that loss.

It’s definitely not something “not noticeable”.

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Actually I was able to almost get my PvP-Loki back with upgrading the Invul and adding back the DMC sacrificing some none-hail DPS and CAP (due to one more fitting rig). The only shield hardener I use is the Adaptive.

I have to check the Lvl3-Mach, thanks for reminding me … not sure yet what to do with my travel ceptor. I know this exact config survived a couple of smartbomb camps barely.

For haulers I don’t care about tank, as they are flown and fit to not getting caught.

The FOB Solo-Rattlesnake is dead though. Anyway it’s collecting dust since anyone can just warp in and ruin your day.

so what could CCP do ?

Well first they could stop that nonsense “-20%” which actually hurts the highest resists the most. A mix of -5% AND -5ppc would actually achieve similar results for lower resists, and similar impact along the high/low resist bonus.
eg a -30% resist would become -(30*0.95-5) = -23.5% (instead of -24%)
a -64% resist would become a -55.8 instead of a -51.2%.

Second they could, very simply, BONUS the local rep.
That means +20% rep/cycle for local shield, hull and armor repairer/booster (yes, also hull. they are bad, make them less bad).
That also means -17% base shield recharge rate to increase passive shield tank without increasing the buffer (so +20% regen)

THEN they could adapt the heating bonus : add a raw ppc instead of a percentage. So the invul overheat goes from 30->50 instead of 30->36. and a -64% hardeners is increased from -76.8% to -84%.
FINALLY of course change the DST to make them bonus apply to the raw ppc - but reduce it to not reach 100%.

ANOTHER good thing to do, would be to replace the [layer][type]resist attribute by a [layer][resist]tankiness attribute : a module that provides ONE point of tankiness multiplies the EHP and ERP by two , ie resonance = 0.5^tankiness . so a -50% resist module would instead have tankiness=1. a -29.7 em resist module would instead have em tankiness = 0.5, etc.

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It is only barefaced milking scheme: PvE players, solo & small gang PvPers, players with limited amount of time to play are forced to buy PLEX. Probably Koreans are impatient so they told devs to bring more money into Korean pockets or face lockout…


Instead of buying PLEX you could also unsub some of your 6 alts and stop buying injectors. You don’t need so much isk then.

Yes, I mean “a game as old as this one”.

What’s the correct way of expressing it in english then? :thinking:

That’s all true, but a somewhat misleading way to look at it. If the ship was at 80% resist before, and now at 70%–that’s an increase of +50% more incoming dps. For some missions that’s going to be a pretty major change. (and it’s not just missions)

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First off I do more than fly a barge I fly a wide range of ships. I have been mainly flying a barge trying to get resources to build and sell things to get liquid capital to work with.

Yes to any other roleplaying corporation I would play along and I have in the past in null-sec and the occasional explorer I met in WH space I have never had a problem with those types of players or groups and I have even enjoyed playing along.

My issue is that you cannot justify Code’s way of doing things as role-playing. Pirate and gate campers do much better with their roleplaying. I have lost a few ships to gate camps and I just laugh it off and keep going.

You didn’t reply to mine specifically but I know it was directed at me I will let my Killboard speak for itself. Ragori Mitternacht | Character | zKillboard

I have lived for years in WH space and Null-sec space it is only due to betrayals from a couple of alliances and coalitions that my corp has had to relocate to high-sec to recoup from our losses.


I don’t understand how CCP logic works.

They say the intention is to Nerf Logistic and Capitals.
What would be expected is that they would just lower the bonuses of Logistic and Capitals Ships, or decrease the efficiency of Logistics Modules.

But instead CCP Nerf all Resistant Modules by 20% basically decreasing the defense of all ships in the game.

It doesn’t make sense !!! Nonsense !!!



This isn’t to counter f1 fleets this is to change cap vs cap and also small gang/solo pvp.
For sure 200 vs 200 sub cap wont change to much.

It also makes quite a big difference for low sec pilots since they can kill their target off more quickly before the blob arrives. Which lends itself to more people conflicts being started.

Also remember ccp will be monitoring everything so if it does rune something they can make adjustments, like for example Abyss sites which yes require a expensive ship.

Can you tell me how these changes are going to encourage conflict? Things are going to cost more and they will blow up easier.

Who is going to undock expensive items under those circumstances? … Eve players are terribly risk averse most are going to try and turtle up and wait this “period of scarcity” out.

I have not seen anything from CCP that encourages fights.


Lets so you are roaming and you have 3 guys they have 7 guys with a logi since resists are lower and damage is increase you decide ■■■■ it your going to tackle their slow warping logi as their fleet warps off the gate you take gate guns in low while killing it and warp to a ping afterwards now they have no logi and are 6 vs 3 they are pissed off and they want to kill you :] so a good fight can start.

With more resistance and less dps this choice might not be as viable as the gate guns might kill you faster or the fleet might finish warp and make it back in time so you decide its not worth it and just move on to look for the next targets.

Remember that any pve activity that is now too hard becuase of loss of resists can have the dps in that site reduced afterwards to compensate this is not a finished change CCP will change more to rebalance everything afterwards.

How long can you keep taking those fights until your costs exceed your loses?

OK I grant you there might be more yoloing of cheap stuff around (lots of needlejacks). But isn’t the aim of all these changes to reduce the capital presence? … Are people going to take those 3 to 7 odds with caps or supers?

Unfortunity when it comes to cap’s brute force is more important than tactic’s so yea 3 v 7 is not going to ever be something for caps unless the side with 3 is willing to risk faction hulls or super bling cap’s. (sure there is edge cases where you out range the other caps and use bubbles and stuff to keep them out of range or other tactics but in general caps have massive range so its not a factor as much as with sub caps.)

Although with lower hp total that decreases time for reinforcements to arrive, which gives advantage to people on their toe’s.

It’s uncertain how much caps will be effected as it seems that there is many capital changes still to come.

It would be interesting if CCP made capitals absolute monsters from far like 200km’s but weak from close then a lot more tactics could be used to even the odds, kind of like a catapult from age of empires :stuck_out_tongue:

Such as huge tracking nerf but dps increase to compensate for dread/titan.
And a deadzone for fighters within 40km’s of carriers/supers so that they needed sub cap support to clear everything close and maybe some buff at range to make it attractive again.

@CCP_Rise do you think a close range dead zone for fighters would be too much of a nerf? It might make brawler fleets a thing :smiley:

I’m going to say “non-zero but small”.

Assuming correct and attentive play, and no server wonkiness, you will not explode.

But incoming DPS is such that if you run a mere 100k EHP on a battleship, you have ~15s to catch reps in total.

I’m a returning FC for incursions, and we’ve seen 3 people look away for “just a moment” without informing logi, and explode. 2 of them were long term incursion players, so it may be complacency, but… it’s not 0 risk.

It’s an extraordinarily well managed risk, like ratting under a major alliance’s cap umbrella.

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Personally I’d of probably used all the words, “a game as old as this one” :slight_smile: But asked a friend who’s smarter and more eloquent than I and they suggested “seasoned”… so I have learned something new today, thanks!


As always, CCP’s announcement of changes to hurt the PvE community has given a massive buff to trolling by the PvP community.