Suspected CCP Stations

Anything is possible but I would need some proof before I believe it.


Yes. it’s shenanigans. No, it’s not CCP. Not that they don’t get up to other shenanigans but not this one.

One of the ways that EVE stands apart from other games and makes it interesting, is that player shenanigans are allowed and even encouraged. Market manipulation, trade cartels and price fixing are part of the game.

ICY announcing their service, 2017:

Sample player reaction to the cartel, a year later:

CCP has employees that play the game, and some EVE players have gone on to become CCP employees. So yes, some of them are somewhat active in the game, but they’re supposed to keep their personal game efforts apart from their ‘official’ CCP game plan.

CCP does intervene in some markets at times, when things get significantly out of whack. Also, they confiscate RMT, botting, and exploiting accounts and this takes many resources out of the game which also affects markets. They have been said to feed some of those resources back into the game at times to even out imbalances.

Overall though, EVE markets are big enough and active enough with enough players that CCP both doesn’t need to and probably couldn’t really manipulate them effectively, on a long-term basis.


I thought it was a certain PL player, it might even be the PL player who later became a dev. But that is based on something someone said not long after they started this service, so could be wrong.

I would not worry about it too much, just do what I do, don’t buy and sell with them, don’t use their services either.

I appreciated all the feedback to answer my question, I voted @Kezrai_Charzai was the best answer in my opinion. It was politely answered with citation, thank you.

I wasn’t suggesting for it to be removed or that it is wrong, just wanted to know what was going on. To those of you giving me flak, posting tinfoil hat and conspiracy memes, at least I ask questions about the game. Apparently you have better things to do?

Fly safe o7


Actually, this is quite normal. People do this all the time to set up holding corps and executor corps. Some of the reasons are:

-Removing the requirement to have to appoint a new CEO if you need to move around corps for some reason, by creating a single dedicated CEO character.
-Separating things like ISK and Mails from your main to a dedicated CEO character and making it easier to track.

They are alts, so yes, they can and they do, because their Mains are likely well connected or rich.

It doesnt really take an active group to upkeep a couple stations. All you need to do is transfer fuel every couple weeks, which is easily done by one person.

So, all in all, no CCP intervention, no CCP secretly owning anything, and no CCP ever did anything wrong ever, as we all know. Caesar can do nothing wrong.

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