and trolls will often go to extreme lengths to establish what a person’s personal weakness is and then to exploit that to cause maximum personal harm to that person.
Honestly @Wadiest_Yong, I think we agree with each other on a basic level.
This is entirely true, but we just need to expand that mentality to all of our communities, on and offline.
I know this is going to come around again to “What should we not allow?” and I’d just like to reiterate that, at least in my opinion, there are some things that we should all agree is offensive and shouldn’t be accepted, such as those I listed earlier.
I mean, you hit it on the head yourself - blatant racism, discrimination, harassment, etc - shouldn’t be allowed.
If a single person complains about a particular behavior, no, that’s not sufficient to act. If a lot of people complain about it, maybe we should take a look.
I feel like we’re splitting hairs here though - I think it’s pretty clear we’re talking about high-level issues like racism.
That already happens inside those communities. Advocating that all communities should apply the exact same rules is unwise. There should of course be a variety of communities, to let any individual find his or her spot. And that is NOT the same thing as saying there should be freedom to have communities that allow hate speech etc.
Right, well, I’m not suggesting that all communities should have the exact same rules.
Then we agree on all points
But let me ask you: how should we act when those communities start merging together, such as corps on this forum? Should we respect the way they conduct their community, even if they condone discrimination or other such behaviours?
Remain respectful of other members at all times
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective.
However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, you are expected to obey this rule.
You sketch a hypothetical, compounded situation with a number of vague suppositions. Impossible to answer unless starting from facts.
Let me clarify on some things I’m not suggesting:
- that we have a ratified Code of Conduct that every corp has to follow
- that we take action based on a single individual being “offended”
- that we seek out and attack communities of people we disagree with
What I am suggesting is that we don’t just ignore or accept offensive/degrading behaviour when it comes up - an attitude that is very prevalent on the internet, and a toxic one in my opinion.
Uhhh that’s rather dramatic. I asked you a question regarding the situation we’re actually talking about - how the community acts as a whole, not in closed-door communities in-game.
There is no “situation”. I stand by my answer
Right, so you’re wilfully ignoring the heart of the argument at this point, gotcha.
so far I’m pleasantly surprised with the overall tone of the debate. The Eve community is a cut above the rest isn’t it?
I would try to role play a certain way on these forums and in game, but if I ever went to an eve event I would be just like a normal human being.
In New Eden I born a Minmatar Brutor who is a self funded Bootlegger / Miner and is yet to find a calling.
Welcome to the wonderful world of humans. This will never change, but i would venture to say at least it is on a game and not the real world.
I’m not sure what your attempting to achieve here…
Ye, thats why most of us are here… in a video game.
But technically most ARE in that same room, its called a corp.
You would be wrong, most people over the world DO actually find comedy in those items, some because they are awful people, others because y’know… sarcasm and satire.
Yes, there are some groups.
Is a point of view. For example many black people (certainly in the US and UK) constantly refer to them selves and their friends using what many sjw folk would term as rascist and inappropriate language; if you truly wish to
First you really need to get to know them in many cases, your sat at the other end of a black screen “how dare you assume what gender/race/orientation/sex we are”
Assumptive of you, your not wrong in many ways but you yourself set the tone here.
It also has other definitions, though im not keen on using the word myself we cannot quite skirt around the use of words that define exactly what we mean simply because someone, somewhere, had a terrible incident; to be frank your in the wrong place for that - you should be somewhere else petitioning for harsher sentences - but your not are you?
In essence YES people use foul language, but people on the whole are vile creatures; there is very little you can do about that, i would suggest blocking those type of people and moving on - report them if it is truly unacceptable and let the ‘authorities’ deal with it.
Isn’t making the majority conform to the minority tyranny in and of itself?
You do know you can report such cases, right?
- Title: how is it tyranny if it is the majority? TACKLING hate speech… LOL
- Hate speech: don’t post it in the forums. If you don’t like hate speech the forums is the worst place to be. It’s like asking someone to meet at Tama gate (this actually happened).
- It’s funny how you replied to the first person with 3 paragraphs and the fourth with an uncapitalized sentence.
Back to your point. I believe racism is wrong, but it doesn’t mean we get to ban them, or even try to stop them on a group level. You can call out racists and condemn them personally, but trying to ban racism just because it is “wrong” isn’t itself right. You shouldn’t ban something because it’s wrong, because none of use can know who is wrong. Banning racism justifies banning flat earth theory, and justifies the banning of voices that say “Men and women are the same” because we’re not.
If people don’t like it, call it out, tell people, tell stakeholders, refute them, or troll them, and though you shouldn’t, you can curse at them and use all of those slurs you try to ban on them. If someone is trying to “harm you as much as possible”, that at least justifies some kind of violent response.
If people are hurting others, they won’t make much friends. CCP is making a decision. Normal hate speech=fine, trying to get others to commit suicide and bring bad press to EvE and lose a monthly PLEX=not fine.
If you don’t like someone’s actions, do something. If words are as potent as a weapon as you say, take a sword and defend yourself, parry every strike, then counterattack, and not hide behind a shield, which will break anyways.
Or more like:
If you don’t like Lowsec life, GIT GUD, because there’s suicide gankers in highsec and big corps in Nullsec, so Lowsec is your best bet. Shoot anyone that shoots you while at it.
Become a troll hunter. You could shrug away insults: good. You found some trolls, good at identifying trolls: check. Now, go out and insult trolls. You can insult their insults: “The only people I know who use the word “rape” out of context are rapists, and rapists are rapists because they’re too ugly to find someone to ■■■■.” Good, you just insulted some troll, they’d hopefully get some empathy and never do it again.
This is Eve…you don’t like how someone talks? Hunt him. Kill him. All the rest is nonsense.
If you can’t be bothered doing that, it will not have been that bad.