Tackling hate speech, fostering mutual respect and countering the tyranny of the majority

I refer you also to my recent comment as you were posting:

“It’s funny when people speak aggressively, and then jump on any kind of inconsistency in your tone…bring it on ffffuuckers)”

I’m entitled to change my tone after nearly a full day of drivel.

Ohhh, man. You should really learn to punctuate your sentences…

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You have spent a whole day responding to me and this shows you fundamentally don’t understand the point of the entire thread. I suggest you go back to square 1.

Ahh freedom of speech on the internet, or the consequences of letting the general public have unfettered access to each other.

These are always fun to follow.

Obligatory popcorn and kitten intermission.

  1. For the hundredth time, this thread isn’t about getting CCP to ban people.
    2)For the hundredth time this isn’t about foul language and causing offense.
  2. If people don’t have the intelligence to respond to my original post logically, I can’t help them. I am the pre twitter generation. I have more than a few characters to get off my chest.
  3. Yes, when you talk about censorship, idiots will appear that think you are saying we should live in a dictatorship, and it’s ridiculous. Nuance is lost on most people and it’s sad really.
  4. I refer you to point 2.

(formatting is messed up and I can’t be bothered fixing it)

lol, I tried my best to not fall down the same road as always but it’s tough. It was supposed to be about corp management lol. I like your pussy btw :wink:

What’s wrong with these people, eh? Jeez!

Tragic. People must be really dumb. How could they not agree with you. It’s terminal I’m afraid.

You’re arguments however are ‘more’ valid, right? Moreso than the ‘idiots’ disgreeing with you? Of course they are! Morons abound!

Allow me to steady your pedestal whilst you position your posterior, madame.




WTF… (I know its out of context but still…) (Also this is real, not some quoting trick)

That’s what OP implied, also, what is it about? People being mentally hurt by some comment? That’s basically causing offense. You can’t just say I’m wrong simply by saying I’m missing the point, when I didn’t and all you did was change the wording.

You know it’s a good thread when a picture of a kitten sparks controversy.

Ignore my occasional commentary, carry on.


My Explanation on why I mentioned RL authorities:
Oh, um, I was just saying in some regions of the world hate speech is a crime… So, if what is going on is truly a form of hate, or otherwise known as a hate crime. I don’t think I know what the context is that is going on here, I saw you mention it as a general conversation so I thought I would include that there.

Vague Information on stories:
I can tell you stories of some of the hate infused things some people have said, and still been things like CSM, but I will refrain from speaking of such things in public… as my “criticism” may not be tolerated by CCP. even though you can find first hand with a google/youtube search recordings, ect. of the imo poor conduct. CCP finally caught up with the particular individual I am thinking of who was notorious for his “hate inclined speech.” But damage was far done, in and out of game.
I think I may have fallen in the trap of confusion:
I do want to say, that I apologize if I misunderstood what this thread has been about…
(I think I understand now what opinion/knowledge your trying to acquire.)

My response on what I think You are looking for?:
as far as things like people just being tilted over the way one person does something… it takes a lot of diplomacy as a leader to mitigate the damages, to see from both party’s perspective… C.E.O. in this game, or other leadership roles sometimes is a lot of putting out fires… just as it is in real “corporations”. and different corporations even have different ways of dealing with some of the more petty offenses. (i.e. ones that don’t violate eula’s, terms of conditions, or real world laws.) and sometimes you have to put out fires your members cause for other corporations/alliances too… some players in larger alliances spend their whole time in game pretty much working as a diplomat, or so I have been told in a fanfest video on youtube about diplomacy in eve.
I will give you a real example, I once had a member in a corp I was running who would use their vape and it would come on over the open com’s. someone got annoyed at hearing this, and came to me to ask them to stop vaping on the com’s, as it was distracting to them… this required some mediation to mitigate any further dispute members would have with another. (I think this is the thing you mean.) at the end of the day, when I dealt with these situations, I always looked for a win-win-win condition… as at the end of the day, the diplomat/mediators job is to keep the machine well oiled so to speak. (that’s just the way I like to handled the situation though, some other corps/alliances might not have the tolerance, and that is ok also. and some may even have had more tolerance.)

Hopefully this post, was a little more on point and helpful to what your looking for? If not I apologize in advance.

Fanatics are the Just EVIL! They want to tell you how to live your life…

Yup…in the end you reveal yourself to be just another hypocritical internet “tough” guy. gj

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Thanks for remaining on point that was interesting :slight_smile: Yeah I can imagine fulfilling a diplomat role wold be pretty tricky. Probably need to find the person with a particular personality for that role. But in the end if you had someone who commanded the respect of the corp and alliance then that would give them the clout to deal with issues before it blows up or manage it effectively when it does blow up. People with the right personality might be quite hard to come by though… :thinking:

Yeah people keep mentioning CCP but the thread is about corp management. I am aware CCP have been criticized for not acting before on hate speech, but even with the best intentions I doubt they would have the resources to police this except for only in the more obvious and extreme cases. But yeah, it’s corp management I’m interested in, not CCP policies.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I think it’s pretty funny that the ones who bang on about total freedom of speech and how we should be able to say what the hell we want are the ones who react the most and act all hurt by what was an invitation to have a rational debate. :slight_smile:

As soon as you put “hate” and the “majority” in the same title you lost any respect you might have gleamed and outted yourself has an ingame care bear.

All we really need to see is the killmail that made you weep like this.

The rest is just ■■■■■■■■ sore loser crap.

i dont punctuate after cider

Thank God, we have nukes.

One one hand you are disgusted by some classic social sorting criterias, and on the other you bring your own sorting criterias to discriminate “others” that disgust you, “trolls” in that case… isn’t that ironic…

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So it’s ok for you to discriminate trolls? Are you able to debate with someone who disagrees with you or you are just here to seek social validation and virtue signalling cookies?


…or capitalize. Right?