Let’s face it: the biggest carebears in HiSec are tag-pimping gankers.
EvE has Sec Status mechanics built in. Every player chooses their own path: join a big alliance in Null, krab in JSpace, start a small industry corp in HS, or Pirate in HS to glut on those industry players. Of course, there’s also the “X marks the spot” - fish-in-a-barrel Abyssal ganks. Soft, really soft. Industry uses expensive ships to mine - exhumers, Orcas et al. Abyssal Runners use pimped Gila’s, Stormbringers, and HACs. These are all vulnerable to cheap T1 Dessies/BC’s - multibox F1 monks and the like.
Abyssal Runners don’t get an invul booster that protects them on exit. When found, it’s a 100% death guarantee. Miners and Haulers have no answer to swathes of cheap pigeons that insta-blap. These careers onboard these risks. Some HS gankers will even extort miners for “permits”. I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around that.
Yet - in all of this - HS gankers pimp tags like there’s no tomorrow. They don’t want retribution, they don’t want to be attacked by those in HS seeking vengeance or others having some anti-piracy fun. They have an exit clause - a game mechanic exploit. Concord is their saviour while killrights is not an answer. Undermining killrights is too easy - it’s self-solved or too expensive for others to bother. And, it’s a 1x permission - not a game loop.
Now given how tough some of these RP’ers want to be as famed Pirates of HS (such as the James 315 eternal nausea) - they all tag pimp. Why? Tough pirates should be proud of wearing a red-skull next to their names. After all, they keep telling everyone in HS that “roids” deserve protection, miners are worthless AFK parasites under their worthy bootheels. There’s even one with RP royalty status, but she tag pimps too. Being so invincibly tough, they need to tag-pimp for what reason?
Instead, Concord is their carer. HS Piracy comes with no risks - what a fabulous softy career. Sacrifice cheap pigeons to gain the big bling. I’d love stock markets to work the same way. My cents for the guaranteed big USD payouts.
Pirate tag-pimping is a cheap counter-measure that other career choices don’t get.
Sec Status is a game mechanic. As a HS pirate - working with this risk should come with the turf. Tag pimping needs to go! Let HS Pirates dock wherever, operate as they want to, but wear the red skull with pride.