Marshal Protector Alizabeth of the Newelle Family’s military was kind enough to field questions from the “Tales of Kahah” Broadcast Service with regards to the deployment of the Newelle Embassy above Kahah III.
Viverina Cielvoss > My first question is: Has the Newelle Family prepared a statement regarding the embassy established here, in Kahah? Lord Newelle indicated a statement would be forthcoming on the IGS.
Alizabeth > “Lady Newelle is going to make an official statement in the next eight hours or so, I am told.”
Viverina Cielvoss > "Very well. Could you elaborate upon your position in the hierarchy of the Newelle Family’s private military forces?"
Alizabeth > "I am her Mashal Protector, the Disi-aslan en Para’nash Sarum. Ultimately, all her forces answer to me. And I answer to her. I am her sword and shield. I am her mailed fist. It’s been that way since she was elevated to the position of Holder within House Sarum."
Viverina Cielvoss > Lady Newelle has stated that the purpose of the embassy is to ‘monitor’ the situation in Kahah. Why is a significant military force required for what is touted to be a diplomatic mission?
Alizabeth > "What military force? I’m here to get a first hand look at the situation. it’s true that I am an accomplished warrior both in the pod and on the ground, but I doubt I qualify as a miliatry force alone."
Viverina Cielvoss > "So the embassy is without garrison and you only serve the role of a military attaché to Lady Newelle to comment on the situation here?"
Alizabeth > "I am here to take a look at the Khanid forces’ strategy, tactics, equipment, doctrine and such in an actual combat deployment against a rebel force. As the Mashal Protector of Damnidios Para’nashu, it’s my job to ensure the security and safety of the holding. So, taking a look at what is happening on Kahah III and seeing what the Khanid are doing right, wrong, very wrong, and absolutely incorrect provides data that my planning staff can use in our emergency plans. I think that every military professional in the Empire is watching Kahah III closely for many of the same reasons."
Viverina Cielvoss > "But the embassy is without a garrison?"
Alizabeth > "All our Damnidios Para’nashu’s assets have protection."
Viverina Cielvoss > "But that protection does not include ground forces?"
Viverina Cielvoss > "I merely ask this question because Lady Newelle stated that there was a contingent being established in Kahah by her family."
Alizabeth > "I have a personal security detachment with me in case I am able to go to the surface to look at the situation from the ground. Regarding wider deployments of House Sarum forces, I have no information to give you at this time."
Viverina Cielvoss > "And you can confirm that Lady Newelle does not have ground forces beyond your personal security detachment present in Kahah?"
Alizabeth > "I can indeed confirm that."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Lady Newelle has publicly stated that this deployment is unaffiliated with the Praetoria Excubitoris Imperialis. Does that mean that the information you obtain will solely remain within the possession of the Newelle Family without how do you say… ‘comparing notes’ with PIE’s military observers?"
Alizabeth > "I am not, nor have I ever been a member of PIE. So, you’d have to ask her about that. Frankly, I like being able to fly whatever ship I like. I prefer Amarr designs, of course, but given the tactical necessity, I will fly whatever ship will bring victory."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Marshal Protector [REDACTED], will your analyses be shared with the Praeotaria Excubitoris Imperialis?"
Viverina Cielvoss > "Excuse me, ‘Praetoria.’"
Alizabeth > clears her throat. "Apologies, Concord will not let me change my Name. [REDACTED] is not my last name. I have only one name: Alizabeth. Please do not use [REDACTED] again. And as far as my analysis goes, I’m going to share it with at least three PIE pilots. Where it goes from there is out of my hands."
Viverina Cielvoss > "My apologies, Marshal Protector Alizabeth. Finally, has Sardar Marshal Soshan Fayez requested and/or authorized the presence of Lady Newelle’s diplomatic staff and your specific role as a military attaché?"
Alizabeth > "I have no information to give you on that at this time."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Has Lady Newelle been in contact with Sardar Marshal Soshan Fayez or the court and/or personage or King Farokh Khanid III?"
Alizabeth > "I have no information to give you on that at this time."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Has Lady Newelle deployed this embassy completely independent of communicating with Sardar Marshal Soshan Fayez or the court and/or personage of King Farokh Khanid III?"
Alizabeth > "I have no information to give you on that at this time."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Very well. Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Marshal Protector."
Alizabeth > "I’m a little disappointed. You had a professional military officer for an interview and didn’t ask anything about her subject of expertise."
Viverina Cielvoss > Very well. From what you have seen thus far, what is your opinion of how the Royal Khanid military is conducting their campaign in the system of Kahah?
Alizabeth > Well, there is an interesting dichotomy between the forces that the Khanid have deployed and the method with which they have been employed. The 7th Asbara Cyber Knights are elite forces, as are the 19th Royal Uhlans. However, so far both forces are operating using a strategy of weakness, avoiding becoming decisively engaged, using artillery and sub-orbital strikes as a shield. They have the freedom to maneuver and resupply as necessary, but are only using that to herd the rebels into concentrated areas to engage with indirect fire. These elite Cyber Knights are now elite forward observers. Now, every professional officer knows the limits of artillery fire, even sub-orbital strikes. If the goal is the pacify the rebels as quickly as possible, killing as many as possible, they’re not doing a good job of it. The lack of training is also playing into the favor of the Khanid forces. If the rebels pushed their assault and go into close combat with the Khanid, they’re artillery support would be worthless.
Alizabeth > And, the Khanid strategy would never work against a proper military force.”
Viverina Cielvoss > "There are indications that some of the mercenaries hired by capsuleers have assisted the rebels in obtaining weapon caches and possibly even provided military training. What is your opinion regarding rebel capabilities?"
Alizabeth > "Not enough. Military training, in a week? Okay, so they now know which end of the weapon the beam comes out of. Weapons? Fine, some, I am sure, but personal armor, armored vehicles, crew served weapons, indirect fire weapons, mobile shield generators, stealth fields? Not a chance. The rebels are out gunned, out equipped, and our matched in training."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Do you have any final statements you would like to add to the record, Marshal Protector?"
Alizabeth > "Yes. I advised Lady Newelle to move some forces here incase the situation on the ground changed and the Khanid needed reinforcements to keep from being overrun. She has taken that under consideration."
Viverina Cielvoss > "Thank you again, Marshal Protector."
Alizabeth > "Of course."