TC-KL [AU TZ] is recruiting

When Mondays get you down, join TC-KL and perk up !!!

Hey man, joined the channel but no one appears to be in it?

tc-kl pub is the name of channel my good man. There is usually always someone in there. You actually get to talk to people mostly during AU tz so around DT up and down.

We won all the wars, peace is upon us !!! Fights re still on, but crabbing is apparently good too.

up … UP … UUUP

Come get rich and shoot stuff in spare time !!!

looking for more people to join the au tz crew. it is the only crew we have :slight_smile:

long weekend recruitment in action :slight_smile:

We want more AU TZ folk.

TC-KL where wallabies run around a billabong !!! Don’t make me write this stuff again or more of it. Come join asap !!!

up we go

Daily more people needed and wanted add :).

Up we go !

Making money for the upcoming wars.

We are getting a lot of new blood in, but we are quite greedy. 272 members at the moment and growing.

Up for more !!!

We are moving up to get more new people !! We like new people.

New week, and new drive. Come one, come all :slight_smile:

Up we go

CAN CONFIRM THESE ARE COOL GUYS!. btw say hi to fawlty7 for me and say happy birthday. really cool of you to use my video from when i was with you guys :smiley: