Team Security: Rules and Policy Clarifications

Yes, I’m sure it’s just sheer coincidence or “racism” that every time CCP teleports supers they catch botting to Yulai that 75% of them are from the same alliance…

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I have bot aspirations but still don’t know how to find a proper one to multibox without getting into trouble, I got paid accounts but have to switch between the characters which most times is bit eye rolling.

ALT TAB. Takes half a second…

Never knew that, I’ll try it.

As a former member of leadership in one of those giant sov-owning organizations, I’d just like to offer: dear god, no.

Players should never be put into a position where they’re investigating other players. Ignore the current crop of leaders for a moment. Once you establish this precedent, how long does it take for people with an ax to grind to go seeking that position?

How long is it before someone’s accusing people of grinding that ax? It just creates all sorts of ‘who did you give access to my data (even if it’s just activity habits)??’ issues and minefields. Better to leave it to professionals with no agenda other than killing bots.


Or worse yet, get someone in that position that sides with the bots. That would be like the police investigating themselves and finding that they did nothing wrong…

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Bummer, i was hoping for a correlation so we can answer the negative voices on Reddit etc with a clear correlation

Thank you SO much for these words, it means the world to me, no jokes. One of the team goals for this quarter was to try and be more transparent and engage in more dialogues with you guys, and if we manage to do it… Well, that’s just a reward on itself, for real. Thank you again!


It is such a shame that certain people will make those remarks and when ytou then show them where the devs show they care, or where GMs do actualy meaningful interaction (and there is tons) that they then refuse to go look at it or realise they are wrong. Those people will yell ‘EVE is dying’ day in and day out at the top of their lungs just because they want to be heard, not because they care.

But i agree, i like the post, i KNOW the devs and GMs care and i know EVE is in a much ebtter state then it was a few years ago. It is easy to see, but requires an open mind :slight_smile:

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Thank you! We try our best.

This question sort falls into the “personal” category, even if it’s not about the player, but about the alliance. I’ll try to explain though. From my experience and point of view I can tell you that neither alliances, nor the origin of its members matter to us. In fact, for the most part we don’t always know and we don’t always see these details until we pull up statistics and everything.
Lots of players (or rather botters) are a series of numbers for team Sec. I mean it in a literal, not figurative sense :slight_smile: Not in a… “nothing but a number” meaning, but as an actual part of bot hunting. We learn names, corps and alliances later on, if the case requires us to dig deeper. But I promise you that it has never ever ever been like “oh, this guy is from THAT corp/alliance, must be botting”. It’s just not efficient.


Thank you for these words!
We do care, our devs care as well, I know it for a fact.


Another option is setting up your screens in such a way that you can click buttons by having them next to eachother.

Go through a cycle to activate guns or mining lasers, resort your windo stack, repeat at next try. Only 1 screen on the front, but in a somewhat smaller window. I know people controlling incursion fleets this way, it’s tedious and it can get very active at the same time. You cannot afford a mistake

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No, I don’t think so, to be honest. This is way too internal stuff even for NDA. Our tools are pretty specific, it takes a while to learn them, and the results are barely the same whenever we do our checks. It took me half a year at least to sort of distinguish those cases, learn to see grey areas and clear cases of botting. And mind you, I still have doubts even now.
So yeah, as much as exciting it sounds, I don’t think it’s possible, sorry!

Talking about grey areas, i know at least 1 person that uses highly modified PC to have the accessibility to his PC. From voice control to special devices to control the PC, he uses it all. It is awesome to see him fly in EVE with it, but in a way it breaks the eula.

Can you guys see the difference between that and a normal player? And is this friend at risk with the way he plays?

I am obviously vague to protect him, but am also proud of what he is doing to play eve

Edit: Also, i was not clear, he uses these tools because his disability makes playing any game very very hard. If he is safe i can share a video he made on how he plays. It is an hour long watch but inspiring. (and yes i want to share the video because i am in awe at this mans tenacity and pure genius in building his controls)

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Exactly, we are sort of uninterested party. We gain nothing from this game-wise, we have zero interference with in-game politics or something. And yep, sometimes we don’t even see alliances of players.

Hard to say, to be honest… I think it’s kind of one of those very specific questions regarding a very specific matter, that takes some time to answer.
I can tell you that much - we never really talked about those kind of setups, I am pretty sure it falls to the “modification” side, but not botting per se. Unless he is using hundreds of accounts to mine all belts clean :smiley:
But yeah, I am afraid that I just can’t give the definitive answer to that. Not because I want to hide something from you or your friend, but mostly because it just seems like a very specific case.


I don’t think he will ever do 100 of accounts to mine a belt empty. He will try his best to FC a fleet of incursion runners though. Which in itself is champion achievement level :slight_smile:

Just remember everyone that the simple answer is don’t use third party programmes that give you an advantage over someone not using them.

I never have, never will.

It’s cheating.


Also, i figured it would be too specific, hard to say anything if you don’t know what they are doing.

Oddly enough i think CCP devs in several teams should see the video, partly to show where the UI can improve, partly to show that this game is so awesome that someone will want to go through all this effort and partly in hope that it prevents him from accidentally getting tagged as cheating.

Now i agree with @Drago_Shouna , but what is an advantage, is that being able to do things someone else with a disability cannot, or is it when it surpasses normal players.

But let’s just say this conversation is becoming way too philosophical :smiley:



The blog said we could ask questions about stuff not mentioned.
Is it possible you or one of your colleagues could touch upon section 2 of the Eula and how it pertains to Multiboxing Alpha accounts whether or not one has the hardware to do so(multiple laptops etc), is it a bannable offense, how hard to prove etc etc.