Testing discourse notification spam



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Maybe to explain, you can feel free to try and tag the groups - it just does absolutely nothing. Much like Radioactive Man’s goggles.




Are there secret @s that are not listed, but usable? Asking for my good friend, Curiosity. :3

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No ? Right…

@FedoBot is what we need… randomly crawling through threads, making crunching noises…

While we can’t spam @Developers, I’m pretty sure they, at least, can spam @CSM if they want to. (and I can spam the csm too :smiley: )

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No, you need to be a member of the CSM, a moderator, or an admin to ping the entire CSM group. :aura:
Which you just did, btw. :fedo:

I know :smiley: They’ve not murdered me yet though.

I wonder if @everyone works

ooo more


Damn, now I want to try the at-everyone :parrot:

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Do it, you are “testing”.

ooo theres also @admins

I now want to randomly @Messoroz in every thread i visit.

murders steve
