
done here thanks for leaving a post

Hi there, WSHH in B0SS alliance a NPC nullsec BLOPS group are recruiting. Main TZ is USTZ, some AUTZ . F1 monkey? Who da fuq is that guy.
WSHH Zkill

Come have yawn we do a lot of roams and pochven fleets :slight_smile:


We are actively trying to up our AU TZ side atm. Come check us out:

Inevitable Outcome - WH PVP CORP - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums


Check out Holy Hunters - Mainly US tz

Hey, Andy.
Hope you are doing well. I figured we’d reach out and say hi. I think our group of misfits might suit you well.

We Gatecamp, lots fo small/med gang PVP stuff, live in Null, and we understand IRL is a thing.

You can check our recruitment page below, for info on how to get ahold of us :smiley:
We all hope to hear from you soon!


I think you’d fit in well with us, we’re in CVA doing fleets from 5-50, no diplo with any of the major blocs. Content 1j from staging and when we have nothing to do at home we deploy away.

Not 100% we’re a TZ match though (we’re active 18.00-04.00).

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