The Argument for War Declaration Changes

It’s pretty obvious that this will happen isn’t it? While I can agree that something like a social corp may be good for the people who would otherwise just stick to NPC corp (but this should be closely monitored how this affects retention), for the actual wardecs I think what is needed is more tools around them. I uploaded my document where I describe it in detail on the wardec discord if you are interested.

I’m not against having a look there, A lot of my war experience has been on the receiving end or on taking down dead POS end, not so much on the attackers end, so I know I’m not fully qualified to speak for attacker mechanics. But think I’ve got a pretty good idea as to defender mechanics and behaviour :slight_smile: Including how to mine & mission when under a wardec.

Well that player was more dedicated then the war decker, he did this to end the war.

When I had first suggested this I wanted it vulnerable for the defenders TZ only, could adjust for that if the corp is smaller than x, if it is a bigger corp then always vulnerable.

Are they going to be protecting all their structures all the time, they are likely to be off doing something. You do know that most war deckers hate protecting stuff and see themselves as elite hunter killers. That is very important in terms of this. They hate having to defend stuff.

This is to make it doable by small new corps even against entities like PIRAT, that is the balance that CCP has to look at.

So you want the Wardeccer to stay awake and on EVE 24/7 camping their war structure?
You are sounding crazier and crazier with your ideas now.

You can’t do this with a structure without destroying wars. You seriously might as well just delete them if you expect a 5 man corp to be able to turn up and gun down the structure vs pirate.

So you want to change a game feature in a way that those who currently play it completely hate it? How is that is any way even remotely an attempt to improve said feature?

Now resorting to insults, so lame. So ran out of reasons and now insults.

I have explained that it has to be doable by small new corps who want to end the war dec, it is supposed to be unbalanced against war deckers…

Seriously, you talk about asymmetric warfare and yet simple guerrilla tactic’s are ignored by you. As if that small corp is going to attack it when all of PIRAT are sitting on top of itr. If PIRAT are doing a full on engagement like taking down a Fort in Perimeter then perfect time to strike. Simple stuff, can’t see why you cannot get it.

People hate being war decked, so you want to continue with a system that people hate? This is just another variation on the I hate structures argument, and can be countered by people saying I hate war decs. :roll_eyes:

How ■■■■■■■ hard is to comprehend that basically everyone want it to get changed, but maybe unlike you I am actually looking for improving the game play and not just making it suck so extremely no one will bother with it anymore


Just let them opt-out of wardecs as a group, like they can already do by going to the NPC corp. Problem solved.

A 100% effect way to get out of, or avoid altogether, something they “hate”. And requires no effort on their part.

the only thing you want to improve is to make the easy kills that you love so much easier… you’re just another lazy ass highsec low life :slight_smile:

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The problem is, that danger does not really work if you can just avoid it by simply not going to where it’s known to be dangerous. Abyssal space in my book is not really dangerous in the same sense that a spoon is not dangerous: The spoon is not dangerous unless you decide to thrust it into your own eyesocket. And abyssal space is not dangerous unless you actually decide to go there.

Many people decide to stay in highsec forever already, and that’s ok as it is, because even Highsec has some danger to it. If Highsec becomes even safer, then the risk is that most people may never “progress” to low or null. It’s much more offputting to lose your ship to an “unfair” PvP situation when you have played in perfect safety for a year or two up to that point.

As I see it, some sense of danger needs to be present to teach especially new players about the dangers and how to deal with them, so they have a chance to be prepared when they go all in at some point.

Highsec wardecs also serve a bit as a filter: If you decide to be a CEO, but then have no idea how to react to a threat from other players other than telling your corpmates to stay docked or logged off for a week, then your member count might just dwindle and your corp might just fail, and that would be a good thing, because you are probably not fit to be a CEO (yet). And that’s an important aspect, because I think bad player corps and CEOs can hurt player retention very badly in a game that hinges heavily on player interaction like Eve online.

That all being said, I am not saying wardecs should not be changed. They badly need to be changed because the current system is completely ■■■■■■. However, just throwing structures into the mix, which seems to be CCPs favored solution at the moment won’t really help there. And straight up removing wardecs or making highsec “safe” would be a terrible idea in general that I am sure they aren’t really considering anyway.

Especially on the “teaching new players” part I have to add: At the moment, this doesn’t really work, and many highsec-dwellers never learn this. There are more ways to deal with wardecs than to just stay docked or not even log in. After all, players in low- and nullsec can still do their thing, even though potentially everyone else is an enemy. Use insta undock bookmarks, travel in fast-aligning ships, use a scout, watch local, and you are golden. This is even more true in Highsec, where you have the option to just relocate on a whim. In nullsec that’s not quite as easy, because you can often not just pack your stuff and pay some random hauler to ship it to 30 jumps away. So, if your system is being camped, you have to just deal with that situation, and people who live there do just that. You can also stick together and always have a standing fleet up, and then you may even have a shot at fighting back.

New players need to be taught these mechanics and basic rules of engagement if they ever want to stand a chance of progressing into more dangerous parts of the game. So why does this not work already? My theory is, that bad corps and CEOs are not being punished enough, and way too many new players end up in corps where they will never learn how to deal with danger in the game, and never get to see any content beyond highsec mining and running level 4 missions. And the CEO doesn’t care: So what if the corp slowly dies because the members are terribly bored? I can always just make a new one and shanghai a new bunch of rookies right from the starter systems. A newbie in a corp that has the balls to actually try and deal with a war dec probably has a much better chance to learn than one in one of the many run-off-the-mill low effort mining corps that duck and hide at the slightest sign of danger. And these corps need to be filtered out quickly before they have a chance to invite many newbies that may then get the notion that this game is terribly boring and unfair and that you can’t ever do anything about those big bad scary PvP bullies.


For the last 4 years war decs have been in a terrible situation for the defenders but it was alright for the carebears to suck it up. My objective is to shake up the balance and then move it back towards the right balance as things improve. I am focussed on improving the game play for the defenders. The war deckers have had total freedom for years, this is akin to the jump fatigue change in terms of scope and impact.

Do nothing, sounds like a plan, not…

And excludes them from certain game play, way to go.

Ohhh let ppl decide if they want to have fun or play the game as a group a feature almost required to have fun in this game… how delusional you guys are lol

It’s like once again your white-knight disorder kicks in and prevents you completely to think about this from some distance and as an actual game feature. Anyway, it’s pretty unlikely they will listen to you, I think anyone not completely brain-dead can see what you are trying to do here.

I very well written and heart felt statement and I agree with your thoughts, however the issue is that you have a large group of high SP characters, with huge resources and wallets farming people who just cannot compete. The balance is out and that in itself is stopping people from developing.

Ima is one of the CODE gankers. Ganking isn’t easy. I don’t like to be ganked, but it is part of the game. We’re not expected to like everything others do. They’re not here to entertain us, you know?

Only the dumbest of players think ganking would be as simple and easy as flying a mission or mining an asteroid. Some of you are so scared of losing a ship that it has frozen your brains and you fail to make sound judgements. Ganking requires a lot of work and I would like to see you fly around all red through high-sec.

Just stop being so scared of others. Of course it’s no fun being scared all the time. You’ve got to let go of it and dare a little. Take some risks.


Back to the white knight thing again, I have laid out clearly why and my reasoning, and you have your feelings that it makes it too hard.

One CSM already has, but what am I trying to do here exactly. I thought I was trying to make it easy for the defender to end the war by getting in a ship and blowing something up. I also want the changes to start impacting the size and capability of the large war deckers so they become less able and not so unbalanced against what is in hisec. My motives are pretty clear to me.

Making a social corp isn’t nothing.

That’s how this game works. I am excluded from running Sleeper sites if I don’t go to a wormhole. I don’t get to fly a capital ship unless I leave highsec. I don’t get to engage in the fight for sov gameplay unless I go to sov nullsec.

It’s perfectly fine to give a space for players who don’t want to deal with wars. There is not wrong with “excluding” someone from something until they are ready to take a risk.

I don’t understand. I am completely for people being able to play the game as a group without worrying about wars. Let them have fun, as much as they like in a group, and when they are ready to complete, they can graduate to a competitive corp and participate in wars, or stay in a safer, limited corp as long as they like having fun together.


You said NPC corp not social corp, but still social corp does nothing much.

Those are areas in space where I can put up a structure, but cannot do that in a social corp or an NPC corp. OK…, not sure what you are trying to say here.

But when they take that risk they meet PIRAT and CODE, dead cert 100% loss. Not a good situation.

LMAO, oh dear…

Don’t let my young new-character look deceive you… I play this sheit since it started… ganking is easy if you know what you are doing… maybe not as easy as missioning or mining but you paint it like there is some kind of elite skill set needed… don’t make me laugh… ganking is something that any average eve player can do if they really wanted to.

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