The Argument for War Declaration Changes

Beautiful i love it GG

If you look at the online numbers of the last three years then these are climbing. We had a peak in the past, but when you take the summer holes of the last three years as the bottom line then you can see a clear upwards trend.

What we don’t currently have are the annual Christmas peaks being as strong as before.

Then show me on this chart at which point wardecs have suddenly, and much to CCP’s surprise of course, become a problem?

Sir judging by those numbers i see a sudden increase but still in the long run a steady decrease over time.

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Again, thank you for your reply. I’ll be happy to clarify for you.

Crowd Control Productions seem so concerned that they have brought forward an update to try and control the issue because there are hard and fast facts demonstrating that disruptions to a new players ‘learning cycle’ by way of war declarations is causing them to leave.

This data only seems to have been collated recently, hence the recent change.

I’m carefully avoiding the even more alarming point that on average, 105 ships were being destroyed for every 1 ship defending from the large five organisations in 50% of this universes ‘Wars’. This is purely because I can’t gather any further information on it, I can only note that it’s alarming ‘balance wise’ and would agree that re-work is potentially required.

In terms of ‘parroting’, I don’t see where else I can get my data from. I’m unwilling to give my opinion because CCP’s statistics are likely to be far more reliable.

CCP Statistics from the public event are quite clear, those who dock up during war declarations are statistically unlikely to return, if new to the game and in reasonable numbers. Player retention is now clearly a player focus for the organisation.

I hope my reply has helped.


What we are missing are the peaks around Christmas, which indicates not a loss in long-term players, but in the short-term players - the EVE tourists.

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It will be interesting to see next years numbers since gaming it self has changed so much in recent years.

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In a spaceship game? interesting…

I’m assuming by trying to give an answer for CCP does it help you to deal with what is going on, but you’re still only parroting what they have given us at EVE Vegas.

I don’t believe CCP actually cares for what goes on with wardecs. I refuse to believe they’ve all suddenly gone soft. Rather do I believe they’re trying to appeal to a specific group of risk averse players to come and to play their game, and in the meantime are CCP happy to take a :poop: on all successful warfare corporations in EVE.

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Sounds familiar indeed, but smoking actually kills, is based on nicotine, which has psychoactive effects and causes a physical dependency. But I’m going to guess this wasn’t the point of your analogy …

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Honestly? I think it’s appropriate I give you this one opinion.

I think some metrics have been looked over in the past because war metrics are probably not-all-that-important.

After the recent acquisition of the company the CSM happened to raise this issue and when development dug into these metrics to see if the CSM actually had a point they came to the realisation that high security wars are quite an obscure thing that objectively statistics wise aren’t doing the organisation much good.

When you see that new players can’t be asked to stay around after being locked up in an NPC station for a week, half of all wars are being conducted by the same known groups who absolutely smash their victims to a ratio of 105 kills to 1 loss and your group of volunteers are telling you something should probably change, wouldn’t you do something?

This is clearly a band-aid, but you can see the number of people that this is resonating with. It’s overdue at the very least.


@Whitehound the statistic numbers you gave. Do you know if they include alt accounts or not? The rise in numbers can be more people making alt accounts not new people coming in. I do agree with Eve visitor comment you made. I am just wondering if 5 people leave but 5 new alt accounts are made wouldnt the numbers balance out?

By alt accounts i mean separate accounts not accounts with multiple characters.

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I disagree. I bet they knew about it as long as we knew about it. I understood it the first day I started playing EVE, and I guess most of us do. Meaning, either you stay or you quit, but you won’t let a couple of ship losses stop you from playing.

The show is just a smoke screen and we’re only not being told the true reasons, which could well be a little bit of greed by management, who wishes to attract some more non-PvP players into the game for their :moneybag:.

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Heh, that made me smile :laughing:

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Alt or not doesn’t really matter. If we’re going to split hair over alts then we could also argue on the age of players as I am personally more happy with grown-up and mature players than the cocky, nose-picking teenager.

Well if they are alts they do matter honestly. If someone is new they add to the game population and have a chance to bring in even more new players. While i do agree with some of the things you say distinguishing between new players and alts is actually a huge deal when it comes to if the server will be upgrade if the game will expand and so on. After all it comes down to how much money is pumped into the game which is the final decision where the game goes.

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Look, the main concern with all this is not that carebears get off the hook or something. It was already super easy to avoid wardecs if you had no assets in corp. What I have a problem with is that wardecs as they are now suck and need a complete revamp and my fears are:

  • that they will stop with the quick fix and just ignore the mechanic for another 6 years
  • Turn free form wardecs into a stupid mini-game with some artificial rules that have absolutely nothing to do with real conflicts between entities that emerge from the sandbox.

I’d agree with you in theory, but it can act both ways. I have brought along a friend or two in some MMOs, but I also left for my reasons and then I didn’t want my friends to play these games. In fact I left one game together with a friend where we shared the same reasons. So I hold on to the raw numbers by the as this is as good as it gets in terms of health monitoring.

And lets not forget how CCP did a lot of ads on the Internet in the past. I remember times where almost every 2nd Google search gave me an ad on EVE Online. Those times are long gone. I cannot remember when I’ve seen the last EVE Online ad on some random website.

I keep thinking of Galaxy Quest as my worst fear.

Remember this?


God i loved galaxy quest great movie.


perfect example