The Argument for War Declaration Changes

Before I get started…yeah, yeah I’m crying because my way of playing the game is being changed, blah, blah, blah :cry::cry::cry:

Are we done with that bit now?

Yes, actually, I am pissed that my play-style is being curtailed. Ok, so some players dock up and potentially unsub while they are wardecced.

Has anyone bothered to look at the numbers of Goons towards the end of WWB/Casino War when they were camped into Lowsec? The answer, of course, is no. I bet there were a good few hundred players (conservatively) who docked up and didn’t return for a good few months until the dust had settled. Eve and its very nature forces people to dock up after something happens to temporarily ruin their play-style.

The biggest problem with what has happened here is that CCP have heard for years from arguments made by the same people on the forums that players don’t like wardecs. They’re also hearing this from the CSM, which is primarily comprised of nullsec players, with the argument that it drives away new players. Question - how would anyone, let alone NS players who never really see hisec newbies, know what drives away new players unless they’re surveyed? If they had been surveyed why hasn’t this data been presented?

Nullsec players proposed a solution on the forums. The CSM, again primarily NS players, put this to CCP (most likely, not 100% on this but it would make sense for it to be CSM) with the arguments listed. CCP implement the “temporary solution” (quotations because this is CCP we’re talking about) which is, lets face it, shockingly bad. It’s a system with the biggest exploitable loophole possible in it to allow any group to easily avoid a wardec should they want to, even the huge NS groups.

Wait a minute…the biggest benefactor from the change are NS groups? Aren’t these the main targets of wardec corps? And comprise the majority of the CSM? :astonished:

You can dress this up as much as you like with statistics etc. but the reason that any research was done by CCP in the first place was because the NS CSM members wanted wardecs gone in order to make life easier for their members. Player numbers overall aren’t changing other than the natural decline in all MMOs. In my experience, most wardec kills are against NS targets not newbies. CCP are either are genuinely concerned that wardecs affect player numbers (see statistics above from Whitehound) or they’re finding an excuse to pander to what is their biggest player base. Also, this is a very CCP solution I’m afraid - if it’s broken, destroy it completely before knowing what you’re actually going to do long term (see jump fatigue and any sort of ship balance).

The current wardec system is flawed and broken. No player should have those ridiculous k:d ratios, but it’s a problem of CCP’s making. Blanket wardec corps didn’t exist at the scale they are now 5 years ago. CCP nerfed specific target hunting into the ground when the watchlist was removed. It’s not impossible now, but incredibly onerous and not viable as a sustainable play-style. The only option for those wanting to preserve a hisec life was to blanket wardec. In a way we’ve become too successful - more juicy kills means more isk which means more accounts which means more effective at getting juicy kills and so on.

Personally I hope CCP are sure of their numbers with this. There are a lot of accounts that form the big wardec corps (mains, scouts, links, dedicated logi) that may well go inactive due to these changes. This has been the linchpin of a lot of peoples game for a long time. I’ve been inactive for some time, but I always come back eventually. This will make me think twice so that’s 4 accounts (that I’m willing to admit to anyway).

Maybe some will turn to other forms of hisec warfare such as ganking, which might then become a big enough problem that CCP destroy that as well. That would mean a hell of a lot of additional accounts ganking in the pipes. Gankers get as much hate as wardeccers after all, maybe more.

Actually, forget that that last bit - goons do it, it’s safe.


Fact is that numbers ARE starting to drop AGAIN, after the short-term jump caused by the move to the Free to Play model.
Eve has always been a small niche game, and the excessive ease of griefing is most or all of the reason WHY - same reason Ultima Online stayed small despite NO REAL COMPETITION and a huge interest level from those millions that had played the previous Ultima games before they came out with the Tramel shards and pretty much dropped their original “anything goes” model.
Eve had the same issue before they created Low and High sec space - but the supposed security of HighSec is largely an illusion, and folks eventually realise that and wander out to play other games that don’t CRAM PVP DOWN YOUR THROAT even in areas that are supposed to restrict it.


Staying safe in highsec is ridiculously easy, especially with the watch list gone. If you get wardecced by any of the mercenary corps, just stay two jumps away from any hubs or Uedama and you will never be bothered.

Move local channel out into its own window so you see who is in your local at all times. If you see a wartarget come into system, warp to a safe spot if you want and spam D-scan for combat probes or just dock up until they leave.

Put a fricken tank on your ships…all ships…hull tank your pathetic Retrievers if you must feel the need to fly them.

If you are mining and ANYONE warps in to your belt, just leave.

Don’t AFK mine. EVER!

Set CODE to red on your overview, you will never be surprised by them. I have NEVER EVER been ganked by CODE because I pay attention and watch local while mining or mission running.

Quit asking for more nerfs in order to protect miners and try to protect yourself for once.


Because CCP has forgotten one thing:

the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
When you have a stray dogs situation, either you exterminate them or you feed them to the point where they stop being aggressive. But no, CCP decided to starve them. Brilliant.

You should join CODE. we basically tell miners the very same thing. We just shoot them first to get their attention because they are AFK and don’t read the forums.


I paid subscription to play a game as I want, not to run away and hide from psychotic killers.

CCP made game to much in favor of PVPers and now crying that there is no enough subscribers for their fat Island salaries.

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Wrong you shoot them because you like it xD

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This is stupid evolved. The pinnacle. There is no counter argument.

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Let’s say it another way: no one wants you here anymore because you have become more of a disaster than the profit you bring.


Let’s be clear: We don’t care.

I read that and then realised that you seem to have missed the simple fact that as nullsec entities have structures you can still war dec them…, oh well, back to watching…


Yes, the process of helping other people is very satisfying.

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That was misquoted, I said :
Let’s say it another way: no one wants you here anymore because you have become more of a disaster than the profit you bring.

You are just no more profitable and you’ll have to live playground.

That was quite the read, have a ‘like’ from me. I’m unable to comment on CCP’s motivations for this change, just that change is definitely required. Thanks for taking the time out to reply.

And you have missed the simple notion that using a shell corporation to hold all their structures would allow all groups (WH, NS and HS…everyone) to avoid wardecs without changing their way of life.

Yeah, I didn’t realise how long it was until I saw it live on screen…oh well

Love it!

Thank you for posting :fu:

nice analogy :slight_smile: