Your question was if we dispute your findings. We are not here to dispute. We are here to discuss and to agree. Hence did I ask you to give us a measurement so we can be on the same page about how you wish to quantify it.
Maybe you don’t see how this is wrong and offensive, but to those of us who know the forum guidelines and do seek a dispute-free discussion are your attempts of bringing disputes into the discussion not more than trolling.
We do not want to dispute, we want to agree to terms we all can agree to.
This is another tactic you use to troll.
To answer on behalf of another troll, though you didnt say what they did earlier.
Then you claim “we” as if you are synonymous,
Then that forces the questioner to deal with two respondents, in turn, whereas the actual person that was questioned never answers, claiming yiu did it for them.
Its very transparent, happens repeatedly, and clear this is how the troll brigade operates here,
Sure, it works, but its wrecking this board and has done so for a long time.
Failing that, you spam flags and reports en masse from the troll brigade, and ISDs/CCP react to the sheer volume, rather than the substance, of those.
You reply to a lot of comments without anyone asking you. Furthermore, of all the people here on the forum are you probably the last person most want to see post here. You must have figure this out by now… Yet do we try to accept you and continue to talk to you.
Are we all really just trolls to you?
You then don’t have to answer my question. But if you really believe we’re all trolls and the game is so bad, then you shouldn’t stay here any longer.
Dude, seriously. This looks like a persecution complex; nobody is really out to get you.
Sure some of us may have a little fun at your expense, but for the most part a lot of us just disagree with your opinions, especially when you present them as facts.
Do yourself a favour, get off the forums, it’s clearly stressful for you. Go fishing, relax, read a book, anything but this pitiful display.