The Argument for War Declaration Changes

I hear that ‘hs is most pvp restricted’ words to much time s in this topic. It’s not restricted. In any way it is most punishable but not restricted. In ns holders defend their cirtizens. Intels, homedefenses. Ns is safer because people make it safe. In hs you shifts punishment and restricition termins


No idea but I posit that if you take into account population size then lowsec sees more pvp than any other area of space.

Same can be said about low sec – intel channels, standing fleets etc. As long as you spend time in more “lawless” areas of space you will need that kind of organization to survive any meaningful amount of time.

The question one should be asking is… with the wildly.different rules should there be this much pvp in relation. Regardless of which has more.
That said, CCP indicated it was not pvp driving people away. It was the spectre of imbalanced pvp from wardec corps. Therefore looking at actual pvp numbers is meaningless


I have read up to comment number 227 so far. I think there is a good argument for change due to the way the mechanics are used.

We have newer players not realising there is so much they can do to avoid fighting in a war, they can move outside of the main camp points, they can go to Null, they can become NPC, they can join a big corp that fights back,

Then we have the more experienced guys who war dec lots of smaller corp, Camp gates for eternity, they NEVER come out of their comfort zones to fight corps that live outside of main Hubs.

I think the issue is that people are either unaware or can’t be bothered to use mechanics to their full extent. People are so stuck in their ways that CCP has to change the mechanics.

Which alliance are you referring to? Since I have done this for 5+ years and don’t know one entity that quote “NEVER” fight outside trade hubs.

Its comments like these that over exaggerate the reality of high sec war deckers


And this is where I differ from many players. My solution would have been to recruit more friends to help us in Stain. We could have grinded the massive wealth in Stain and used it to equip our team members with black ops ships. We would have lost a lot yes but we could have inflicted quite a few billion isk ship losses on the enemy.

This type of battle takes lots of dedication and people having to diversify and do things a different way. My observation is that yourself and other players just wanted an easy game where you didn’t have to deal with BLOPS campers and you could NPC in in the same system as the station. Nobody wanted to do a permanent/semi permanent gate camp to clear the area.

The exact same thing happens in Hi-sec with regard to war decs.

The problem is the way in which people use the mechanics, many of you give up way too easily and you’re stuck in this way of thinking.

Yup, we want a GAME, not a fulltime JOB !!!

Says the guy who spends the whole day posting on the forums, your not fooling anyone buddy.

Contributing to a group effort in Eve is a full time job? Asking guys like you to contribute some of the time you have seems difficult. Perhaps this game is not for you?

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I am amused at your ability to take my reply on players who are bitter vets and their attitude and turn it into another incorrect bitter attack post.

Your observation sucks as per normal, because I was keeping their focus on me in a couple of systems, leaving others to operate freely in other systems until you decided to taunt them about not affecting your game play, at which point they blanket AFK cloaky camped the area and stopped you from ratting too. Not one of your better strategic moments I may add.

If that is your solution then do it instead of talking about it on the forums.

uhm… it is 100% safe, as long as you dont do something silly.
Thats the whole point and its exactly those mechanics that some wardec groups utalise to keep relatively green killboards.

Im all for a change in the wardeck system but i dont think you understand highsec mechanics well enough to speak for them.


It was not an attack post. It was an observation.

Your reply proves my point, You are only prepared to play Eve in a limited way which is just the same as lots of other Eve players. Even with the Stain enemies breaking the rules of the game and logging into friends accounts and camping some systems there were still plenty of systems we could have operated in.

Yes they stopped me ratting in a set of systems I agree 100%, as a counter measure I fired up one of my 5 other characters and continued ratting in another system. My gameplay and strategy are absolutely fine, I am still living in Stain and doing ok.

I am still on topic, there are problems with wardecs due to the way mechanics are used by the wadeccer and the defender. So now CCP have to change the mechanics to suit the psychological barriers that exist.

Chill out Drac, a debate is all about analysing the logic of whats said and finding the pro’s or flaws.

Your point about people moving away and doing other things and using other characters is something I would agree with.

However trying to tie it in with my deliberate decision to have the BLOP’s campers focus on me in 6Y-0TW is again showing your bitterness and lack of understanding on what others were doing even though I told you that was what I was doing. :roll_eyes:

So trying to tie it in with my imaginary flaws is a bit rich, you should be the one chilling out and letting go of your bitterness towards me.

The issue with war decs is very simple, there is no benefit to engage with the war deckers for the majority of players in hisec, their best option to end the war is not to play so the war deckers go after someone else. At this point the war deckers are pushing ideas to penalise people in hisec which means that they will drive the casual players out completely if CCP was foolish enough to do such a thing.

In any case I am taking a planned break from Eve and will wait to see what CCP does.

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Like I said no bitterness here, I am just pointing out the logic of your game play. My opinion is your time would have been better spent joining operations to gather isk and resources and fight the aggressors on their level. Or is it wrong of me to even have an opinion?

The facts are this; they were only prepared to camp 4 or 5 systems, they were playing other games while waiting for one of us to take the bait. Of course I understand what you tried to do, I just didn’t agree that it was the best use of time.

This is whats happening in Eve, people are simply too set in their ways and are in no way prepared to try other ways of doing things. That’s exactly whats happening with regard to wardecs.

How can their best option possibly be to not play until the wardec ends?? It is this thinking that has ruined the game, They could have moved to a quiet spot where the war deccers would not have pursued, they could have gone to an NPC corp and carried on earning, they could have joined other corps, There are lots more options that could be implemented with ease, the physiological barrier is in full effect.

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But it’s so much easier to complain about wars…
Just look at the Dryson threads when he got decced :joy:

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You have tried to make this point on me a number of times, and yet I was doing it for a reason and I was making ISK in the market. Nothing to do with being unable to play around other peoples efforts.

But note that for a certain period of time a number of people including yourself were able to rat and operate while I was camped, and in that initial period they camped 4 systems instead of the 12 they did later. I was making ISK from selling stuff in the market and that was not impacted by their camping.

The reason why it is their best option is because there is no way to force an end to the war dec. So by making them waste their ISK on a war dec where the targets do not log in has an affect on the war deckers to end the dec. It is hard cold calculated logic and it works.

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You can pay,
You can dismantle the corp,
You can kill more of them than the opposite
You can change areas,

There’s a billion ways to make wars irrelevant when you’re decced lol

Or you can get value for money and play Eve as you want witouth been harassed by sociopaths …

Nothing’s stopping anyone from playing EVE during wars

If people want to be victims in a game where you can be king, that’s their problem.

Anyone can be king