The Asteroid Distance Debacle

If you notice aomething like that again, could you record it and share that with us?

I’d be interested in seeing it for myself.

Oh? So drop the system then :smiley:

well, you whiny little babies i hope you’re happy. btw, next time think a little before gobbing off and realize asteroids aren’t perfect spheres and that the ‘range to’ hitbox is invisible to your eyes. duh.


so it wasn’t trolls that ruined it, it was ignorant whiny carebears

what’s sad about this whole stupid thing is two things:
(1) CCP claiming they’re reverting asteroids to what they were “intended” to be at. lulz. like they had any clue in the first place
(2) you don’t see capital pilots whining about their hitboxes…oh wait…that be funny if they resized capital ships because hitboxes weren’t what ccp “intended” and shrunk everything. lol

This is a whiney bait post and a half.

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