The Cost of Pi (Planetary Interaction)

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Based on 1million p0 a day, it takes 2 days to harvest the inputs for approximately 3xp4s.

Does anyone want to share their anecdotes on what p0 is achievable for a day. 1ECU 10EH in Low and Null and WH?

IIRC the best I got on a 10-heads extractors was like 30k/h over 2days.
I am pretty sure you can reach consistent 25 k/h on a P0 factory (I was reaching average 24k/h with two extractors and 2 P1, one P2 factories)

However the issue is the volume output : 10k/h means 100 m³/h.
a (10 000 m³) launchpad is filled in one day for 10k/h, so in 8H for 30k/h.
So you rather have several P0 extractors, each linked to their own launchpad. Remember an epithal takes max 6 full launchpads. Also launchpads eat resources so you may not be able to extract as much.

Also the numbers depend heavily on the planet and your skills.

That’s not how it works.
If you create the P0 yourself, you then pay the P4s with those P0 + the tax of the P0. The cost is thus what you would have received by selecting the best planet instead of this P0 and exporting your resources to buy orders instead.

No. I mean the cost of inputs. Not the valuation.

It seems to cost about 280000 p0 for 1 p4.

At your estimated reasonable 30k per hour we can round up to 10 hours of harvesting each a portion of all p0 varieties to get 1 p4.

So that gives us a time cost from harvest to p4.

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