The end is nigh. Gankers a dying breed

If you continue to buy likes than your account health will go down and with it your reach and organic engagement as well.


By the way:



I caught one of Safety’s Pets acting like Aiko offline. Or at least the pet is acting like she is a queen after reading Aiko’s posts.

Bot Aspirants.

No, lol its funny. She comes out of the apartment/apartment looking like Zearna and talking like Aiko, lol.

Calm down miner. Lol.


Very good

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I sell free forum likes, get a tenpack for one billion.

Pad your forum standings today.

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Is this a blanket offer or Frostpackers have to pay several times more if they wish to make use of this service? :thinking: :innocent: :blush:

1 billion per Frostpacker

It’s a free service.

Are you also being notified each time Princess loses her pod too?


What the actual…

I wonder if they know it does no service to have a list of known gankers if someone is afk mining and not watching local. LMAO… oh darn, I think I peed a little… :rofl:

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Not all mining vessels are helpless.


This is true. But ANY ship can be helpless if there’s no one piloting it. Alternately, a mining ship can escape or avoid a gank with a little diligence. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes it depends on the pilot…

Or in special cases when a specific capsuleer is piloting them…

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent: :blush:


Githany has since taken a break over the past year to pursue her main passion - watching paint dry.

Let me explain


@Cleo_of_Petra forum PvP is off the table!

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Good, I don’t like PvP.

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As it fits this topic thought I drop this here from r/Eve:

Do you hate SAFETY? Let’s talk.

Aspiring player looking to make some big moves.

I don’t like SAFETY. That is all i will say here.

Contact me if you are like-minded.

Will this be the end of ganking as we know it?
Is this a Frostpacker alt’s reddit post?
Will this lead to an inflated price of mining permits?
Do wordsalads contribute to global warming?


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Your sure they talking about EVE? Sounds more like they like collecting STD’s


Not sure, maybe anti-gankers could answer that question with certainty.


Well, this could explain why they are so angry, they effect the brain.