Sure. Fifteen years ago.
Fifteen years ago, a 500gb HD was huge. My smallest is 2TB now. A more critical issue is Lazy Programmer Syndrome. In 1986, Spy Hunter could be coded to run in under 64k of RAM. In 1998, most versions of the game required 8mb. Now, you’d probably end up with a 2gb minimum for a 35-year old sprite-based game.
No, it wouldn’t need to have things figure out beforehand. Let’s say you take ‘Tritanium’ as your starting point. Now you spend 6 months working on improvements to it. Everything’s tracked in a single research job until you say ‘ok, we’re done, we’ll work with this’. Until that happens, it’s just a research job, just tracking different improvements. If something happens, like the structure it’s in blows up, while it’s still in this state? Research is lost, toss that small table out, totally gone.
So, six months later, you pull out your results: A 0.02% reduction in mass, and a 0.003% improvement in thermal conductivity. The resulting material gets a name slapped onto it by the guy who develops it, but as far as the database is concerned, this is ‘Tritanium_Alloy_[DATE.TIME || LOCATIONID.INDUSTRYJOB#]’, which doesn’t store 0.02% and 0.003$, it stores what those work out to.
And yes, this means you’re going to see huge amounts of materials database tables. So what? They’re only looked up when you put industry/research jobs in and take things out1. The rest of the time, it functions just like Brain-in-a-Box, where once the numbers get worked out, it stores those final numbers and just uses those.
Where it really gets more complex is in the market, because now you wind up with a whole bunch of competing modules and hulls that are derivations of derivations, and each ‘item type’ becomes more of an ‘item category’, and people need to pay attention to what the hell they’re buying.
Which is also a good thing, and also helps avoid optimization. Any time you can build in the potential for more PBKAC, you’re preventing calcification.
1. And if, down the road, someone else makes the same stuff, those tables simplify things, because once the final numbers are done, it doesn’t matter how they got there, the system says ‘hey, your final number match this other thing. Congratulations, you’ve figured out how to make Tritanium_Alloy_021422.0349 || 356473.4674545, good job.’