The EVE Online Ecosystem Outlook

Yes, you’re protesting these changes by unsubbing your accounts…

…and then playing the game as much as you did before.

Yeah, that doesn’t teach anybody a lesson, lol.


And you got elected. Holy crap.

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Yes, almost as amazing as the idea that you’re going to teach CCP a lesson by playing their game.


Why would they pay LP, when CONCORD already pays liquid isk?

I’m not sure if there was ever any LP reward for killing rats, but which corp would the LP belong to? CONCORD? DED?

It’s an interestng concept, but feels overcomplicated compared to simply receiving liquid isk.

Triglavian behavior is still a mystery for most people.

I often meet with the white roaming triglavians in a few systems when jumping around, but I’ve also met a few red camping ones, and I have no idea why they were red, while others were white.

Some players lifted the possibility of it being related to clades, as there’s three different powers inside the collective, so while two might be cool with you, the third one might hate your guts for simply existing.

Afaik, the current mechanic is that WHs to triglavian space can spawn anywhere up to 3 jumps away from the original invaded system that became part of Pochven.

That WH will spawn red trigs to guard the entrance to their space, and white roaming trigs to recon the system.

If a player warps to the WH uncloaked and aggros the red guarding fleet, then this fleet now will also join the white recon fleet and warp around the system killing everything on sight that isn’t friendly to them.

This might actually be a broken mechanic, as imo, this red guardian fleet should never leave the WH entrance to Pochven, and if any capsuleer warped to the WH and managed to warp away, then they should leave the job of catching the player to the recon fleet, instead of leaving the WH unguarded.

All other cases of trigs shooting and podding players are due to negative standings afaik, so it’s always good to check the interactions tab on your char and see if you have bad standings with them.

Might also be related to corp standings, but idk.

The DD weapons only activate when their shields reach a critical state, meaning they need to be attacked and reach low shield HP to use their DD attack.

They also don’t attack you unless you have low standings with drifters, attack them first, or are carrying a corpse in your hold, so you should be fine if that isn’t the case.

As for the drone mothership, even a frigate can 1v1 a drone boat just fine after defanging it, no matter the size of the opponent, so it’s nothing new.


No more isntanced BS.

While I enjoy running abyssal filaments, I’m against their instanced nature, as while you can still be ganked when exiting a filament, it’s relatively safe to hide/run inside filaments from aggressors.

Rather than have the “auto kill” timer as you mentioned, lvl5, and even lvl4 dynamic missions should have fail conditions, like having to keep an NPC alive with remote repairs while defeating an enemy fleet, and if the NPC dies the mission fails.

This gives a proper role for multiple players, instead of everything being about shooting red targets and you just finish the mission faster in a group.

It’s a lot more dynamic than using a filament and defeating a random assortment of enemies without any chance of failure besides the player dying, with unlimited retries.

Random is different from dynamic, and while random can be good, too much random can be bad too.

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Three theories on Reddit so far:

  1. Nerf to suicide ganking.
  2. Nerf to highsec mining.
  3. Nerf to the Tranquility Trading citadel in Perimeter.

Why they said something so vague, I know not.


2020 Nerfs barely made a difference to the general gameplay.
All the Nullsec infrastructure contunes to be “shared” since it is shared the risk is reduced as we continue to see “we wont shoot each other, se we can both get rich” mentality and the bigger we are, the harder it is for anyone to contest us.
So you want more wars! Brake the shared mentality. Jump Gates, citadels should be only used by there owner or be set as public!

CCP do not forget we still wait what was promised
Drone agro changes!

HOW is this aceptable for 5 years now only one ship class is used to farm the “anomalies” ???
VNI, Mirm, Ishtar, Gila, Domi… How can you say you are balancing since 90% of the isk generated from anomalies in the game has been done with the same tool for so long.

It is plane Boring to hunt ultra high tank/ DPS Gilas or STABED Ishtars!

I’ve never posted here, so probably know very little, but when it comes to the cloaking debate the only thing that needs to be tweaked here, and it is really just a tweak that’s required, is the AFK bit of it.

I don’t like the idea of a fuel for a cloak because that adds unnecessary logistic requirements added to what should be a simple bit of game play - going to hostile space and being an annoyance.

A sov based structure isn’t ideal - mostly because it’s seems like a huge hammer to just crack a tiny nut of one dude sat afk in a system and might have an effect on bomber fleets during fleet fights etc. I can see large unintended knock on effects and only available to a limited number of people to use (if is an active device) or no one once deployed (is a passive structure device)

The answer to me is fairly simple - give us the tools to hunt the afk camper. A ship, a module, maybe both, that can hunt campers. Make it viable but time consuming solo, make it quicker if there’s a fleet of people doing it - solo is a guy with a fishing rod, the fleet is a trawler.

Also - and just as key to this - make it easy for the cloaky camper to avoid if they are actually at the keyboard and keeping half an eye on things.

There’s an opportunity to add to the game here, rather than nerf things. I like new things being added


They did say “without removing the ability [for hunters to catch lazy prey, or] for spies to be able to scout and monitor systems with strategic value.” so… presumably that would mean normal exploration-related cloaking will still be viable as well by the end of 2021.

But you never know.

inb4 bulky cloak fuel too big for t2 covops frigs to carry easily.

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It is necessary to get rid of those pilots in a clok who sit throughout the constellation in a multibox and use third-party programs to track targets for a drop.


But you won’t, cause they will drop a gang on you…

And that’s a win while AFK… making whole regions affected while not at KB… or pretending not at KB? y will never know untill the cyno is up.

Not hours, but the whole day…

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While what is written is vague, It is clearly not not any of these.

  1. Removing suicide ganking would require too much additional game design work, including the massive gutting of the rewards in highsec, to at all keep with the aims of the Ecosystem team. Ain’t in the cards.

  2. Why would they nerf highsec mining again after just redistributing things? Makes no sense. There might indeed be nerfs to the highsec mining meta indirectly with a (much needed) nerf to the auto-mining Orca, but mining itself was just rebalanced.

  3. This would be directly against the direction CCP has said they want to take the game, even very recently. More player control, more ways to interact is the destination they are aiming for so I don’t see why they would nerf player-owned markets. Maybe Keepstars need a kick or something else to make them less oppressive in highsec, but that would be a long way from “the Empires’ patience with intrusive Capsuleers in Highsec is wearing thin”.

No, the most likely explanations that would be in keeping with the goals of the Ecosystem team are:

  1. A nerf to highsec mission/Incursion payouts. Probably in the form of some dynamic system like the DBS that increases taxes in high activity systems reducing incomes and giving reason for capsuleers to spread out throughout highsec or beyond. Could also apply to trading I guess and a revamp of the industry indices. Also, complete removal of Sansha Incursions from highsec is not out of the question.

  2. A removal of the capsuleer starting systems from highsec. Empires are annoyed with capsuleers and they “ban” the creation of new ones in their space. New players start in a new starter system/constellation with a redesigned NPE that is more geared to properly setting the expectation of new players and exposing them to PvP early. Once they graduate, they can head back to highsec or go elsewhere.

Given the domain of the Ecosystem team, I lead more towards this vague reference referring to the first one, a dynamic system for resource payouts in highsec to match that which was just deployed in nullsec/lowsec.


AFK cloaky camping is fine when the cloaky ship is here for pvp. Defenders must adjust and be ready to fight when he decloaks and cyno for a bunch of bombers. That is fine, no problem with this type of gameplay

But what most people don’t understand if that a vast majority of AFK cloaky campers are not there to pvp. They just use an alt, connect just after DT and stay cloaky in the system 24/24 just to annoy people while being AFK and not even in his house IRL, with no intention to pvp.

There is no counter-part to this kind of gameplay. You just have to deal with it right now, never knowing if the guy is a potential threat or not.

Make it that cloaking use liquid ozone each cycle and that after one hour or two, the ship automatically decloak when he ran out of fuel. simple! It won’t affect at all the AFK cloaky camper who is there to pvp but it will just affect the 24/24 AFK annoying cloaky camper. Perfect!

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Please keep the conversation civil and on topic. Should you like to discuss CSM in more detail, please do so in the separate section on the forums.

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I’m honored :hugs:

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And that’s a real big no to that idea.

Most Explorers and Scouts use cloak a lot and are usually in hostile areas with no option to resupply.


Almost like when people stop paying a sub but keep playing using plex.

Yea, giving them someone else’s extra 5 bucks a month of what they would have gotten will learn em real good :slight_smile:

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I do feel after playing for many years Eve has lost all its awe and splendour. Everything is just boring balance passes or random changes. Nothing is exciting anymore.

You killed the community. No AT, boring fanfests, the removal of the exciting twice a year big expansions.

You haven’t bothered iterating on old stuff
Corp and alliance management is awful and hadn’t changed in years
Missions are still the same terrible boring missions you’ve had for literally years. Threes no interactions nothing its an awful experience.
The removal of aura. We need more aura.

The game has become so bland and vanilla

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This is not true.

Carriers super carriers have generated most of the null sec anom isk since the advent of fighter squadrons a few years ago. Fewer people use them than use afk drone boats, but their output is so crazy high that capitals super caps are the real problem.