The EVE Online Ironman Challenge

Not my cup of a tea, but I can see people enjoying stuff like this. Like, there are people who speedrun Eve. So, whatever floats your boat.

Also, this is the first post Lucas has ever made that didn’t make me throw up in my mouth a little bit, so it’s got that going for it.


you sir chosen the best race have a heart :heart:

I created a new character to give it a go, trying to avoid interacting with others as much as possible, but SICO sent one of their “recruitment” mails.

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Interesting idea, but what does it have to do with ironman challenges?

You can’t cheat at a self imposed challenge with no rewards.

Don’t like it? Don’t do it. Whining about it just makes you look pathetic.

An ironman challenge in a game is a challenge where there are tight restrictions to make it harder and a permadeath condition. This challenge does that. It prevents movement of ISK or assets away from the character, restricts the availability of equipment and mandates biomassing of character and assets upon being podded by a player.


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That is not really a challenge challenge, but it is fun though.

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Interesting post, Lucas.

Here’s an extra rule to spice it up a little:

  • You must not use the forums

Might as well do this in November.

We are LIVE #eveonline IRONMAN challenge NO-PLAYER INTERACTION ALLOWED! come check out the rules and see the start of this Mind-Boggling journey!!


I completed the mission. It was way too easy.

As an added challenge, in the future I suggest that Lucas Kell refrain from using the forums.


Streaming it live is taking it to the next level :rofl: Watch out for gankers.

I’ve updated the OP to clarify the evergreen rewards. These are the daily login rewards that exist outside of events. The event rewards would make the challenge much easier and they give you whole ships and things like that, which is why they are banned, but at the moment the daily rewards are fine.

Also with the skills, you can buy skillbooks from NPCs or buy them directly from the skill/info window, you just can’t buy them from players. The SP injection ban is to stop people using things like the million SP from recruit a friend rewards and such.

Hello, I am Susan and participate in the ironman challenge. This means I will play according to the rules in the OP. If my pod gets destroyed I will biomass this character, although it would be a real shame if my name gets lost. So far I have done the tutorial missionand the next step is to run the missions of the carreer agents. I’ll report back.


I got the trillion pieces of tritanium and 250 billion isk worth of ice and salvage, I also have level 10 standings and all that - any additional challenges I can complete? I have to say this little solo challenge was really easy, but also incredibly boring. The worst part was not being able to interact with other people, it just seemed really anti-social, and I don’t think I would ever play this way again. Honestly, I’d have to say this entire experience was uncool, and I hope nobody else does anything this inane.

I honestly can’t imagine what you were thinking, when you thought it would be fun to play EVE as a solitary miner and set “1 trillion pieces of tritanium” as the goal. Regardless, I have completed the ironman challenge, just to prove how easy it was.

@Galaxy_Pig Have you heard about this, the new “Lucas Kell Ironman Challenge”?

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Cleaned up topic, Off-topic and personal attacks are not permitted.

It’s actually quite a challenge to become a half-decent miner under these rules. There are loads of possible goals, of which those are some examples. The trillion trit is just an amusing and pretty much unobtainable goal. :laughing:

It’s not for everyone but I’m enjoying it and others here seem to be too.

There’s no such thing as a half-decent miner, and you aren’t enjoying yourself in EVE at all, which is why you are so grumpy and anti-social.


It’s really making me appreciate the usual way of playing EVE which involves interacting with other players.


I like it!