The fleet of gankers suspected of using input broadcasting

A fleet is supposed to move as one under FCs commands. If he says jump gate, they all jump gate at the same time. He also fleet warp all the pilot. If he says dont move after target neutralized, no one moves. No need to multibox, fleet chat is enough to give commands. Guess you lack PVP experience like this.

What do you mean join? Play anti-ganking with me?

LOL. Obviously someone bought those shares on someone elseā€™s behalf. Not the first time this happens, btw.

Yes! If that promises content, even if itā€™s just waiting in company, then thatā€™s a win for me! :smiley:

Or I could be bait! :smiley:
Well, not me me, but me anyways. :slight_smile:

Haha. OK, Iā€™m not sure youā€™ll enjoy it because what I do may involve much waiting and hunting with no actual fighting. There are crazy days during which I just cannot keep track of everything, but then others during which nothing happens.

Anyway, may be worth a try, plus a genuine ganker might be a nice addition sometimes. :smile:

Iā€™m on most of the time, mail me or start a convo when youā€™re on. I may be AFK when you do, but will reply when Iā€™m back.

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Hazen Koraka placed a bounty on me these days, it made the number 315 visible.
as you might guess, its an outstanding honor for me, to wear the number 315.
i see this as official support for me as an agent and the CODE.

What the ā– ā– ā– ā–  is wrong with you??


I too hate it when my alts do stuff like this!

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Whatā€™s wrong with me?
Whatā€™s wrong with YOU?

At least Iā€™m going to play again instead of sitting in my cage hoping you let me out, Mr. BitterVet-resident-outlaw-boohoo-thegameissoboringandthereā€™snothingtodo!

Imaā€™n alt? Mister?? Youā€™re an alt!
Iā€™m a strong, independent woman! GRRRRRR :angry:


I must say I had plenty of fun today talking to @Knowledgeminer and all of local,
while ā€¦ waiting. Wow! Patience! And Iā€™ve learned a lot about gankers, too!

And Local! Man, I missed Local so much!
Sometimes someone else actually said something too!


Check mail in game when you have a moment. There was some interesting action with a KR after you logged off, and also an aborted attempt to gank a Prowler right before you posted this. :smile:

Will do, as soon as I get to it!

Theyā€™re back, btw. Or still there, Idk.

She is the gank main. But this is the true main, as it was my first character and for a very very long time the only one I had, the one that was subscribed for ~12 years (first time ever since July that Iā€™m no longer subscribed since I discovered this game).

Tell you what, while you and BoomBoom are still in your phases,
Pedro and I already have started creating our own content again
and thereā€™s another one in the works.

The outcomes of the first one wonā€™t be noticable for another month
and the other I just came up with thanks to my first idea.

You should be playing with us.
Youā€™d like it.


And why doesnā€™t my portrait update??
I have a new look!

GRRRR :angry:

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