We all know “at this point” The Drac literally means “now”… not next minute, next day or next week, but NOW!
FWIW, I think he’s referring to me, but I have no idea what he’s talking about, nor why that would be any indication of how “desperate” I am, nor why I would be “desperate” to begin with…
Anyway, I have the feeling that you all missed his point:
What he meant is that he will change the reason for the nerfs, not that he will stop asking for them, i.e. that from now on he’ll do that for content reasons only…
Oh he had that “for content” and “make it more challenging and fun” tune for a while now to justify his nerf proposals in an attempt to not make it look it is out of hate for ganking. I believe he actually thinks people buy that BS.
I also believe he thinks if our comments are hidden because of the block and he has to click on them to see them then that “doesn’t count” as reading them.
I know. Maybe I should have added an emoji at the end or something, but my point was that he’s stating that he thinks that “the balance on ganking is fine at this point” in the very same post where he states he’s gonna continue doing the same he’s always been doing, just for different “reasons”, as if that made a difference or anyone cared what he thinks or what his stated reasons are…
Actually, it’s funnier than that.
For starters, he seems to believe we want him to actually read our posts and doesn’t even realise how silly it is claiming all the time he doesn’t, as if he was hurting our feelings or something by doing so.
But it gets even better when he makes a fool of himself by really not reading them, and then posting not realising that he’s completely missing what’s going on because of that, like he did in that other thread:
Gotta love posts like that. They make me want him to keep ignoring my posts.
…then proceeds to write three paragraphs…
You do care…
Your surprised he didn’t write more about a subject he cares so little about
Hey, hope you are well. Saw that you were in PL, interesting move for you. Good to see you are active.
I am not sure what you are referring to as I don’t read their shite.
I cared about bumping as it was with no limit and no consequence, as far as I am concerned this fix removes my issue with it. I was always told by the gankers that my attitude to this mechanic would end ganking and yet the pipes are awash with Tornado gankers now. When people move back to freighters then freighter ganking will start anew.
You could be talking about input broadcasting, but it only matters if they actually cheat.
Or you could be talking about me talking the P out of them replaying and me not even reading it. I find it funny that they are wasting their lame time replying to me and want to laugh at them for it.
PS Ganking is part of the game if any gankers are in fact doubting that, no idea why they would of course…
This is sad. I feel bad. I’m not going to make fun of you for the rest of the day.
@Galaxy_Pig do you still member when @Dracvlad boasted how he was not killed by CODE. because he was successfully avoiding any situation of even moderate risk when he was watching from the sidelines when dozens of freighters got dunked. I member!!
How that must have burned his little white knight heart, just watching and failing every day non stop without a break.
The best thing about this is he will still read it but can’t write his usual bs stories without completely giving it away Hi Drac
LOL I’member…
Aiko, go to bed.
Nuh uh, I got coffee.
Big shout out to our boys Dracvlad and Knowledgeminer for becoming New Order Shareholders!
I’m glad they were finally saved. Praise James! \o/
Along with two others I’ve had the fortune? to have become acquainted with during my (alt’s) time in Niarja.
Interesting times!
Wow, looks like the flag abuser is back
im curious, how did this happen?
Serious question: Can I join you?