Yup got his corps too and of course a rent free stay in their heads
Total Bounties Paid: 8.3M
I sell those in Jita for a profit.
And blasters too and weapons upgrades and antimatter ammon. Basically my bread and butter which CODE lime my wallet without even knowing it.
Honestly they usually have provided me with the funds for the ships they kill and are too daft in the head to realise it.
Are you in Hek market? I hadn’t moved back there since last wardec’ed
Hek, Amarr , Rens and Jita.
No need to run stuff about just get your jump clones fitted and ships seeded where you need em and boom you can Milk CODE pilots like the rancid cows they are
Kage i like many/most gankers make my own ships on site from miner droppings so no need to buy from you, i am always amazed at the amount of ore miners drop and it soon adds up to a tidy pile.
You and I both know that’s a lie.
I’m fact you tend to buy a lot of my Thrashers in Jita.
Not that I’ll complain about mind.
cant say i have bought any in jita for years im based in amarr and as i said i make my own
That’s not work, that’s destiny.
And as always …
… there’s no better ore/hr to be had.
You’re a real miner.
Not like all these peasants.
It actually isn’t. While I don’t gank miners and thus don’t get their ore …
… all I ever need to do is ask for an industrialist in local …
… who’d be willing to build hundred thrashers for me …
… including fittings and delivery.
Only once there was no one around who responded.
And they never know beforehand that I’m paying rather well.
Your posts make you look like you’re suffering from a really short one …
… or a really thin one …
… and you try to act like you’re tough and “better than thou”, so no one suspects it.
From the looks of it, you’d be one of those who’d both proudly and enthusiastically declare:
“It’s thin and short, but oh boy do I come quickly!”
Now THAT’S a book that is bound to be at least 200 grams of concentrated cringe.
How much do you want for it?
"Breaking the Code: How I Silenced Injustice Through Nonviolence"
You can buy it in-game
Hmmm explicit adult chats on the forum don’t Appear to be part of the rules . Will have to report.
Be as it may I have my apps and it tells me who’s doing the buying. Plenty of CODE and Hell Dawn folk buying my goods
I bet this makes you feel like it’s bigger.
See … that’s great. Really. No one’s actually bothered by that. It’s the circle of life. It works the other way round, too. Often enough have I’ve heard of gankers selling mining ships where they operate. Creating demand really helps when you’re trying to sell a product.
Selling “ganking equipment” is definitely a good idea. I have no doubt that there’s also those who buy from the market. I’ve done so as well … but never for long, because it’s really pushing the prices upwards when you go through a dozen ships in a relative short amount of time.
You’d be one of those guys who’d respond to me in local …
… and we’d both make a great deal.
Such desperation to try to get a dig in, thanks for making me laugh so much.
Dracky, are you dignosed? Serious question, bud.
I do this with MTUs.