It took Dracvlad 8 years of whining incessantly on the forums about us to figure this out.
This is the kinda thing that makes me think I’m just picking on you on here, because deep down, on a fundamental level, you never understood the thing you’re constantly whining about.
I used to read your posts that referred to us like we were like any other alliance. You never seemed to understand that we are essential a group of individuals that do their own thing, and that we always have been.
You would make these long-winded posts that were predicated on us having things like alliance assets, which we never had. Years would go by and you’d still be whining here and I’d think: “Wow, he still doesn’t understand how we’re even organized… Is something wrong with this guy?”
For example: That fortizar was just some guy’s. I don’t even know who. I was doing my own thing on the other side of the map… See what I mean, jelly-bean?
You seriously think that I just worked that out, I just had reason to mention it when Aiko called CODE. a strong alliance.
Again a massive and incorrect assumption and shows you have one hell of a self important ego.
I don’t think I ever saw you as just another alliance, but if you want to say that I did to make yourself happy then go for it.
Donated items, stocks of ganking ships, yeah right. I have a Catalyst that I picked up from a CODE. hypergank fail, and it was John Maddow or something like that which was a Miniluv guy and I took it from a CODE character. But whatever, if you want to tell me otherwise feel free.
So you agree that Aiko was talking rubbish, good to know.
I would like to dig-in here. We have donated items, and stocks of catalysts. We do not have alliance assets. Do you think this proves otherwise? Do you seriously beg to differ on this hard-fact?
So a CODE. guy was flying a cat he got from a miniluv guy. Okay? On group ganks, one guy typically hands out cats and either just covers the cost or files for reimbursement himself. What do you think this demonstrates? I’m having trouble seeing the connection, Drac… You’ll probably just take this as trolling you rather than my earnest failure at understanding the disorganized connections you draw.
Would you still argue that we have or ever had “alliance assets”?
I was not aware that Alliance hangers existed in game? In fact they don’t, people have corp hangers. I have been in many alliances where people donate ships so they get numbers. Seriously mate what is wrong with you.
Also that Hyperdunk was two CODE characters using a Catalyst with the name of a Goon character. So whatever, you are just so funny.
People donate ISK to CODE. as a whole don’t they? And how did that ISK get handed down or was that donation detail just lies?
The treasury was public at and used for ship-reimbursements, yes.
I guess you could say that fund was an Alliance asset, is that it, though? Just that player’s wallet?
I still feel like you’re denying a hard fact, here, but you won’t just come out and say it…
Yes, that was and is an alliance asset, and it was used for ship reimbursements.
What do you define as alliance assets, did your people use that Fortizar to store stuff in, of course you did, you also used it to tether and so on. In most other alliances people see a key strategic asset get attacked they go defend it, but you lot were pathetic.
You are the one trying to deny something.
Depends on what you think I mean by it. I am well aware of the history and relationship that CODE have with the Goons. You don’t get it.
On your part yes, for you to declare that you had no alliance assets, and then admit that you in fact do was rather amusing.
I don’t know what you have been smoking but I just replied to a question from Pig. As for you I made it quite clear that CODE. is a weak alliance. And you are getting weaker.
Shrug, I guess… I had never heard of the thing. Like I said, I was on the other side of the map doing my own thing. I was pretty stoked to learn we had a Fortizar, after we lost it, that is…
So okay, for alliance assets we had James 315’s wallet, and a Fortizar since I guess whoever owned it was sharing it with CODE.
Is that a full and exhaustive list of our “alliance assets”?
The point I’m trying to make is that you still display a lack of understanding, Drac.
I feel like I’m picking on you.
It is pretty hilarious that carebears have always thought we were wayyyyyy more organized and coordinated than we ever were. We must be pretty good at what we do…
You make wild assumptions about what I know about the history of CODE including their relationship with the Miniluv.
You start off by saying no alliance assets and then realise that this was incorrect.
I am well aware that you are operating in a completely different region.
I have not displayed any lack of understanding here, because quite frankly the point was made here.
That means that no one tried to organise a coherent defence against an Anti-Gankers alliance, which is why I said that you were a weak alliance. Tell me again where I am lacking understanding on this point.
It was owned by a CODE. corp. Nothing much else to say, it was why we who had been war decked by CODE. were attacking it. Strange that?
why would we defend an asset that rackner used for a few months to gank freighters from and then when he was finished was abandoned, very few in CODE. were in rackners fleets so very few even knew it existed and even fewer cared about it.
Good job in removing an abandoned structure from space although you used how many characters to kill it ? lol i have killed countless hundreds of them by myself with only a couple characters that was way overkill, i guess ag types were starved of a killmail, any killmail.
you were not decced by CODE. well you “were” but the dec was from sievert solutions and who knows what he was up to, i can guess though
As Galaxy Pig has said a few times there we are not a Null alliance with a rigid command structure with orders and objectives to be followed without question and never have been ,who in their right mind would belong to such a thing.
We have no lines of command that can be disrupted, no industrial wing that can be taken down, no organised logistics that can be interfered with, you cant hurt us we are everywhere and nowhere, we are probably behind you right now.
A few months, that was there for a lot longer than that.
He was a different TZ to a lot of you, but it was a TZ in which you operate and you did not do anything, You can’t tell me that you did not know you had a fort there.
I am aware that you blew structures up, but I am not aware of any forts, but I have not checked for that.
We were.
He made a post on Reddit where he said he got an agreement from the CODE leader for the war dec.
I never said you were.
You have no command or leadership, you are now agreeing with my statement, I said that you are a weak alliance. You rely on donations and have people running around doing their thing, more as individuals in small corps, as I said you are a weak alliance.
I don’t know why you bother arguing on something we agree on?
only one with Arg apart from a whore on a pirat kill that dropped from a freighter or something, i was sure there were more guess they were on my war dec alts , i admit to being apprehensive at first as it was a big bad Fort but once the shooting started it died as easy as all the others then i checked zkill and saw folk shooting them down with one character lol should have checked first i guess
i did know about it as i tethered on it when in niarja but most of CODE would not know about it unless they had been in niarja with citadels on the overview.
yes he paid James 100 mill and war was declared
we have command and leadership it is just that it is not in the image of a rigid null alliance, we also have lots of drama, more folk stay for the drama and fun then following orders, you call that a weak alliance structure i consider it much stronger than the Null model.
Also “we” do not rely on donations most gankers are self sufficient and have been for a great many years. Donations are always appreciated though, if you want to drop 1000 thrashers into Madirmilire i wont complain.
Strong alliances have key core groups within the alliance that get things done. I am well aware of the strength of a core group.
However what made you weak is that you did not even try to get a fleet into space for the defence of that Fortizar. A Fortizar is a lot harder to kill if properly gunned, properly fit and with a large supply of fighters, but it is extremely difficult to kill if you have a fleet defending it too.
the vast majority of CODE didnt even know or care we had an abandoned structure, why on earth would we defend one… it was abandoned, its use was done, no different from a gank cat it has its use then it explodes. Pretty explosions i grant you but still just an explosion.
again you still think we are a null type alliance defending systems and timers lol, thats not our game.
The fort in Uedama they attacked twice failed, then didn’t attack a code structure for 2 and a half years till they killed benjis abandoned fort; which they only did like 1 year after we all pretty much quit or went afk for over a year lmao