The Hek Mining Association

Happy Belated Anniversary

The HMA is officially one year old.

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A Conversation with the ā€œPrincessā€

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HMA Salutes: Tornado Innovationsā€¦ and friends.

Our first guest post :slight_smile:

A Minerā€™s Tale: An Introduction to Mining with HMA

Upvoted as Princess is always right about a lot things when it comes to mining.

I too am that what Princess thinks about you. I even feel jealous that there might be some chance that Princess despises you more than me.

I wouldnā€™t say she despises me. We just have a tense working relationship.

Oh No it was in the letter addressed to you. All I get is added as bad standing. You receive a letter from our Queen Regent of Highsec. I even mine in Uedama in hopes that I may sight Princess in local.

\o/ Hail Princess Aiko!!! I would type.

We mined in Uedama onceā€¦ It was underwhelming.

Well the problem might be you as Uedama is a exciting system to mine.

The problem is almost always me.

HMA Salutes: Clipped Wingz

Both beautiful and eye watering at 2:34min.

We Are All Winston

how much do you pay?

You keep what you kill. In other words, youā€™re mining for yourself. Weā€™ll buy at 90% JBV if people want to sell though.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Cartel

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Where Do We Go From Here?

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Why We Gank

Enemies vs. Adversaries

What Does The HMA Mean To You?