The Horror of Elitist Capsuleers and What They've Stolen from the People

Well, for the full version, lemme just refer you back here. But to keep you from having the click too much, I’ll reproduce a fair bit of it here… with updates, because in the last 22 months, life is life, and things never stay quite the same… even if job titles do.

RepSwarm Lead:
In YC 117, I got a little tired of anchoring the logistics for over 150 fleets a month every time a shooting war started. So I established RepSwarm, the Imperium’s Fleet Logistics Special Interest Group. Our job is ‘simple’:

  • Provide FCs with skilled, reliable logistics wings. We achieve this by
    • Training logistics pilots in order to ensure that every logi pilot in the Imperium has a solid grounding in not just ‘target screaming fleet member, start reps’, but how logi actually work, and the principles that go into how we perform during combat.
    • Training logistics anchors to understand the reasons and purposes behind things the regular logi pilots don’t necessarily need to keep in mind, including positioning, the hows and whens of different anchoring formations, information management, and most importantly, herding cats.

With over a thousand dedicated logi specialists, and fully half of those now experienced with anchoring logi in fleets, I’m reasonably confident in saying I’ve been incredibly successful at my job. Especially when I watch how our enemies’ logistics wings move and perform in combat. They struggle to get numbers sufficient to their fleet size, they move in easily-predicted, easily killed ways… they’re a mess, and frankly, some of them are even worse than the performance I’ve seen in low-sec and faction warfare groups.

Director, Goonswarm Federation—Fitting Team
Hierarchy-wise, this is technically the more important job, but let’s face it, on a day-to-day basis, this one’s fire-and-forget. We design doctrines, and then don’t have to pay any attention to them for months on end until the strategic situation shifts. Still, I’m the poor bastard who has to put on pants and sit in on the Directorate meetings, so I suppose I should mention the gig.

Heh. Yeah, that’s it. By paying attention to the words you blurt out when you’re not scripted, I’m twisting things. Simple fact there, kiddo: the things you say when you don’t take the time to be careful are the most honest. If I could get you drunk, I’d trust those words, even more.

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