The Horror of Elitist Capsuleers and What They've Stolen from the People

Again, that is a subjective regurgitation of what I actually said which twists the context. So, I’m going to have to say no.

Awfully long for a simple public service announcement. Also, one rarely makes PR statements about a subject that is “of no concern to us”.

Still, do carry on.

Well, my offices have no file on you. I’m going to assume, even with their incompetency, that you’re unimportant to our mission. But thanks for pushing the message back on top. We really want to get it out to everyone we can. We appreciate your service, capsuleer.



Oh, you’re more than welcome. It is such a shame to see the little people and lower classes struggling like you are. I hope you do very well in your little criminal enterprise. Whatever it is.

It’s like dealing with a lot of people with a junior politician kit. This is fun. No skill required whatsoever, but fun.

You really like saying what someone else has already said with an untrue twist. If you’re going to say something, at least be interesting, please. Otherwise, you’re just boring darling.


Oh, what delightfully “roughneck” familiarity.

I’m definitely a Matari Synthesizer. Made in Pator, and when properly fingered, I make all sorts of fun noises. :smiling_imp:


I am going to assume you are referring to playing some sort of keyboard instrument.

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…Oh dear.


The thread was a slow start, but it’s really going to places now.



I just want this one to be saved for posterity. I’m putting this in the file.

A Matari theatre cuisine?
How fascinating!
Please, allow me to sample some!

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Whatever message you think you have, is drowned in pontificating verbiage. I don’t resent your use of it as a tactic but insulting the intelligence of anyone who draws any meaning from your word soup is damned transparent. If you want to be taken seriously, have a coherent message and back up your aggrandizing nonsense; or do not and remain an amusing sideshow.

Oh, look! Someone grabbed their thesaurus. Fascinating!

If you have an issue with literacy or being able to comprehend the written language, we just put up an elementary school in Hek for a bunch of Matari orphans. Top-notch language coaches there, too. They cost quite a bit. I can get the coordinates for you.

I only offer because, apparently, the Amarrian education system has failed you.

I aim to be pleased. :wink:

One has to have worthy goals in life. Which is suffering. Except when it isn’t.

I find this whole thing hilarious and thank you for the entertainment. Don’t know what it tells of my life that this is the most cheering-up thing I’ve seen whole year so far.

The year is young. I’m sure by the end I’ll have managed to entertain at least three people.

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Arrendis, I’d tell you not to play with your food, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t entertaining.


SUCCESS! THAT’S THREE! (Counting me.)