The Key to Future Success in EVE

Don’t know why you people keep bringing up ‘Roaming’. That’s not fighting a war over territory, that’s just keeping the current status-quo happening which is making this game stagnant.

Like I said, you and the other poster failed to even come up with one reason why it’s not a good idea, other than you’ll have farther to roam.

Anyway I don’t care to debate this with you or anybody else anymore, you’ve already proved yourself incapable of even remotely viewing this with an open mind.

Nice not bothering to even attempt addressing the second point in that very post, let alone any of the other points. And instead jumping straight to rampant insulting.
I mean, try and remember who you are replying to and where my opinions often land.

Just because I disagree with this idea doesn’t mean I’m not being open minded, it means I’ve considered everything said and still see it as a bad idea which can’t be redeemed. Those do actually exist.

Heh, I already addressed and discredited your main point about roaming as a reason to dismiss this thread proposal, and there’s no need to address your second point since there’s no empty Sov regions available for players to move into.

Furthermore I don’t give a rats-ass who you think you are, I’ll call it as I see it.

As such there’s nothing more to discuss. Obviously you want to keep the current in-game status-quo from changing and will say anything in an attempt to dismiss this idea.

We are literally discussing a proposal that when there are no sov regions space should automatically expand to create a new empty region…
I mean, you did actually read the discussions before coming along and screaming from your soap box right?

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In case you don’t know this, space is actually infinite and constantly expanding. Instead of wasting Dev resources and adding a bunch of Abyssal systems, CCP could have easily expanded known space.

But that’s going off topic and I don’t really care to converse with you anymore.

Believe me goons will not miss this to exploit, I’m not gonna go into a ten page post but just say goons exploit EVERYTHING, but I’m not hating them for that.

At the cost of removing the entire value of claiming space as an accomplishment. With finite space and resource shortages being one of the successful alliances and holding space against your rivals’ best efforts to take it from you is a significant accomplishment. With infinite space it’s a meaningless participation trophy. Who cares if you claimed this particular system, as soon as you claim it another system opens up for the next alliance to claim. Everyone who wants to claim space can claim as much as they want and there’s no incentive for anyone to stop them.

It also provides the older existing Alliances an incentive to fight to keep others from claiming it, thus creating more wars.

Why do the older alliances care if someone claims the new space? They already have as much space as they can exploit, and the new alliance is not a threat to their space because there’s zero incentive to attack already-claimed space instead of just claiming the endlessly spawning new space.

Anyway, you’re just plain obstinate and yes, you do oppose any proposed changes to the current status quo or you wouldn’t be conducting this one man very vocal crusade against this idea.

Again, “JFC your idea sucks, stop being terrible” and “all change must be opposed” are not the same thing. There are a great many changes to the status quo that I would love to make, this just isn’t one of them.

Wow, you can’t even read what’s already been posted due to being blinded by your own pig headed stubbornness. I’m going to say this one more time so get it through your thick head.

Stop trolling me about this thread, I didn’t create it so stop saying it’s my idea. Also I never said anything about having the game create another new system as soon as an existing one is claimed. I envision a ‘Big Bang’ event happening which opens up a couple of new regions in different locations, not some sort of system ‘hop-scotch’ crap.

You people have no clue on how to help formulate an idea into a possible working proposal. It’s all about looking at everything with an open mind, working together to hash out the fine details. The OP listed a bunch of ideas and you immediately reject everything due to being fixated on a single little section. Also stop mimicking what Nevyn Auscent said, I already went over the exact same thing about it with him.

Just exactly how old are you anyway because you definitely have no idea about military tactics. Obviously the conflict driver here would be about denying others the opportunity to establish a foothold in Sov space.

So for the last time, stop posting replies to me, I have no desire to continue this with you. This is not the ‘Debate’ forum, it’s a place where ideas are shared and discussed with an open mind, the intention is to help create a viable working proposal for CCP.

And you’re still wrong. Adding new space decreases content, we already have enough empty systems as it is. The last thing we want to do is dilute the active players even more and open up extra ISK faucets for them to farm.

You people have no clue on how to help formulate an idea into a possible working proposal.

Of course I do. The problem is that the OP did not offer anything worth turning into a working proposal, so the only thing left to do is explain why all of their ideas are terrible.

Just exactly how old are you anyway because you definitely have no idea about military tactics. Obviously the conflict driver here would be about denying others the opportunity to establish a foothold in Sov space.

And you’re, shall we say, not really in touch with reality if you think that real-world military tactics apply to EVE in anything but the most superficial ways. The real world has no equivalent to stargates, building military bases in your opponent’s home territory, instant travel from point A to point B without crossing the space between them, industry/hauler alts that can support an invasion while remaining immune to attack, etc.

Also, you know how a campaign to deny a foothold in nullsec is going to work? The nearest major alliance drops a capital fleet on the newbies and wipes them off the map then claims the new space and we’re right back where we started. This kind of conflict does not offer anything that doesn’t already exist with the current map.

So for the last time, stop posting replies to me

No. This is a public discussion forum where anyone who wants to speak can offer their opinion, including “this is a terrible idea and should not go anywhere but the trash can”. If you don’t want discussion then you’re free to leave.


Everything you just posted is complete utter bullsh*t. You’re really out of touch with reality, all you’ve been doing is debating, you haven’t been open to any kind of discussion. Right off the bat you conducted yourself in an attack, trying to kill the thread before any discussion could even happen.

I know your type, have seen it here in these forums for years, will say anything in an attempt to force your viewpoint upon others, including a bunch of scare-mongering implications like dilute playerbase more, add more ISK Faucet, decreased content, bla, bla, yadda, yadda, yadda.

You actually sound like an F1 monkey, I don’t believe you have any experience conducting a campaign. I really don’t care how much BS you post here, obviously you’ll continue crusading against any idea that threatens your current status-quo…

I won’t help you derail this thread anymore.

lmao, says the guy who thinks he can apply irl “military tactics” to a spaceship video game.
News flash, kid. This is a video game, not your little dreamland fantasy. :slight_smile:

Because the only discussion that needs to be had is “all of the OP’s ideas suck and should be rejected”. And why shouldn’t we try to kill bad ideas?

I won’t help you derail this thread anymore.

That’s nice. You’ve been trying to make your dramatic exit for quite a few posts now and you always come back to try to get the last word.

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That’s rich, coming from you. You definitely gotta get in the last word so you can feel like you’ve won.

And now here comes the troll brigade, bringing in all your other buddies to help.

I already won the moment you tried to disagree with me. The rest of this is just me laughing at you for being terrible.


Typical, all you actually won is best forum troll.

I just checked your posting history, every single reply you’ve posted on these forums has been a negative troll attack on various different thread topics.

Thanks for proving just how much of an asshat you really are.

My ideas are awesome and incredibly on point.

Looking for a new game designer? I may have some time next summer. I would be a true agent of chaos.

A nod is a good as a wink to a blind horse!

I’m actually thinking of compiling all my ideas into a manifesto and publishing it on Amazon. Stay tuned!

It’s conceptually flawed.

More space = less conflict.

So farmers may like the idea of more space, more super ratting more rorqual mining…but that’s just adding to eve’s troubles.

That would mean bursting the “space is empty myth”.

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If sov space was expanded 100x it would still be fully occupied in no time, and not by the same old Alliances, there are tons of smaller Alliances that would like to move to sov but don’t have the resources to take a system from the existing mega Alliances.

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