The Life of a Ship Builder

My Archon blew up, build me one xD

Theoretical 40 hours/week full time in US: 2080 hours. Not reflecting our paucity of vacation. Just for perspective.

I did something different this year, and subbed an alt account I wouldn’t normally sub, trying to get some low-end statistics for EVE players. Unfortunately I messed it up by forgetting I had 2 accounts on that email, so I ended up with one ‘wrong’ character in the annual totals.

Here’s some of the numbers I was looking for. They’re not bang-on because clearly CCP does a fair bit of rounding and there’s some interpolation between characters. But I believe they’re fairly close:

  • Half of all players gained <1 month Omega training time in SP
  • 85% of players have <75 hours in the game (1.5 hours/week), 25% have less than 30 hours
  • 96% of players make less than 2 billion ISK (net), only 2% make over 12 billion
  • @20% of players have a negative net ISK balance for the year
  • 20% of players visit less than 5 systems, 1/3 of all players visit a dozen or less
  • 60% of players make less than 40 jumps
  • 50% of players stop in < 6 stations or citadels
  • Roughly 1/3 of all players make > 100 jumps
  • 50% of players mine less than 32,000 units

Note: It appears CCP means “all alts” when they say “players” in their numbers.

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I'm am positive that I am within that 20% and even this month almost down 3b


If those numbers are as “accurate” as my Year In EVE, I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in them.



Honestly, I’ve also looked at some of my numbers in previous “Year of” reports and ended up thinking “that can’t be right, can it?”. A few of my own totals and some of the “puts you in the top X%” calcs seem off.

But I haven’t been able to pin anything down because I don’t keep records of that sort of thing. This years sub-an-alt experiment was actually trying to do a bit of that, but I messed it up by including a regular account.

Maybe next year.

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It isn’t so important to me. I’m more concerned with learning the game right now than impressing anyone with stats. Even if my stats were correct I couldn’t brag anyway, lol.

I only find these stats interesting in that we now know that CCP is collecting this information and specific types of information on players. What other information do they have and collect? How does that inform and change how they market the game to us? How does it inform and change what they create or change in the game?

These are the questions that I think about with these stat dumps.

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Honestly this is pretty bad income, I’m not sure why you’re flexing here


I’m sorry but picture or it never happened.

Don't be the snake on this asteroid forum belt

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Thanks for sharing, were there some numbers cut off of the y124 profit? Or is that 5.3b?

Mr Epeen’s stats show a larger profit, which goes to show that his stats are not bad as per Phaade.

Uriel quoted this thread perfectly… let’s really see those high profit numbers…


Some whack-a-doodle actually gave me all his stuff today. From the looks of the loot, he ran sites and mined when he got bored.

It took a while to get a character to the SOE station in Lanngisi and break it all down, but it ended up being around 7.5 billion worth of stuff.

And I didn’t even need to gank a freighter for it:

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Merry Christmas to you! :smiley:


‘The Life of Rorq Alts’.

There, Fixed it for you, carebear.

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Somehow I don’t understand the point of this post, if it’s supposed to show how much you earned in a year, it’s a pretty ridiculous amount.


Pretty sure he worked hard and earned it.


Hey that is outstanding!

This was mine, but I only have one char and 11 slots. Mostly Deimos’s and Oneiros’s, the odd Eos.


What ships are you making? Thats gotta be caps right?

Will be Interesting to see our tax deficit next year now we have had a slight bump to industry fees.

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I build pretty much everything. I like collecting stuff.

But my mainstays are freighters and jump freighters. I make a decent profit on them and when gankers actually stop spending all day blarping in the forum and log in to the game to do what they’re always bragging about, I can move a good number of them.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


You will be overtaken within the next 9 months

Frostpacker is chasing Mr Epeen