What is your ISK per hour ratio?

Hey, you!

What do you do to earn ISK? Do you have any specific activities that you would recommend? Are there things that you want to try out but would want a second opinion on? What is your trade secret to becoming rich, and why do other people not succeed?

I’m all ears!

With openminded regards
-James Fuchs

I don’t keep track of it. I don’t play Isk Online, I play EVE Online and I play for fun.

So far I’ve ratted, mined and played the market a bit after producing a few modules. I’m not looking to become EVE-rich.


I want to try and go into a wormhole but I don’t know what I’ll find and want to know if I’d be wasting my time, if it’s fun in there or too dangerous for a little girl like me.

I think an excess of greed ( wanting to go too far too fast ) and lack of awareness ( not taking proper precautions) make for a literal explosive combination.

Regards to you, James :wave:


ISK per hour ? Nah…a truck load of Walletanium is a few minutes and saves one the excruciatingly boring activity of mining…


Takes just over an hour of working my side gig to buy 500 PLEX. So a bit over 2 bil isk/hour, depending on the market.

Why would I quantify this game with the same metric I quantify my job with? If I want a real second job, I’ll go get one and make real money, not imaginary money.


Walletanium for the win!


Why grind when I can work for a hour at literally any job on the planet, buy PLEX, and sell it for billions.


No idea.

It’s not something I have ever worried or stressed about.


Only tryhards that play EVE “competitively” worry about ISK/hr…


Same. I don’t even have Cloaking I. Maybe one of these days I’ll get involved in WH space and learn more about the politics and groups there.

A friend was showing me a bunch of audio recordings and chat logs of this stuff that was going on with renting or whatever a few months ago and I really didn’t understand any of it since I’m just a hisec player.

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People pay to look at a bald man with a pierced nose, short hairy legs and a bear belly?

Worried about money? Got plenty sweetie

Worried about money? Got plenty sweetie

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ISK per hour is a very subjective term. For example; many YouTubers have videos about earning “hundreds of millions” per hour. But when you view the video they seldom take into account their prep, travel, and seek times. Most only count the active time as making ISK and never look at the bigger picture.

Therefore, right now as I type this up, I am going to look at all 3 of my characters on this account and give you a one week picture and break it down. Lucky for you, I keep detailed spreadsheets.

Account wide - 17th to the 23rd made 230 million ISK most of that mining gas from low sec and WHs, another 20 million on ratting and selling the salvage. Total profits; 250 million ISK
John - collected 19.5% of these revenues
Lucy - collected 39%
Amber - collected 41.5%
I played not more than 20 hours this week, 250 million divided by 20 is 12,500,000 ISK per hour.

Otherwise I could have told you, Amber mined Vermillion Mykoserocin for one hour and made 22 million an hour. Never taking into account her prep, scanning, and travel. This I feel would be false and misleading. My time for this activity varies greatly. I think it would be better to look at the whole month.

Fly safe o7

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Orange are being built and blue are copy/research/invent. Once I make space for the other two freighters, I can take off for a couple of weeks and come back to more than fifty billion ISK worth of ships to sell.

You might want to dip a toe into building as a career. It’s not overly expensive to start and doesn’t take up much of your valuable EVE time, leaving you room for other things to make ISKies from.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Yes. Maybe I ought to wait until I decide to go Omega before I put on my daddy’s boots.

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I second Mystery Peen on the manufacturing as a source of funds.

The curve is somewhat steeper than he claims though :stuck_out_tongue:

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I haven’t seen that window since I tried the career agent.

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We get that vibe that you are talking about your own blueprint folder. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Well you’re missing out sir. Even if you don’t manufacture for money, you can still build yourself a nice Khizriel and arse about with projectile turrets. Plus it’s an awesome looking ship. It has front claws! Mother****er looks like a cat laying down doing the stretchy thing. There are astonishingly overpriced blueprints waiting for you in Jita on contracts.

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I think my corp has some industry projects with good payouts. Unfortunately, we do not have a project manager to due the labor shortage.

It’s too expensive to train someone up for the role and so many people are refusing to work, we may have to issue a permit to recruit an outsider to take the role.

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I do log on occasionally on freebie mode.

Still undecided if I should turn in that isk/hr ratio from RL trading into ingame currency, or not.

I certainly dont feel CCP deserves a single penny atm.


I worked long and hard. Then I remembered this is a game, not a job, so I stopped that silliness.