The like and get likes thread II


1 minute ago
The performance and systems I’m seeing are getting me really excited about Tiger Lake! Looking forward to the reveal on Sept 2nd. See you then!
12:42 PM · Aug 24, 2020 · TweetDeck

2 Retweets - 5 Likes


Time to go to bed. A few days ago I watched the film “Sicario” and tonight I watched “Sicario 2: Day of the soldado”. The first film had me confused about what the story was supposed to be, the second is more clearly an action thriller. The soundtrack for the first film is quite epic…

Nighties lovelies!


Today was cooler than the day a week ago. I expect it to be cool tonight, so I can sleep peacefully.
Good night, lovelies. :heart:



Addiction, a disorder of the brain’s reward system, arises through the overexpression of DeltaFosB ΔFosB, a transcription factor, in the D1-type medium spiny neurons of the ventral striatum. ΔFosB is an inducible gene which is increasingly expressed in the nucleus accumbens as a result of repeatedly overdosing on an addictive drug or overexposure to other addictive stimuli.


Primitive humanoids teaching aliens survival skills on planet Earth.


Addiction is a lack of control or self-control, as , not all addiction are caused by self-control, such as in the case of addiction induced by external sources, such as a group of people teaming up together to devise such activity on a target, to cause a loss of control of that target, by interfering against the goal and objectives of its self-control, such as can be observed by psychiatrist able to analyse facts and compare them with the other psyche of the source of the action from those other persons.

  • addictive stimuli

Cause 1 of the biochemical related system which causes 2 a result 3 in an organism, in relation to the conditions it is administered with and from, not to create an overabundance of the substance, or, uncontrolled substance, but rather a uncontrollable , or, uncontrolled, need to further integrate it into the system affected, whether it is due to nervous tissues and systems, reaction to the agent, which, in the case of chemical affecting nerves which without it would create physiological spasms, and cause death from it.

Overabundance of the system or device will rather cause an effect of overloading, and , incapacity of the system to assimilate the maximum limit of the substance, which can lead to death, or, other results which may not be controlled, controllable, or otherwise be under the limit of being too much and overabundant.

M87 Black Hole Jets Move 7x Speed of Light, But How?

239,443 views • Jan 29, 2020
239K views - 6 months ago
Anton Petrov
582K subscribers

Faster than a speed of light using trigonometry.

When the light moves into a medium which moves faster away than the speed of light, it too can then move faster than the speed of light, although that the speed of light itself, in that medium, is not faster than the speed of light.

Light is otherwise affected by other systems, which, even though they may be moved apart, remain related to those other systems.
In other words, the property of light remain entangled to some other systems dimensional relations than only the surrounding systems it is in, such as certain vacuum .

1 hour later:

The Abandoned Nuclear Island

347,680 views • Oct 3, 2019
Dark Docs
468K subscribers

Hans Thirring the director of the Institute for theoretical Physics in Vienna, Austria…
(Not Hans Turing.)

Hans Thirring (March 23, 1888 – March 22, 1976) was an Austrian theoretical physicist, professor, and father of the physicist Walter Thirring. He won the Haitinger Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 1920.[1]

Together with the mathematician Josef Lense, he is known for the prediction of the Lense–Thirring frame dragging effect of general relativity in 1918.[2][3][4]

He received a deferment during World War I because he had broken one of his feet while skiing. He was a leading pacifist before the Anschluss and after World War II. But he could not save his older son, who was declared missing in action during the final two months of World War II. His body was never located.[2][3][4]

In an appropriate reference frame it can be defined as a change in the first Euler angle, whereas the third Euler angle defines the rotation itself. In other words, if the axis of rotation of a body is itself rotating about a second axis, that body is said to be precessing about the second axis. A motion in which the second Euler angle changes is called nutation.

An important example is the steady change in the orientation of the axis of rotation of the Earth, known as the precession of the equinoxes.

The geodetic effect (also known as geodetic precession , de Sitter precession or de Sitter effect ) represents the effect of the curvature of spacetime, predicted by general relativity, on a vector carried along with an orbiting body.

For example, the vector could be the angular momentum of a gyroscope orbiting the Earth, as carried out by the Gravity Probe B experiment.

The geodetic effect was first predicted by Willem de Sitter in 1916, who provided relativistic corrections to the Earth–Moon system’s motion.

De Sitter’s work was extended in 1918 by Jan Schouten and in 1920 by Adriaan Fokker.[1]

It can also be applied to a particular secular precession of astronomical orbits, equivalent to the rotation of the Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector.[2]

2 hours ago:
If natural pyramids are strong, it would be a good idea to build man-made pyramids to test their structural strength, if those natural ones are some 500 million years old in strength.

It seems the man-made pyramids are designed after (those) natural pyramids, which, since strong, would have a good natural design strength to test into a man-made pyramid which would work longer then other constructions, such as a 3,000 years old, or 10,000 years old, or 15,000 years old construction.

3 hours later, 1 hour after the previous edit:

Radio conversation between US and Spain.

5,444,724 views • Sep 15, 2013
5.4M views - 6 years ago
Jenthe Huysmans
3.75K subscribers

Year 2004 - Radio conversation between a US navy ship and the north west of Spain, with English subtitles. Enjoy!

Top 5 Fighters That Should Have Been Built aviation

208,445 views • Aug 3, 2020
208K views - 3 weeks ago
15.2K subscribers

By their very nature, fighter aircraft
are extremely competitive
and as soon as one is developed
adversaries work out ways to defeat it
with both anti-air defenses
and newer fighters that can counter the
latest design.

It is a never-ending game
of cat and mouse.

3 hours later:

Most Expensive Military Mistakes Ever

394,507 views • Apr 28, 2020
394K views - 3 months ago
14.3M subscribers

Airborne Laser

Lies You Were Told By The History Books

969,710 views • Feb 21, 2020
969K views - 6 months ago
7.23M subscribers


Good night, lovelies. :heart:


Time to go to sleep. Not working on tuesdays and thursdays has me a little out of pace… as if today was sunday but wasn’t, and tomorrow will be like monday but isn’t. Nighties lovelies!

Also: the “Tsar bomba” test according to a Soviet documentary recently released by Rosatom.

There’s an option for English subtitles generated by YT, they’re quite good even if they insist to call the bomb “the product”.


Game brand breakfast cereals. Wave of the future!


Wow… just a reminder of what the world was like before vaccines… :frowning_face:

All 6 siblings died between May 14th and June 2nd of 1862. They were aged 12, 2, 10, 7, 5 and 9 years old.



2 hours ago

Three pillars of insurance transformation

Insurers have always depended on data from policies and consumers to run their business. Yet the work of harnessing this information for true digital transformation is just beginning.

Discover how your organization can capitalize on policyholder data with the three pillars of insurance transformation. This report outlines the keys to creating new customer experiences, a lifestyle risk concierge and business innovation through platforms.

Together, they create a new kind of carrier.

Download our report to learn more.


Lather, rinse, repeat…
Good night, lovelies. :heart:


Time to go to sleep. Was browsing some cat stuff for Ish to post it and found a Devianter making cartoons out of Egyptian gods -Bastet the cat goddess included. The cartoons with Bastet acting as a cat are quite funny…

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: just a generic 3D character…


Jun 16th 2020

The Week’s Stories:
WWDC20 kicks off Monday, June 22nd
Winners of the WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge
Leaker gives the timeline for the Mac transition to ARM

WWDC 2020 Special Event Keynote — Apple

10,598,044 views • Streamed live on Jun 22, 2020
10M views - Streamed 2 months ago
12M subscribers

Edited in 9 hours later:
I’d like to first talk to you
about two big things
that are happening in the world right now.
To start, I want to address the topic
of racism, inequality and injustice.
… and to recognize the pain being felt
throughout our nation,
especially in
our Black and Brown communities,
after the senseless killing
of George Floyd.
And while the events of this past month
are sadly not new,
they have caused us to face
long-standing institutional inequalities
and social injustices.

This country was founded on the principles
of freedom and equality for all.

For too many people and for too long,
we haven’t lived up to those ideals.

We’re inspired and moved
by passionate people around our nation
and around the world
who have stood up to demand change.
We must all aim for higher to build
a future that lives up to our ideals.

This means taking action.
Two weeks ago, we announced Apple’s
Racial Equity and Justice Initiative
with a commitment
of one hundred million dollars.

Starting in the United States,
and expanding over time,
this initiative will challenge
systemic barriers
that limit opportunity
for communities of color
in the critical areas of education,
economic equality and criminal justice.

We also announced something important
for this community,
the new Developer Entrepreneur Camp
for Black developers.

We want to do everything we can to foster
the brightest lights and best ideas.

At Apple, our mission has always been
to make the world a better place,
and we’re committed
to being a force for change.

Right now, our world is
also battling a virus
that is affecting
the daily lives of billions of people.
We want to take thank the dedicated people
especially our health-care workers,
who have made tremendous sacrifices
to take care of those in need.

We’ve also seen the profound impact
our products have had.

People are relying on them more than ever
to remain connected to family and friends,
to do their work,
to express their creativity,
to be entertained
as well as to entertain others.

Today the world is counting on all of us,
and on the products and experiences
that we create, to move forward.

Because throughout history,
great challenges have been met wth great
creativity and important breakthroughs.

That’s why we’re so excited
about this year’s conference.

A lot of the senseless action is being associated with me,
which I’m not only against in courts,
but that I also want to do and conduct research in university about,
due to the mental problems that it intends to cause,
and profit from, in organized crimes and war crimes.


I will say its a success when they will be able to create a sandwich from light. :sandwich:



Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution.[1][2][3]


Book Summary: Western Foundations of the Caste System- I | IndiaFactsIndiaFacts
