Navy Assault Trials!
2,938,084 views • May 13, 2020
Gravity Industries
292K subscribers
I don’t call that code optimization, but good programming practices.
That’s also why I have my own company and don’t even sell to those who steal.
It makes no sense to me to sell a program to sell programs and to sell computers, when the program I make is to monitor those trying to steal my program and make others buy their programs to use too much hardware when they don’t pay me enough and get the scientific proof of exactly how much they do, and also how much they try to make me seem like if making no sense, so that I can integrate it into my program and make it more efficient and accurate, while being able to function on less hardware, with older systems.
It leaves me more money to invest in systems development to be more efficient and in hardware to use in space, better and more cost-effectively.
I don’t have to spend money to market for products and services which are self-evident and shouldn’t spend money on it unless they wanted to pay for it, when it might not be needed and the money can be used to monitor their courts and other activities instead.
Especially if they are trying to coerce me in organized crime and other immoral acts to discredit me from the benefit of my intellectual property , of the intellectual property that I create, that I spend the effort to create, from the efforts and the work of the analysis that I use to create it, so that I can give it to my fiancée , which will be my future wife and our future potential son, as they interfere and associate with spies to interfere against it, then I need evidence of what they do and how they try to forfeit the evidence because that they try to steal my work, the work that I create, the expression that I create from computer programs from systems analysis and design, which expression are mathematical expressions and computer programs expressions.
4 minutes later:
Just because that copyright doesn’t protect scientific facts doesn’t mean that the scientific facts from computer programs cannot be used to register copyrights of programs, and, patents.
The idea of the program is free for people to use.
It’s their own fault if they try to use it illegally and interfere against it, and the rights related to its expression while trying to coerce it into crimes , or wrongs, or use it to attack, as if it was a weapon , when it is not.
30 minutes ago:
Orbital Maths at NASA with Chris Hadfield
85,486 views • Aug 28, 2020
85K views - 1 day ago
Stand-up Maths
588K subscribers
5 miles a second, 8 km per seconds.
United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) is an American spacecraft launch service provider that manufactures and operates a number of rocket vehicles that are capable of launching spacecraft into orbits around Earth and to other bodies in the solar system. The company, which is a joint venture between Lockheed Martin Space and Boeing Defense, Space & Security, was formed in December 2006. Launch customers of the United States government include the Department of Defense (DoD), NASA, and other organizations.[2]
United Launch Alliance Wins Multi-Year Competitive Contract Award to Launch Critical National Security Space Missions for the U.S. Space Force.
1 hour later:
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