The like and get likes thread II

Navy Assault Trials!

2,938,084 views • May 13, 2020
Gravity Industries
292K subscribers

I don’t call that code optimization, but good programming practices.
That’s also why I have my own company and don’t even sell to those who steal.

It makes no sense to me to sell a program to sell programs and to sell computers, when the program I make is to monitor those trying to steal my program and make others buy their programs to use too much hardware when they don’t pay me enough and get the scientific proof of exactly how much they do, and also how much they try to make me seem like if making no sense, so that I can integrate it into my program and make it more efficient and accurate, while being able to function on less hardware, with older systems.

It leaves me more money to invest in systems development to be more efficient and in hardware to use in space, better and more cost-effectively.
I don’t have to spend money to market for products and services which are self-evident and shouldn’t spend money on it unless they wanted to pay for it, when it might not be needed and the money can be used to monitor their courts and other activities instead.

Especially if they are trying to coerce me in organized crime and other immoral acts to discredit me from the benefit of my intellectual property , of the intellectual property that I create, that I spend the effort to create, from the efforts and the work of the analysis that I use to create it, so that I can give it to my fiancée , which will be my future wife and our future potential son, as they interfere and associate with spies to interfere against it, then I need evidence of what they do and how they try to forfeit the evidence because that they try to steal my work, the work that I create, the expression that I create from computer programs from systems analysis and design, which expression are mathematical expressions and computer programs expressions.

4 minutes later:
Just because that copyright doesn’t protect scientific facts doesn’t mean that the scientific facts from computer programs cannot be used to register copyrights of programs, and, patents.

The idea of the program is free for people to use.
It’s their own fault if they try to use it illegally and interfere against it, and the rights related to its expression while trying to coerce it into crimes , or wrongs, or use it to attack, as if it was a weapon , when it is not.

30 minutes ago:

Orbital Maths at NASA with Chris Hadfield

85,486 views • Aug 28, 2020
85K views - 1 day ago
Stand-up Maths
588K subscribers

5 miles a second, 8 km per seconds.

United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) is an American spacecraft launch service provider that manufactures and operates a number of rocket vehicles that are capable of launching spacecraft into orbits around Earth and to other bodies in the solar system. The company, which is a joint venture between Lockheed Martin Space and Boeing Defense, Space & Security, was formed in December 2006. Launch customers of the United States government include the Department of Defense (DoD), NASA, and other organizations.[2]


United Launch Alliance Wins Multi-Year Competitive Contract Award to Launch Critical National Security Space Missions for the U.S. Space Force.

1 hour later:

Nuclear Starship 3.0 - Earth to Jupiter in 4 months?

27,160 views • Aug 24, 2020
27K views - 5 days ago
The Angry Astronaut
17.7K subscribers

Classified Delta IV Rocket Launch Aborted With Seconds To Go

70,976 views • Aug 29, 2020
70K views - 5 hours ago
Scott Manley
1.11M subscribers

Which country does the most good for the world? | Simon Anholt

4,577,384 views • Jul 2, 2014
4.5M views - 6 years ago
17.8M subscribers

The dirty secret of capitalism – and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer

1,233,036 views • Oct 18, 2019
1.2M views - 10 months ago


EVE Launcher borken again. guess i’ll torum froll.

uhhh… trorum foll?

forum troll? troll the forum.


Neuralink: Elon Musk’s entire brain chip presentation in 14 minutes (supercut)

1,268,291 views • Aug 28, 2020
1M views - 1 day ago
2.71M subscribers


Timezone lovelies. :heart:


Ah, yes, I had to study that back around 1985 and after, due to some psychological warfare starting back from 1983.

It mostly was from France in the 1950s, so, after the war, yes.

There was some strong interference with that psychological warfare against graduating from secondary school studies .
It then continued after into post-secondary studies with embezzlement and is still going on today with the Trump case and senate.

It costed over $8 trillion before the last stimulus.
That was already $1 trillion over the cost to catch Osama less than 2 months after my engagement.
Most of those actions are related to the same psychological warfare in ideologies and so on, for control, and allegiance and loyalty.

That’s why I have to study sociology now, because it would give me the $37,500 from government research I need to make $1 million in the first year with it.
It would take around 2 years total.
1 year to get the $37,500 and the rest of the time to invest those assets during the following year, starting during the first year, overlapping both phases, to complete it within a 1 year period after the required funding.

The rates are relatively fixed, despite stimulus, but if it changes, it is related to the tax rates, and the related psychological warfare of the market system as an entity , related to economic feasibility studies.

Those are good tools to study and make study more cost-efficient and reduce risk of loss from trying to hide fraud and so on.

It would really work good to solve injustice problems as well.
Where the previous fail points were sought to be caused and covered to capitalize on the control of it, it would allow those suffering losses and refused communication from interference against them to be able to record it and use it to protect their work to benefit society and reducing the alienation levels and improving the quality of mental health.

It would potentially solve over 35 years of systematic abuse and misleading from controls which is inherently flawed.

Many doctors managed to work on this back then after the war due to victims of the war.
It helped them to have better control of their life due to brain injuries caused during the war, leading to the ongoing psychological warfare.

The same groups teaming up against it started in the 1950s until now, so yes, 75 years now, even twice as long as the 35 years mentioned.
It will just start to be less than twice as long sociologically speaking.
It’s about the same time that I started to be less than twice as young as my grand-mother, which shows how directly related it is, but in ideologies and in time.

I’m not so sure about how skills extracting,
however, this can work good for motor skills, and the skills related to the control of those motor skills, which uses different kinds of brain processes,
and the brain signals related to the emission of those control .

Certainly not to be used to do crime.
I think penalties for attacking those systems should be more severe to compensate.
The same for those abusing those systems to abuse others which they were already abusing to try to cover up abuse.

They’re the same people who try to justify to interfere against punishment to begin with, not only to then diminish punishment, but also seek to abuse instead of accepting the facts which facts they twist and misinterpret to suit their own likes regardless of damage done to others, and to discredit those who work for them, and to credit themselves for discrediting others and create false sense of loyalty and allegiance to the wrong ideals and goals.


Happy cake day!

Today is Victory Day in Turkey. We defeated the Greek army and sweeped it off the peninsula.


Is this like a political birthday or something.?
You don’t talk about politics and you win the lottery from the same system?

They Lied to You: Punishment is Better Than Reward. This is Why.

522,900 views • Feb 26, 2020
522K views - 6 months ago
3.05M subscribers

This is also false ,
and , the conditions in which this is interpreted omitted.

It’s better to get a rewards of 1 billion then a punishment of $1, or, punishment of $1 billion.

The only way this is true is when taken into context where it is.
Why do those rewarded do worse than those punished?
It is when the punishment is potentially more effective.
Not when the $1 punishment is misinterpreted and hidden as better to cause death by attrition and war of attrition,
than the $1 billion reward, to control the one dying from punishment and mislead to be believed it is better as a threat.

4 minutes ago (edited)
This includes complacency, when complacency , which can be induced as punishment and mislead as reward, can cause more problem, than to train to have better and more accurate response. -Hence the misinterpreted scope of success.

I know it wouldn’t work if your court abused my child with false misleading about punishment to extort him and alienate him as was done to me and they try to get away with in acts of war.

Including economic boycott and economic warfare.

Look further and find evidence of treason related to reward and punishment, as if not misleading when it is misleading and to cause inequality in psychological warfare to try to hide unfair seizure and forfeiture De Facto.

For sports, complacency will not build endurance, and you will feel weak and unable to overcome threshold if your system is not put through the punishment before, so that you can learn to adapt to it and build endurance and develop improvements.
That’s why , you are weak , when you wake up from coma after 9 months.

What could be lost in our past?

840,770 views • Sep 24, 2017
840,781 views - 2 years ago
TREY the Explainer
591K subscribers

THE END? New Yorker Explains Why “New York City Is Dead Forever,” “Not Bouncing Back” | Glenn Beck

559,549 views • Aug 19, 2020
559K views - 1 week ago
982K subscribers

New York City is dead forever: Author James Altucher

758,499 views • Aug 18, 2020
758K views - 1 week ago
Fox Business
1.17M subscribers

Every Particle in the Universe in 8 minutes

77,866 views • Aug 28, 2020
78K views - 2 days ago
Sciencephile the AI
295K subscribers

Sun Tzu | The Art of War

474,021 views • Jul 23, 2020
474K views - 1 month ago
598K subscribers

Rick Astley - Better Now - (Post Malone Cover)

552,299 views • Aug 28, 2020
540K views - 2 days ago
Official Rick Astley
1.44M subscribers

Rick Astley - Titanium (Cover)

1,381,380 views • Aug 13, 2020
1.3M views - 2 weeks ago

1 Like

Captura de Tela 2020-08-30 às 18.16.24

@Destiny_Corrupted … had to @ you lol


Uh-oh, it’s later than I thought and i’m quite tired… Nighties lovelies!


Hate when that happens…

A year ago today! Okay, one year two days ago.


less than 1 minute ago.
With 1 minute 2 seconds video and music.

I need something like this to scan over 10,000 pages I wrote like the ones published here.
Each ones has handwriting which computers cannot analyze for the most part.
I have to interpret most of it , and pinpoints the parts that I forgot even though I may never remember it.

I am pretty sure the iPhone is already faster than my old scanner for that.
The resolution of the camera is already good enough to replace the slower scanner speed.
However , the 2 scanners worked on Windows 95.


The cake day celebration was for you @lilsteel . Today(or yesterday,now) was your cake day. :slight_smile:
We talk about politics in my country all the time, provided that it is a civil discussion…but nobody in my country can discuss politics without name-calling, unfortunately.

Curious map. I wonder what does it signify? I’ve seen prettier maps, though. :crazy_face:

(hint: the devil is in the details)


Well, yes, this is a map of Anatolia, in relation to current days.

2 minutes later:

Here is someone who makes military computer from someone with a masters of science like the one I am offered.

#WomenInSTEM Twitter Series Episode 107:

Rachael Eidson (@cosmicrachael) is the Business Development Specialist
which manufactures industrial & military computers in the USA! She’s a 5x #NASASocial alumnus and her goal is to convey all of the amazing things…1/2

…happening in space to audiences that may not normally see this information. She loves to take complex topics and make them relatable. She is an avid space lover, fashionista, artist, and tech communicator. :smile: 2/2

8 hours ago

1 hour later:

I took this photo and then, lost my transit card ,
but I got it back after I got off the bus and walked back there to find it had dropped on the ground.

The squirrel helped me to find it back again:

Edited in 2 days later:
The reason the card dropped on the ground is because that I had it in my shirt pocket, and that the phone camera also is in that pocket.
It dropped when I took my camera out, or, the card wasn’t not in the shirt pocket properly, and dropped inside my zippered jacket , and dropped on the ground.
I’m lucky no one else took it before I got back.

2 hours later:

SAOCOM 1B Mission

238,720 views • Streamed live 119 minutes ago
Streamed 37 minutes ago
4.62M subscribers

SpaceX is targeting Sunday, August 30 at 7:18 p.m. EDT, or 23:18 UTC, for Falcon 9’s launch of the SAOCOM 1B mission, which will carry the SAOCOM 1B spacecraft to orbit in addition to two rideshare payloads, Tyvak-0172 and PlanetiQ’s GNOMES-1. The mission will lift off from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. A backup launch opportunity is available on Monday, August 31 at 7:19 p.m. EDT, or 23:19 UTC. This mission marks SpaceX’s first launch to a polar orbit from the East Coast, and the first polar launch from Florida in decades.

Peter van Uhm: Why I chose a gun

2,796,388 views • Jan 30, 2012
2.7M views - 8 years ago
17.8M subscribers

13 hours later:

video included if you click the tweet.

1 day later:

Ground Crew Sucked Into a Jet Engine

58,871 views • Aug 31, 2020
59K views - 7 hours ago
Dark Footage
88.9K subscribers

1 hour later:

Replied 4 minutes later:

That’s exactly the same machine I had to use to fix my back problem with the dislocated discs.
Thank you very much for publishing it.
I know that those machines are engineered as well.

I got 4 replies and about 30 tweets and replies to those.


I was just joking. It is a good map. But what you guys failed to notice was

the link in the map smiley. :smile:

Timezone lovelies. :heart:


Yes, I didn’t see it.

6 hours later:

How COVID-19 Broke the Airline Pricing Model

889,270 views • Aug 26, 2020
5 days ago
Wendover Productions
2.69M subscribers

For example , my season ticket to France , because some rich person is selling his ticket , because that person didn’t want to go , at $135, will cost me more, or , won’t be available anymore.

So, send me money to compensate, or is it?
Why not use an helicopter from an F-18 pilot?

Mmh, applying for an Aerial Navigator, that might be more expensive.
I don’t know why it might not be intelligent, but, something tells me it costs more.


Insane. Wonder what Team Red has in store. :wink:


The reason it was not intelligent was because that it was artificial intelligence.

They mention 150 ms reaction time, although it’s 0.3 seconds from rest.
Those times are relative, and , of course, when you can see how those selected and others not selected are due to computerized reason and intellectual property they seek to forfeit, it’s not hard to find why it’s more valuable to protect it, even if they try to forfeit the rights to register copyrights of those facts.

Of course, the copyright and intellectual property itself is not the fact, however, it is on the medium on which it is saved and registered as and from .
Additionally, if one wants to prove the scientific fact related to the copyright, even though the scientific fact is not protected by copyright, someone may do it, as for registering copyright for a book related to scientific studies.

It’s obvious anyone trying to stress lack of knowledge, and ask for unreasonable question designed to divert and suggest level of lack of knowledge, to try to capitalize on it, to deny responsibility, should be included in the reactions.

Of course, it’s better for military than game only, but the military also uses games.

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History is Upon Us - Here is What it Means

626,313 views • Aug 6, 2020
626K views - 3 weeks ago
Economics Explained
620K subscribers

How is the Stock Market at an All Time High?!?

423,571 views • Aug 13, 2020
423,571 views - 2 weeks ago

The Student Debt Crisis

372,032 views • Aug 23, 2020


Student loan are financial tools that have been put into place to give promising individuals (rather than group), the ability to get education and increase their potential for future earnings with a strong professional career.

However, they also lie about attacks against individuals they even try to isolate and so on.
They also try to hide attacks from it to the army.
Note, to be a military officer requires a University degree, which was enough to be a general before.

Their education is best investment that they can make.

Student loans in the USA has reached $1.6 trillion.

Crippling debt, …
looks like it’s gonna be a ball and chain

(not like if they are not trying to divert from attacks and the creation of the lack of knowledge from it, in diversion)

They stole money from my student loans and grants,
and, I’m obviously in courts against them for that,
since they also try to steal my intellectual property,
and the military intelligence also has evidence of it,
even before the NSA’s back doors, to confirm it.

It’s not because they are better.

I think , maybe, they work for Crass Kitty and she now got a new art budget for over $15 trillion either in 2030 or so.
We designing the written contract just to make my sister doesn’t feel like she can’t help.


Twelve Years Later, Apple Is Still Trying To Erase Email Addresses - Slashdot.


6 minutes ago,
testing out my sea legs,
apparently from Congress or Europe, perhaps, maybe Vatican or Rome.
I wonder where that is.

I know police didn’t want to send fax for communication because of security concerns , as, being unsecured for their needs.


Time to go to bed! Nighties lovelies!

Also: it’s not easy being demiurge!