The Like and Get Likes thread III

#richroll #fasting #richrollpodcast

The Insane Benefits of Water-Only Fasting: Dr. Alan Goldhamer | Rich Roll Podcast

893,889 views • Aug 24, 2020
894K views - 5 months ago
Rich Roll
405K subscribers

How The Earth Got Its Magnetic Field (And Why It Might Not Protect Us Much Longer)

98,922 views • Oct 11, 2020
98K views - 3 months ago
History of the Earth
97.6K subscribers

2. - 28 minutes later at 06:29:


The Surprisingly Plausible Theory that the Pyramids were Poured from Ancient Concrete

402,248 views • Dec 15, 2020
402K views - 1 month ago
Today I Found Out
2.55M subscribers


Berninger, Sheila & Rose, Dorilona, The Surprising Truth About How the Great Pyramids were Built, Live Science, May 18, 2007,…

Jana, Dipayan, The Great Pyramid Debate, Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Cement Microscopy, Quebec City, PQ, Canada, May 20-24, 2007,…

Category: Pyramids, The Geopolymer Institute,…
Davidovits, Joseph, They Built the Pyramids, Geopolymer Institute, May 2008

Harnell, James & Storemyr, Per, Ancient Egyptian Quarries - an Illustrated Overview, Geological Survey of Norway, 2009,…

Engineering the Pyramids Special Projects, Drexel University College of Engineering,…

3. - 2 hours later, 1 hour after the last update at 07:39:

XF-88 Voodoo - Supersonic Propeller Jet with Afterburners

496,889 views • Nov 1, 2020
496K views - 2 months ago
Dark Skies
213K subscribers

CF-101B firing AIR-2 Genie in 1982

CF-101B Voodoo 17395 at the Bagotville Air Pageant, summer 1962.
Notice the old-style Canadian flag.

Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck

Interceptor fighter


The Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck is a Canadian twinjet interceptor/fighter designed and produced by aircraft manufacturer Avro Canada. It has the distinction of being the only Canadian-designed fighter to enter mass production. Wikipedia
Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck - Wikipedia

The Douglas AIR-2 Genie (previous designation MB-1) was an unguided air-to-air rocket with a 1.5 kt W25 nuclear warhead. It was deployed by the United States Air Force (USAF 1957–1985) and Canada (Royal Canadian Air Force 1965–68, Air Command 1968–84) during the Cold War.

Warhead: 1.5 kT nuclear

Manufacturer: Douglas Aircraft Company

Produced: 1957–62

### AIR-2 Genie - Wikipedia

In 1975, some commands were dissolved (ADC, ATC, TC),
and all air units were placed under a new environmental command called simply Air Command (AIRCOM).

Air Command reverted to its historic name of “Royal Canadian Air Force” in August 2011.

(4 months after I was engaged...)

4. - 3 hours later, 43 minutes after the last update at 08:40:

On The Far Side

770,606 views • Jul 9, 2018
770K views - 2 years ago

Einstein discovers that time is actually money.



Edgar S. Cahn

CEO of Timebanks USA


Edgar S. Cahn is an American distinguished legal professor, former counsel and speech writer to Robert F. Kennedy, and the creator of TimeBanking. He co-founded the Antioch School of Law with his late wife, Jean Camper Cahn. Wikipedia

Born: March 23, 1935 (age 85 years)

Education: Yale Law School

Timebanking Basics

Timebanking is a kind of money. Give one hour of service to another, and receive one time credit.

The Five Core Values of TimeBanking

Redefining Work
Social Networks

TimeBank Giving and Receiving – Four Kinds

It’s helpful to think of four main kinds of timebank exchanges:

  • 1:1 – One person gives another person a ride to the doctor.
  • 1:Many – A yoga teacher earns credits teaching a yoga class to four other members.
  • Many:1 – Four members earn credits doing a garden clean-up for a senior.
  • Many-Many — A whole lot of people earn credits organizing and participating in a community pet-parade.

1 to 1.
1 to Many.
Many to 1 and,
Many to Many.

(as in zero and 1, really…)



Clever filming… apparently he just keeps the frame centered on a star (or a planet?) and uses a equatorial mount to track it with the camera, from evening to dusk. :+1:

And now I’m going to bed. So I say: nighties lovelies!

Also: here’s the first private crew to fly to the ISS

Commanding will be former NASA astronaut Michael López-Alegría, who has double nationality and was also the first Spanish astronaut -sort of; the first astronaut born and grown in Spain was ESA’s astronaut Pedro Duque, currently he’s minister of Science and Innovation in Spain’s government.

PS: each member has paid 55 million for the trip, plus Axiom will be paying 35,000 per day and crew to cover their food, storage and communications expenses aboard the ISS


Oh, Oh, Oh That’s The Woz | Song A Day #4235

2,503 views • Aug 5, 2020
2.5K views - 5 months ago
Jonathan Mann
68.9K subscribers

2. - 2 hours later at 04:07 Wed Jan 27, 2021:

Intel - From Inventors of the CPU to Laughing Stock [Part 1]

641,726 views • Jan 21, 2021
656K views - 5 days ago
2.8M subscribers

To try to get away with making other 
laughing stocks is hardly going to be legal 
since it's also against international law, 
unless they broke international law 
which would warrant this action.
Intel also works for the army.

3. - 3 hours later at 04:59:

4. - 10 minutes after the last update at 05:10:

People with flat feet are not allowed in the army.
It is an illness which hinder walking and running and transporting weight.

It is also a sign of tendons problems,
which tendons are between the muscles and the bones.

5. - 15 minutes after the previous update at 05:26:

Floppy music DUO - Imperial march

6.6M views - 9 years ago
Paweł Zadrożniak
473K subscribers

Pocket Computers from the 1980s

327,454 views • Jan 21, 2021
327K views - 5 days ago
The 8-Bit Guy
1.23M subscribers

6. - 15 minutes after the last update at 07:25:

#StarTalk #NeildeGrasseTyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Force vs. Pressure

32,114 views • Jan 26, 2021
32K views - 8 hours ago
1.4M subscribers


The other Steve. The wonderful wizard of Woz. Computer geeks all across the globe whisper his name in their sleep.

Also, space is a vast place. It is incredible how all those planets fit between moon and earth. :exploding_head:


…and with 8,000 km to spare they could squeeze Pluto in, just in case astronomers ever change their mind about poor old Pluto.

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: the uncanny valley in this video could also fit all planets in our solar system… and the Sun… and probably a couple stars from the Proxima Centauri system

Don’t ask me what that was even supposed to be. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The Proxima Centauri Signal - How much legitimate evidence do we have about other civilizations?

171,672 views • Dec 23, 2020
171K views - 1 month ago
The Angry Astronaut
46K subscribers


Intense Youtubing has happened, but now i’m done with watching YT videos… for today. So, I am going to sleep, happy that tomorrow it’s friday (eventually) and we’re having exceptionally smooth temperatures (tomorrow we’re expecting 12 to 21 C minimal and maximal). Nighties lovelies!

Also: no, you didn’t knew you WANTED to see a drone fly-through of the insides of a submarine… but now you do

This is a Dutch diesel submarine from the 1990s. All sensitive information belongs in the screens, which are turned off so the video has been released uncut. Some years ago I visited a Spanish submarine which was holding open days to the public and I remember how cramped and smelly it was (a smell of closed spaces, boiled food and fuel). Mighty bad place for claustrophoby…


There is a drone in the Submarine.

1 hour later at 16:27 Fri Jan 29, 2021.

Mission type Crewed lunar flyby
Operator SpaceX
Mission duration 6 days

Crew size 8–11
Members Yusaku Maezawa, Damien Chazelle (not accepted yet)[3]

It will make use of a SpaceX Starship on a private spaceflight flying a single circumlunar trajectory around the Moon. The passengers will be Maezawa, several artists, and one or two crew members. The project was unveiled in September 2018 and the flight is expected to occur no earlier than 2023.

Launch date: 2023 (proposed)

Crew size: 8–11

### dearMoon project - Wikipedia

Are there commercial flights to the moon?

SpaceX is already working on another spaceship — the Starship — that could send astronauts to the Moon and Mars. … While the focus of this launch is on SpaceX, it is not the only company contracted to provide commercial services to NASA. The other contender is Boeing’s Starliner. ~May 27, 2020


Time to go to bed after playing some War Thunder. for somereason, apparently my luck has turned today after switching from German to USSR/Russia, I’ve had several good teams in a row and have got some extra money (since victories have a bonus). Nighties lovelies!

Also: Windows sounds live…

Some people have got lots of spare time…


That’s one of the cutest videos I’ve seen in a while. The video is decent. No sex, no violence, no vulgarity. A video I can show to normal people. :relaxed:

Speaking of normal, this is a perfectly normal video to watch when you used to have a crush on the talker:


Good night, lovelies! :heart:
Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:


While it’s good for financing, for scientific purpose, it would be better to have SpaceX probes in orbit of the moon, and other systems nearby and, SoaceX robots on the moon for analysis if not small amounts of moon mining before, even if that would mean that no man has gone before.



#science #education #biochemistry

Has Protein Folding Been Solved?

17,163 views • Jan 30, 2021
16K views - 3 hours ago

Sabine Hossenfelder
196K subscribers


Watched a film, it’s late to go sleep so I just drop by to say: nighties lovelies! Read you tomorrow!


The Castle Bravo Disaster - A “Second Hiroshima”

673,796 views • Jan 22, 2021
674K views - 1 week ago
Kyle Hill
595K subscribers

Who knew that nuclear bombs had fusion in them?


Nice video on the Castle Bravo disaster, I think I’ve seen this youtuber somewhere else.

And now I’m off to bed, nighties lovelies!

Also: Salla 2032 summer Olympics!

I like my sarcasm cold… icy cold! :stuck_out_tongue:


New evidence AGAINST dark matter?!

170,306 views • Jan 28, 2021
169K views - 3 days ago

Dr. Becky
201K subscribers


Timezone lovelies. :heart: