The Like and Get Likes thread III

This is the operating system Edward Snowden recommends

201,847 views • Sep 6, 2020
202K views - 2 months ago
6.76K subscribers

5 minutes before:

Swiss Police and Star Wars - Christmasspot (Stromtrooper gets a parking ticket / benalty)

Dosa film und fernsehproduktion Schweiz
7.63K subscribers

The Railrodder

670,905 views • May 14, 2015
670K views - 5 years ago
372K subscribers

#OperatingSystems #Windows #Mac

The Top 10 Worst Operating Systems of All Time

136,959 views • Oct 22, 2020
136K views - 1 month ago
Dan Wood
54.1K subscribers

2 hours later, 1 hour after the last update:
1 edit - Jan 3 (2020)
in reply to
image Ishtanchuk Fazmarai


How To Speak by Patrick Winston

2,717,940 views • Dec 20, 2019
2.7M views - 11 months ago
MIT OpenCourseWare
2.75M subscribers
Jean-Baptiste Lefevre #AmazonAcademy Retweeted

- Jean-Baptiste Lefevre #AmazonAcademy - @jblefevre60 · Nov 25

This app called Yolo puts ComputerVision within reach of everyone!

#AI #MachineLearning #MachineVision @EvanKirstel

24 seconds video


F-8 Aircraft Carrier Crash (why carriers have angled decks for landing)

17,339 views • Nov 26, 2020
16K views - 3 hours ago
Dark Footage
204K subscribers


Its a game of stereotypes


The trouble with Facebook and what it has in common with scientific publishing

70,964 views • May 11, 2019
70K views - 1 year ago
Sabine Hossenfelder
160K subscribers

facebook is linked with "fake news", as, act of propaganda, and, 
psychological warfare.

2. - Edited Sat Mar 6, 2021 at 15:41:

At 00:41:

This is, after all, why we have the freedom of
the press written in the constitution: _ To
prevent an information monopoly .

3. - At 15:49:

At 00:11:

Facebook currently get a lot of Media Attention.
00:13: And not in a good way.
00:14: That’s because not only has Facebook collected
and passed on user’s information without those
00:21: user’s consent, it has also provided a platform
for the organized spread of political misinformation,
00:28: aka “fake news”.

00:31: I doubt you were surprised by this.
00:34: It’s hardly a breakthrough insight that
an almost monopoly on the filtering of information
00:40: is bad news for democracy.


Hmmm… guess I wouldn’t be interested even if they had all relevant (ehem-Spain-ehem) countries… but it’s a funny idea anyway.

Also, the optical illusion with the circles is very good, but my dad can’t see it. He’s very aware that the circles aren’t moving and can’t see them move, just sees them spinning. :woman_shrugging:t2:

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: October 30th 1960 / + November 25th 2020

Maradona was a god in the field, but all too human outside of it. He paid his many faults with his health and eventually his life… :pensive:


Battlestar Galactica | Lobotomising The Raiders

888,162 views • Apr 18, 2018
888K views - 2 years ago
Battlestar Galactica
45K subscribers

27 minutes ago:

#boston #braddelp #tomscholtz

Boston The Tragic History Of the Band, Death of Brad Delp & Tom Scholz Perfectionism

74,727 views • Nov 24, 2020
75K views - 1 day ago
Rock N’ Roll True Stories
195K subscribers

5 hours later, 4 hours after the last update:

LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively

1,788,427 views • Jun 26, 2014
1.7M views - 6 years ago
UChicago Social Sciences
53.3K subscribers

Reimagining/Reinventing Police Conference


Recorded live from University of Chicago’s July 30-31, 2020 “Reimagining/Reinventing Police” Zoom conference. Speakers discuss the promises and pitfalls of existing reforms and the potential for


They dont make games like they used to.

Stars tremble while minds implode.



This Is The Most Expensive Treasure Ever Found

3,888 views • Nov 27, 2020
3.7K views - 23 minutes ago
3.26M subscribers

2 hour later:

Stupidity is knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing the lies.
1 hour ago
12:30 PM · Nov 27, 2020 · Twitter for Android

653 Retweets - - - 111 Quote Tweets - - - 3K Likes


R.I.P. Maradona.


Not all parts of the books are meant to be as good as the other parts of the books.

On the other hand, it depends which part of the book you want to use for what.

If you need a book to get a reference from another project or business somewhere else, it might be useful to get a reference to another reference to find what you need for business from it (instead).


I think the guy/gal is referring to fiction, rather than non-fiction. @lilsteel


There’s more non-fiction in fiction than there can be fiction in non-fiction.

A lot of the parts in fiction are from real life, and, when they say that no content is related to real life event of facts, and that, any similarity is purely coincidental, it is also a coincidence that it is non-fiction that it is true.

Most of the artists who use that method find it easier to analyze the truth rather than to design new systems not based on the truth, but, based purely on imagination of facts which, while they may be real in some fictitious world, or setting, are not functional.

What they do instead is that, they try to change the facts of the content they refer to in fiction enough to make it seem to be as distant from reality as possible, and so, therefore, intent to create this kind of disconnection with reality, when in fact, it is not, and it is only disguised to be.

Nevertheless, they also use that for military camouflage, and, for secret projects.

Additionally, he refers to what he likes, as in, what he likes to read, compared to what he needs to read, or, what he is trying to read, and, maybe not how he is trying to read.

It’s like, he reads because he wants to read what he likes to read,
rather than, reading because he wants to use what he reads for work or business.

What this leads to is that, he likes to read what he doesn’t use for work and business, and, he is not in the business of relaxing himself for work.
So, he might end up with severe dysfunctional problem, and, be suggested to.

I make sure that I use that for work when they try to make pleasure the only form of action intended, and, use it to interfere against other things.

The problem is that, if it is not used for security then, someone attacking with it would then be able to get away with it, and it would be illegal for me to allow them to, and so, to hide them doing it to others.

By the time he realizes that reading has other use than pleasure, and more effective ways of being used than for pleasure, he may have lost many opportunities, including to verify who and what entities are trying to cause this to interfere against what he can use the reading and the writing as a science and form of expression, to communicate with others, information which would otherwise be lost , like those people wouldn’t believe.

Not that it has anything to do with beliefs of any sort, but still, just in case that it has a part to do with it, even if not in whole, but in parts.


There’s few books I haven’t finished… the first to suffer such unthinkable infamy was “Stranger in a strange land” by Henlein. I was like 2/3 of the book and decided I already had had enough idiocy to keep wading through it. Maybe the book was a thing in the 60s, but aged horribly. It just contributed to my general poor opinion about Henlein as one of the SF classics.

Anyway today I just finished re-reading for the 6th time Stanislaw Lem’s “Fiasco”. I still don’t know what the Quintans are, exactly, but this time I have understood a little better the ultimate reasoning behind the Humans’ escalating attacks on the Quintans as the aliens refuse to communicate.

Now I need to ponder what will I read next… but that will be tomorrow and the next days. Also tomorrow I’ll start taking a pill to see whether my heartbeat slows down, I’m around 85 to 105 bpm at rest, which is insane…

And now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: this is an interesting channel I stumbled upon…

The histories certainly are from the nasty side of disasters, but the author avoids sensationalism and gory imagery.


Hmmm… I see. Do you follow Bill Gates’s blog? He often recommends books in the blog. Even though the books he recommended between 2010-2014 are lost(or he removed), he recommended one specific book titled: “Abundance:The Future Is Better Than You Think”. It helped me to see the world in a new, optimistic light. It is more of a technical book, laying down the technologies and methodologies on how to create an exponentially abundant future via exponential technologies. I highly recommend it. This isn’t the book thread, however, so I’ll keep the book talk in this thread to minimum.

I haven’t much to say since I don’t know about both of the books you’re reading.
I hope you get well soon Yiole.

Good morning, lovelies. :heart:
Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:


No, because, when I worked on the anti-trust case before the 9-11, for which he paid $80 billion, or $50 billion, after, I was misrepresented as if focusing too much about him.

#TomHanks #CharismaOnCommand

How To Never Be Boring In Conversation

3,310,123 views • Aug 12, 2019
3.3M views - 1 year ago
Charisma on Command
4.17M subscribers

How To Argue With Someone Who Won’t Listen

576,227 views • Nov 16, 2020
576K views - 1 week ago

22 minutes later:

#TrevorNoah #CharismaOnCommand

How To Win An Argument Without Making Enemies

2,001,261 views • Oct 28, 2019
2M views - 1 year ago


People still play arcade cabinets? :open_mouth:


Dr. Mary Fowkes, medical hero.

Dr. Fowkers at 10:03.

Yes, I was going to say, a lot of those video about charisma above are rather objective than unbiased.

While it looks possible that their suggestions are real and valid, there is a great part of it that is based around what they refer to after the fact, rather than before the fact.

In other words, a lot of the activity is not done before.

How to find out about that is by doing analysis of the actual action and how it is achieved, and compared with intents and methods used to reach it and do it, and compare it with actual results, while omitting other factors related which is directly related to the parts they use to achieve their conclusion.

In other words, Hollywood does use propaganda.
It is not out of their activity and goal.

4 minutes later:
Needless to say, it’s not good to bother people with logic, when there are other problems that they are subjected to.

It is not logical to abuse someone with logic when they are not able to understand the logic due to other abuse or conditions, which a video represents as if they were failing at something instead.

The video and the people involved are disregarding facts, and also cause and create loss of contact with reality and disconnection of contact with reality and disconnection from reality.

9 minutes later:
1:52 PM
​There’s one thing which makes it harder to learn what you know, it’s that you already know it and you would have to forget about it before.

1:52 PM
​So, when you know that you don’t know, you are ready to learn it.