According to my calculations, my attempt to rebuild in Chimeraland a landmark building from RL should require 422 blocks for the bare basics, out of 530 blocks available for a Level 22 house.
I can’t see whether I’m mistaken and miscalculated some floor/ceiling tiles, but the number of doors is correct (each door is an extra block to add to its doorway block) and even fi it was wrong… I’ve got 100+ blocks to replicate non-basic features.
Now just need a suitable land plot which makes for a good home location.
Or find out I miscalculated and will wipe out my current home for nothing…
Addendum: after 3 hours of construction work (plus many more of preparation) I’ve finished building the thing. Now needs painting and decoration and rebuilding some parts with different materials, but I haven’t run out of blocks. Nighties lovelies!
Cracked for your…
Might as well post out the latest one.
…that’s some very black humor there…
But now I’m off to bed. I am considering to rebuild/move my new home at Chiemraland. Turns I messed one of the dimensions and also would be more dramatic a couple squares toward a cliff, so I will remove+place back all the house two squares forward block by block, except the one part that is too wide. Gonna take me all week probably and i might just get sick of it or whatever… That’s part of the fun, I guess.
Nighties lovelies!
Thanks to you ever dig this up.
“Backstreet Boys? Its about time you had another hit”
Turns out that moving a house is faster than building it. I’m 70% done in less than two hours.
Nighties lovelies!
Also: it takes 48 hours to manufacture/build a Porsche 911 GT3…
…and 1,500 workers, plus hundreds of robots. What is nto shown is manufacturing the engine and drive train, which come preassembled from another factory.
Now i wonde,r do those tanks come from seedlings? Like, you plant it and water it and then a new T-80UB crops out? Or are they like mushrooms, just go to the forest and harvest what you find?
Food for thought… Meanwhile I finished moving my new home at Chimeraland and tomorrow will go back to playing more actively. Nighties lovelies!
Also: 1997- 2021, 23 years and 5005 exoplanets in a 360º video
More will come, and maybe someone will find water and and an oxygen rich atmosphere on a rocky planet in the goldilocks zone and, if proven true, we will KNOW…
That is most likely true, but I wonder why a Rollsy’s production takes 6 months? I even watched a short documentary about its production on TV, but handcrafting the pieces one by one just don’t cut it for taking that long. I mean, how many rich people would have the patience to wait 6 months for their car? IIWT I’d just buy a Mercedes S-class, which both of them have the same level of comfort.
I wish I know too. Only way to make them I know from vidia games and its by clicking.
Quite a few I bet.
ROI on investments don’t normally happen overnight. (Not referring to the car, it’s a liability. But most money making ventures take time, thus patience).
How many middle class people have the patience to wait 6 months for a Tesla?
TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER is free on Epic store. Up to 7.04.2022.
…no machine is more out of control than a ship that is out of control…
I’m going to sleep, as I do usually aorudn this time of day. And so I say: nighties lovelies!
Also: reaction time 8 ms
Human reaction time is around 215 ms.
I think its because we have a lot bigger nervous system and overall we are a lot bigger so signals have to travel longer routes.
Yep, more signal travel time lag, and probably more signal processing time lag. Flies are like tiny biological robots, optimized to certain functions like avoiding incoming threats…
Divert ALL power to the remote shield boosters!