I’m definitely NOT an outdoors person, I say it high, I say it loud, I am urbanite and I am proud!
But i’m not as urbanite as to not know where does foodstuff come from, or that chickens don’t have nuggets. I actually had a potato plant in a pot once and also had some pet snails in a pot too because too poor to have an aquarium or a fishbowl. And yes, snails as pets are about as thrilling as it sounds. But I had an article from Scientific American on caring for snails at home and they came free with roman lettuce; very very rarely, one would just be stuck in the center or between the outer leaves, which now that I think of it means that those were chemical-free lettuces…)
Had tomatoe plants, they were magnificent. One night, on Devil’s Night, woke up buried in earth and tomatoe plants. Sticking out of the earth was was my evil sister’s slipper.
Word I learned today: wife beater (clothing). This one has been easy to find, but there is no Spanish equivalent to this slang word, we just call them “camiseta sin mangas” aka sleeveless shirt. Boring, I know.
It had be said that many actors and actresses in history were heavy drinkers.
True, you may look that up.
I’m sure there will be other actors out there worthy of mention.
Whether it is online content or off-line content such such as Hustler, one thing can be certain many actors are alcoholics
@Chad_Frostpacker I gave up my subscriptions to Ipsy and Allure for EVE Online, Chad.
In your Too much information look at those prices and imagine how much PLEX and fun you can buy with just one of those cases of firewater.
Yea but, sorry to break it to you, you’re not an actor, Chad, even though you roleplay like a pro.
You can ease down on the sauce now.
I like one of those Australian male models, the blond one in the car.
Of course! I like watching them do lots of things, Chad, repair cars, play soccer/basketball, shoot guns, dance, cook…
Oddly enough I like when they smoke big cigars.
This reminds me of when, many years ago, people used to order ‘sea monkeys’ by mail, which appeared in magazine advs as cute little families with dad, mum and cheerful little children. But when the pack arrived, they discovered that they were filthy beasts.
Speaking of snails, I could never raise animals that I would normally put in the oven…
Some time ago, on a website where you could ask a question anonymously and two strangers would try to answer it in real time, I wrote a quote from Jonathan Swift. They said they didn’t know and both asked if this Jonathan was related to Taylor Swift. The year was 2009-2010. Long before she was world famous.
As funny as that video is, it really makes me think there is so many things that can go wrong… Like for example how do they reactivate the neurons, that are cells, from full stop that is essentally like cell death on chemical and atomic level? The atomic reactions will pick up where they stopped?
Or maybe they will just scan and make a copy? But then its not really continuation of the same connectome… Or maybe the neurons would form just a cast for the new replacement that would be replacing old neurons? Would the memories survive? All the dependencies?
I have no idea what it all means. I don’t know what anyone would gain by cheating death except another chance to pay taxes. I do know something, it’s that people who want to do this are so afraid of death that they would pay any amount of money to avoid it and have no faith at all in the powers that created and sustain the universe to the point of ignoring that Death isn’t a destination but a doorway to something else.
It could also be a big swindle by the companies who offer cryo in that they have no idea whatsoever that they can reanimate the frozen subject. It’s arrogance and madness all wrapped into one.
The idea that death is reversable was born when experiments ith electricity made frog muscles contract. Something dead was moving again, so, maybe death was reversable?
The answer is no. For starters, we can’t create life, and that would be the easy part of maybe reanimating a dead body…
But the real problem is entalpy loss. When we die, trillions of things are destroyed, each one at its own rate, in its own way, and many become something that could never have been alive to begin with. It’s like shattering a glass in a trillion pieces and then many of the pieces disappear and many others stop being glass so even if you found them all it would be a mishmash of mostly not-glass, things that would look like glass, missing parts and specially missing information about its shpe or size… and it would fall apart again as soon as you removed whatever held it together.
Cryogenics it’s just stupid.
And now I’m off to bed, with a higher chance of sleeping than of dying. Night night lovelies!